Saturday, March 10, 2012

Churches in Foreclosure - Judgment of God

Reuters Article:
The judgment of God is on the apostate Babylonian church system. I attach to this video in the description area the link to an article on Reuters: “Banks foreclosing on churches in record numbers.” We are not to owe anybody anything. A child of God is not in debt, and these churches are foreclosing because they cannot pay their debt obligations. We read in Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rules over the poor and the borrower becomes the lender's slave.”  These churches are part of the Babylonian system, they are not part of the Kingdom of God. The Body of Christ which is the true church cannot go bankrupt because it is not a kingdom of this world, but these (churches) are kingdoms of this world.
Paul also wrote in Romans 13:8 “Owe nothing to anybody except to love one another.”  How can these “churches” teach people the truth  if they themselves do not even live the truth? There is no truth in them, they are not part of the Kingdom of God. Come out from amongst them, friends. Come out and be holy,  follow Jesus Christ and serve Him. Do not be part of this Babylonian system because, it it coming down. The churches are coming down under the judgment of God because they are robbers dens. The Church of Christ, the true Body of Christ cannot come down. The Kingdom of God cannot be destroyed. These churches are not part of the Kingdom of God, they are part of the kingdom of this world.  Come out from amongst them or else you will suffer with them. The judgment of God is coming down on the kingdoms of this world that hate Him and disobey Him. Follow Jesus Christ and obey Him, if you want to have eternal life.

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