Tuesday, May 8, 2012

You will give account for every video and every comment

Many believers make videos against other believers, to so called EXPOSE them. They even go as far as taking snips out of the videos and distorting the words of what that person said to show him up in a bad light. I see that has been done with some of my videos. That is fraud and lies and God will deal with us for each and every idle word. Believers also don’t care what COMMENTS they make on other believers videos. We will give account to God for every idle word that we have spoken.
I want to share my experience with you of God rebuking me. A few years ago I made a bad comment on the video of another brother. I went to bed and that night I woke up and I was sick to death and I had this person’s face in front of me. I got a hold of him and I repented and I said brother:"I had no right to put that comment on your video, please forgive me, please forgive me." I am glad that God dealt with me because if He did not deal with me then I would have to deal with that comment at the Judgment Throne. But I repented.
We must be very careful what we say and what we comment, what videos we make because we will give account to God. This is not a game, this is for real and God is watching us and He will not excuse us. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and another brother is also a brother, a child of God. What I do to that brother I am doing to God, whether I like the brother or not. I must be very careful what I say and what I do because FATHER IS WATCHING! Make sure that your videos and your comments are pleasing to FATHER or else you will be judged.
May Jesus bless you.

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