Thursday, September 29, 2011

They Hate Me – Word from the Lord 09/29/2011

I woke up last night and while praying the Holy Spirit spoke to me:

They do not love the truth, they love lies. It is Me that they hate and reject. They just want to justify themselves. They reject My love. They don't want to burn in hell but they don't want Me either. It is all about them and their desires. They love sin and their lusts. They do not want to hear from Me nor submit to Me. They are a rebellious generation. I will vomit them out . They are spoiled, rotten like apples, there is no remedy, no use for them. Only a remnant will be saved. They are utterly unwilling to serve Me. They hate My words, they hate My Spirit. They grieve My Spirit.

May Jesus bless you


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Daily Bread No 7 - Abundant Life 9/28/2011

Jesus came so that we can have Life and have it in abundance. He came to bring as Life, Eternal Life and that Life can only be found in Him and with Him, there is no other place. The Words of Jesus are the Words of Life and we must cherish those Words. The Words that He spoke that are recorded in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the Words that we must read and take seriously, obey those Words because Jesus said: He who has My Words and obeys them, is the one who loves Me and Me and My Father will come and live with him and I will reveal Myself to him. Dear friend, there are no other Words that can give you Life and that can give you Life abundantly. It is the Words of Jesus. If you obey the Words of Jesus as written in the Gospels then He will become real to you. He will reveal Himself to you. You need to seek Jesus. Don’t listen to other people’s talking, don’t go and read their writings, if it doesn’t take you to Jesus, if it doesn’t remind you of the Words of Jesus. Listen to Jesus. Go spend time with Him. Go sit at His feet, go and get quiet in His presence and He will reveal Himself to you. There is no other place to go dear friend. Ask Him for His Holy Spirit, to put His Spirit in you, so that He can talk to you and you can listen all the time and be led by His Spirit. Then you will have Life and will have it in abundance. There is no other place. He is God Almighty, He is the Alpha and the Omega, He is the Beginning and the End. He holds all things together by His Power. Dear friend, the only place that you will find Life in abundance is if you OBEY JESUS and you stay with Him. Seek Him with all your heart and He will give you Life that will last for all eternity. May Jesus bless you.


This is a serious warning to all preachers. You might be working for a church organization but you are accountable to God, to Jesus Christ for the souls. Because the souls belong to Him, He bought them at a price on Calvary, His own Blood. And you will give account to Him for what you did with the souls. The flock, the sheep are His flock, they are not your flock, they belong to Him and you are only to shepherd the sheep, to care for them, to feed them. You must feed them with the Words of Jesus because man will not live from bread alone, but from every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The Words of Jesus are the Words of Life. Those are the Words by which we all will be judged. You must teach the sheep to obey what Jesus commanded. Not church theology or doctrines, philosophy or psychology, positive thinking , your own words, the Words of Jesus , they are the Words of Life. You will be accountable for every word that you’ve spoken to those people. If you lead them astray, then Jesus Himself will hold you accountable. The money what you receive from the sheep, you will be responsible and accountable for that also. If you fleece the sheep and slaughter the sheep, then God will hold you accountable. That money must be used for the Kingdom of God, for the sheep, for the needy, for the orphans and the widows to look after them. You are responsible for that money, if you squander it on yourself and on lavish buildings in this world, temples in this world, God will hold you accountable for every penny. Dear friend it is your job to look after the sheep, to tend the sheep. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:45-51 He says: "Who is then the faithful and sensible slave whom His Master put in charge of His Household to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom His Master finds so doing when He comes. Truly I say to you, That He will put him in charge of all His possessions but if that evil slave says in his heart, 'My Master is not coming for a long time, and shall begin to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with the drunkards; the Master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect Him and at an hour which he does not know, and shall cut him in pieces and  assign him a place with the hypocrites; weeping shall there be and gnashing of teeth.” Dear friend, dear fellow preacher, are you feeding the sheep, are you tending the sheep, are you a responsible keeper? May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Divine Guidance

A child of God is a follower of Jesus Christ, who operates under the divine guidance, under guidance of the Holy Spirit. As Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 “Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” And Jesus said: That My sheep listen to My voice and they follow Me. You cannot follow Jesus Christ without DIVINE GUIDANCE. You might read the Bible and learn about salvation and righteousness but you need to be guided by the Holy Spirit of God, divine guidance. Many people want guidance off God but dear friend the Holy Spirit will not guide you into playing the horses, or into make more money. He will guide you into the will of God, into fruitfulness, into bringing others unto Christ because it is not about us, it is about the Kingdom of God and building the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit of God will guide us into doing that which is pleasing to Jesus. Jesus came to save this world and if His Spirit lives in us then He will operate through us as the Body of Christ, to bring others unto Christ. To win other souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves those who obey. And that is why we need divine guidance not for these little things that we are concerned about, a bigger house, or the small talk that we keep ourselves busy with. God is not concerned about these little things that we worry about. He is concerned about His Kingdom. And dear friend, if we belong to Jesus then our concern is the Kingdom of God. We don’t seek these things of the world. God knows what we need exactly and He will give what we need so that we can be fruitful in His Kingdom. Jesus said: Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you. We’ve got to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit every day so that we can be fruitful in His Kingdom. Did you bear fruit today? Did you testify for Jesus? Did you do what He told you to do? Are you under divine guidance? May Jesus bless you.


Daily Bread No 6 - Perfect Joy 9/27/2011

Jesus did not promise us an easy time if we follow Him. He said you will be hated by all men and in this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. If you are following Jesus Christ you will be rejected, you will be hated by all men. You will not fit into this world. Many Christians find themselves lonely and they become despondent, depressed because they don’t have friends. Dear friend, if you are depressed and lonely it is because you are not fruitful. If we are fruitful in the Kingdom of God, then we glorify God the Father and we ourselves are filled with joy because we are doing what is pleasing in His sight. If we are unfruitful then we are ready to be cut off, because Jesus said that every branch in Me that does not bear fruit will be cut off and put in the fire. There is a place of perfect peace, joy and happiness in Christ and that is when we bear fruit. If you bear fruit you will be rejected, you will be persecuted, just like the Apostles. They were caught and put in prison and even while they were in prison, they were singing songs of joy and praise unto the Lord and then the angel came and he took them out of prison, he led them out. Dear friends, there is a place of perfect joy in Christ and that is when we lift up Jesus, when we bear fruit, when we multiply, when we bring others to Jesus. If we are not building on to the Kingdom of God, we are destroying it. If we are not gathering, then we are scattering. If you feel useless then it is because maybe you are useless for the Kingdom of God and you are ready to be cut off. Become productive, get out there, go testify for Jesus. Put on a T-shirt with a message, go walk in the shops and tell the world that Jesus saves. Become a witness, become fruitful and you will have the joy of Christ in your life. May Jesus bless you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Do not be deceived

It is easy to be deceived and many of us are deceived. Many of us are brainwashed by the things that we have learned. Many of us believe things that people told us that are not necessarily the truth. Often people look for Scriptures to justify their point of view. Very often our insights into the Scriptures are flawed. Quiet often we hear things from other people that are not right. Dear friends, it is so easy to be deceived. And Jesus also warned and, I read from Matthew 24:24. He said "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” Dear friends, there is much deception in the world but there is a way to determine the truth and that is by the Spirit of God. The Apostle James wrote in James 1:5 “If any man needs wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men freely.” The only way to make sure that we are not deceived is to ask Jesus, to humble ourselves before Him and to cry out to Him and say” Lord please help me, please show me the truth. Dear friends, Jesus cannot let you down. He will not make you stumble. He is God Almighty. He is ALIVE! We will be deceived if we listen to other people. We will be deceived if we follow our own minds but we cannot be deceived if we cry out to Jesus and we ask Him and we say: “Lord please guide me!” because He is faithful and He will guide us into all truth. Dear friend, do not be deceived. Do not trust any man, only trust Jesus, go to Him and ask Him about everything and He will make sure that you get the right answer and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Do not be deceived.
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Daily Bread No 5 -- Hope 09/25/2011

After receiving a terrible word from the Lord I waited on Him for a word to the faithful:

There is hope for the one who puts His trust in Me, who is humble before Me and seeks to please Me. Streams of living water will flow from them even in times of great turmoil. They will have great peace because their trust is in Me. I cannot fail. I keep those who live in righteousness and uprightness before Me, who proclaim My Name and are not ashamed of Me. I support them in the day of calamity – they will not stumble. My light will shine through them – they will not be put to same.
As for the cowards and those who deny Me, they will be cast away.
Be still before Me, trust Me fully, do not be perturbed. Wait on Me and I will strengthen you for you do not have much power. Rejoice in Me and praise Me – I will give you joy, even in the storm. I am with you.

May Jesus bless you


TURN OR YOU WILL BURN -- Word from the Lord -- 09/25/2011

TURN OR YOU WILL BURN – Word from the Lord – 09/25/2011

I dreamed of roads closed and tanks and armored cars rushing over the land. When I woke up the Lord spoke to me.

The army of the Lord – in front of it the land looks like paradise, behind it is just dust and destruction. It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Even still, if they would repent and put away their sins and their idols and call on Me I will hear and answer. They are a wicked and a stubborn people. They love their lust and their sensuality and they hate Me. They profess My Name but they hate My commands. They disobey Me and spit in My face. Judgment will come and not delay. They seek to preserve their lives but will lose it because they have turned their back on me and trust in their own means. I will strip them naked. They will run from door to door and seek shelter. They despised My warnings to repent and continued in their wickedness. They taunt Me to My face. They mocked My servants that warned them – so will I mock them in their despair – they will cry out and I will not hear. I will punish their arrogance and put an end to their boasting, o nation of scoffers that recite My words but do not obey Me. You have made a mockery of My Name – I will make a mockery of you, for the whole world. You love your abominations and your sins. I will contend with you no longer, you offspring of harlotry. You will seek Me and not find Me. I will hide My face from you. When I called on you to know Me you mocked My servants who told you to seek My voice. As you would not seek My voice I will not hear your voice when you call, because you are not My sheep, you generation of vipers. You are fit for nothing but to be destroyed and to be left in your desolation. TURN OR YOU WILL BURN. Seek Me with fasting and prayer – humble yourselves before Me. Turn away from your sins and your wickedness. Seek Me with all your heart. Turn away from your paid soothsayers that prophesy prosperity to please you. Turn to me and not to men. TURN OR YOU WILL BURN.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Do not be obliged by men - Word from Holy Spirit

I share with you a Word from the Holy Spirit. Your obligation is to Jesus Christ to please Him not people. Seek to please Jesus, pray and ask Him for wisdom, trust Him. He will guide you. Do not lean on your own understanding. Get your guidance from the Holy Spirit. Pray until you know what He wants you to do. Do not lean on the hand of flesh. Do not fear the rejection of men, trust Jesus, do as He tells you or you will go into utter darkness. May Jesus bless you.

Religious Vipers - Word from Holy Spirit

I share with you a Word that I received from the Holy Spirit :- No fear of God, no awareness of Jesus. Believers are defending Bible and church and they are not following Jesus. They do not care to disobey Him, to fight, lie, slander, gossip and persecute the disciples of Jesus Christ. They are reprobates religious vipers, enemies of Jesus Christ. If they do not repent and find Jesus they are destined for hell. By their works you will know them. A child of God seeks to be pleasing to the Master, Jesus Christ. May Jesus bless you.

Daily Bread No 4 - Reality of Jesus - 9/24/2011

The Lord Jesus spoke to me in a dream last night. I wrote it down and I want to share it with you. I was at a play about Jesus , there were many people. The players were children but they were not serious. They had no appreciation off who Jesus is, to them it was just a play. The organizers thought that they did good but the children were laughing, fighting and using bad language. At the end of the play, I got up and started speaking to the dispersing audience and to the children. I asked if they believe in Jesus, they all stuck up their hands, then I said: If you believe, why do you fight and curse and sin? If you believe, you will obey Jesus. They did not want to listen to me and started dispersing. Then the organizer came to me and he said how can I do that? I said to him that is what I do. I challenge people with the reality of Jesus Christ. Dear friend, is Jesus Christ your reality or is anything else more real to you? Are you constantly aware of Jesus, day and night? Are you listening to His voice? Are you following Him? Is Jesus really your reality? May Jesus bless you.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Daily Bread - NO 3 Little flock - hearing Jesus - 9/23/2011

Through the years of following the Lord Jesus closely and making disciples, we have seen so many people COME and GO, and very very few have really stuck around and are following the Lord Jesus. As I was praying this morning I was asking the Lord about this and the Holy Spirit said to me: “little flock..” I was reminded of the words of the Lord Jesus as written in Luke 12:32 where He said: “Do not be afraid little flock for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” Dear friends, if you want to follow Jesus Christ then you must know it is a lonely road because it is a little flock. There are very few people who follow the Lord Jesus, as the Lord said to me a few days ago: “Only a remnant will follow Me. There are not many who truly want to follow the Lord Jesus.
People often have a problem distinguishing between their own thoughts and the Holy Spirit speaking into their hearts. The reason for that is that they are DOUBLE MINDED, they have not made up their minds to follow Jesus with all their heart. They are still concerned about their own affairs and running after their own interests and that is why they cannot discern, they don't want to. In their mind they are not submitted to the Holy Spirit of God. If you are totally submitted to the Holy Spirit and you have decided to follow Jesus then you gladly accept the word that the Holy Spirit plants in your heart, whether it be direction that He gives you or whether He reprimands you, because you are glad to oblige, you are glad to submit to the Holy Spirit because you want to be pleasing to Jesus. As Jesus also said, where your treasure is their your heart will be also. The question is, dear friend: Where is our heart? Is our heart set on pleasing Jesus, or on other things? Because if we are not totally set on Jesus we are double minded and we will doubt – then we will not follow the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to set our mind on Christ and on pleasing Him and then the message of the Holy Spirit will come through LOUD and CLEAR! May Jesus bless you.

The Price of Love

Love is not a feeling or about something that you like. It is about what you want to achieve. If you want to be a champion marathon runner, then it is the achievement that you are after but there is a very tough price to pay for that. You’ve got to practice, you’ve got to punish your body, you’ve got to abstain from certain foods. There is a price to be paid. For every pleasure in live there is a price to be paid. If you want to be a pilot, you must go to ground school, it will cost you a lot of money, you will need to go through all the training. And if you endure, and very few do, if you endure, you get your wings, you go solo. Very few pilots go solo. If you want to be a wrestler or a boxer or anything if you want six pack abs, if you want to be a muscle man, the exercise, the training, is not nice, it is tough, but you are after the result . Dear friends, if we want eternal life then we must obey Jesus Christ, then we must stop sinning and do what He commands us to do. Jesus loved us so much that He paid the price. It was not pleasure for Him to come to this earth, to leave His glory, to take on the form of a Servant, to walk the dust streets, to be rejected, to be hated, to be persecuted and eventually to be crucified by His own whom He loved. He cared so much for them, that He came to redeem them, to pay the price for their sins. The wages of sin is death my friend. You and I deserve death. Jesus took the pain, He paid the price and He is offering us eternal life with Him AT A PRICE. And that price is OBEDIENCE TO HIM. He gives us eternal life for free, if we accept Him as Lord but there is a condition to it. He said: If you love Me, obey Me. He died for us, so we must die to ourselves and our sinful desires and live a life to please Him. And thereby we prove that we love Him. Is it nice to follow Jesus? NO, certainly not. Is it nice to be persecuted because of the Name of Jesus? Certainly not. Sin has its pleasures but sin has its rewards, if we keep on sinning, then the wages of sin is death. We need to live holy and obey Jesus, if we love Him. If we love the end result which is eternal life with Jesus Christ in His Kingdom. Dear friend, do you love Jesus or do you love sin? It all depends on where you want to end up. Jesus loved us so much that He paid the price. Do we love Him so much that we will pay the price and obey Him so that we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven. May Jesus bless you.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nobody is born gay

NOBODY is BORN GAY. We are all born with a sinful, selfish deviant nature and we like to please ourselves even at the expense of other people. If we follow after our sinful nature, then we destroy ourselves and those around us. And eventually we will end up in eternal damnation because we are in rebellion against God. Dear friends, there is only one way to be pleasing to God and have eternal life and that is, we need a NEW NATURE, we need to be BORN AGAIN, inside. And that miracle takes place, if you HUMBLE yourself before JESUS, go on your knees, you humble yourself before Him and you ask Him to forgive you, of all your sins and to accept you as a child of God. To make you NEW inside and then He puts a new nature in you. A nature that HATES SIN and LOVES GOD. A new birth takes place inside of you and that new birth must be cultivated so that you become a child of God. If we go after our sinful nature, then we must die, because the wages of sin is death. But if we ask Jesus for the new nature and we OBEY HIM, then we are pleasing to God and we become children of God. We don’t sin anymore, but we do those things which God wants us to do. God wants us to obey Jesus, the Words of Jesus are written in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If we OBEY those Words, we will have ETERNAL LIFE but if we go after the desires of our sinful flesh, then we must die and we will end up in ETERNAL HELL. Dear friend, the choice is ours. We can ACCEPT JESUS, ASK HIM for the NEW NATURE, cultivate that nature, obey Jesus Christ and follow Him or we can go after our sinful nature and we will die and we will spend eternity in DAMNATION, away from the face of God, in eternal hell and punishment. The choice is yours my friend. Will you choose Jesus and live or will you go after your own sinful nature? May Jesus bless you.


Daily Bread - No 2 - Picky Eaters 9/22/2011

Man shall not live from bread alone but from every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God. The Word of God, the Bread of Life is Jesus Christ Himself as He declared and it is written in John 6:35. Jesus said to them , "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. But I say to you that you have seen Me, and yet do not believe. Dear friends, Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life and His Words are the Words of Life. His Words are not accepted by many, they are rejected. When Jesus said to them, I read from verse 54 He said: "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up in the last day.” When He said those Words they could not accept it. And they said as I read in verse 60 "Many therefore of His disciples, when they heard this said, "This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?" :61 But Jesus, conscious that His disciples grumbled at this, said to them, "Does this cause you to stumble? Many of His disciples did not want to walk with Him anymore. Dear friends, today also, many do not walk with Jesus because the Words of Jesus are hard Words, they cut the flesh to pieces. Many people will not listen to the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent. Because Jesus did not leave us as orphans. He sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth to lead us and to teach us. But most believers are picky eaters. They don’t want Jesus, they don’t want the Words of Jesus. They don’t want to listen to that which the Holy Spirit tells them. They want to pick and choose. They want to open the Bible and they want to read the Words that suit them and they want to twist them and apply them in the way that is acceptable to them. They don’t want the Words of Jesus. Dear friends, if we want Life, then we must eat the Bread of Life. We must accept the Words that Jesus sends to us by the Holy Spirit. That is why we need to wait on Him, we need to listen, we need to be guided by the Holy Spirit. If we are picky eaters we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Because those who are picky are disobedient, they do not want to hear the truth, they don’t want to follow Jesus, they don’t want to EAT the Bread of Life. If you want Life, you’ve got to wait on the Lord, you’ve got to listen to the Holy Spirit and He will guide you into all truth. Because He will take from Christ and give unto us, He will guide us into that which our Master wants to convey to us. Jesus Christ Himself is the Bread of Life. Are you eating that Bread? Do you eat what He gives you to eat? Do you LISTEN to the voice of the Holy Spirit and do you OBEY or are you a picky eater? Don’t you want to eat what the Lord gives you to eat? He will convict us of sin, righteousness and judgment. And very often the Words of the Holy Spirit hurt us, they grieve us because they cut the flesh but they lead us unto Life. Man will not live from Bread alone but from every WORD that proceeds from the Mouth of God through His Holy Spirit. If we eat the Bread we will live, if we are picky eaters we will not live dear friends. Are you accepting what the Holy Spirit of God is speaking to you every day? May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daily Bread - No. 1 9/21/2011

Our Lord Jesus asked the Apostle Peter whether he truly loved Him and when Peter said yes, Jesus said to Him then FEED MY SHEEP. Dear friends, as disciples of Jesus Christ, it is our duty to feed the sheep. Jesus taught us to pray and say: Give us this day our daily bread. Man will not live from bread alone, but from every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The Lord Jesus laid on me this morning while I was praying to feed the sheep. We receive daily bread, which we must share with our brothers and sisters. And so, what the Lord Jesus gave me this morning, I want to share with you. I keep a journal next to my bed and when I wake up at night or in the morning first thing, I write down what the lord speaks to me. Sometimes He gives me dreams, when I wake up I write it down and other times He speaks to me. And I want to share with you what the Lord Jesus gave to me this morning. The Lord said to me that: The called out assembly is only a remnant. There are only a few, very few who truly love Him and who truly follow Him. People are looking for other brothers and sisters, there are very few dear friends, there is only a remnant. But we must walk with Jesus, we must seek Him every day. We must not look for other people. The Lord also spoke to me about the witchcraft in the churches. He said I must explain that. People do not understand what is meant by witchcraft in the church. Dear friends, the churches attract people and they hold them captive through witchcraft. And they use the Bible also for that witchcraft. Now what is witchcraft? Witchcraft is lies and deceit. Churches deceive people into thinking that their church membership and participating in all the rituals in the church, contributes to their eternal salvation. It is just not true friends. All that matters is our relationship with Jesus. Eternal life is knowing Jesus Christ and through Him we know God the Father. We must know Jesus and Jesus must know us and we must be pleasing to Him all the time. We must be in a close relationship with the real Living God, He must be real to us. We must be tuned in to Him all the time. Everything that we do must be focused on Jesus, on pleasing Him. He died for us, so we must live our life to please Him. When He walked this earth, He delivered the Gospel, the Good news, how we can be saved through His Words. He spoke those Words, those Words were recorded in the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the Words of Life. Those are the Words that we have to OBEY. And Jesus said: He who loves Me is the one who keeps My commands, the WORDS that He spoke and then if we obey His Words, He will reveal Himself to us. If we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him. Jesus said, we must repent of our sins, turn away from sin, we must be baptized and we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit which He has sent to guide us into all truth and that is all we need dear friends, is the Holy Spirit, because He will teach us all things and He will guide us. But we need to be tuned in. Now many people are diverted into “church” and they think that going to church and participating in church organization contributes to their spiritual life, it does not. If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus all the time, it is all in vain dear friends. Participating in all those rituals in church will not help you. All that matters is: Do you know Jesus? Is He real to you? Have you spent time with Him this morning? Did you start your day right? Are you focused on Him all the time? We cannot follow Jesus part time. We must follow Him every day of our life. He said: If you wish to come after me, then come here, deny yourself, pick up your cross everyday and follow Me. We’ve got to follow Jesus every day. The only way we can follow Him is if we are guided by the Holy Spirit, which He GIVES to those who love Him. He communicates to us through His Spirit. He puts His Spirit in our heart and He speaks to us all day long. But if we are destracted by other things and we are not focused on Jesus, if we are busy with our own things, how can we be seeking the Kingdom of God, how can we be working our relationship with Jesus? Dear friends we need to be working on our relationship with Jesus all the time, all the time He's got to be on our mind all the time, doesn’t matter what you do, where you go. What problems you face, you've got to be talking to Jesus, in your mind, in your heart. Say: Lord, I don’t know how, how to reply to this question, please help me, then He helps you, He puts it into your mind. But we must be focused on our Lord. Church is a deception dear friends, church does not take you closer to Jesus that is witchcraft. You cannot serve the Lord by going to church once a week. You serve Jesus every day of your life. Discipleship is a full time business, it is not a Sunday, or two three days a week. Don’t become a slave of church, and if you are a slave of church, get out, get real with Jesus. Get out under the sorcery because they oblige people, they keep them captive and they feel that if they don’t go to church, they are going to hell. No my friend, if you don’t follow Jesus then you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Get out of the deception, walk with Jesus, everyday of your life. Focus on Him. Get your daily bread from Him, He will feed you. Man will not live from bread alone, but from every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God, then you get it from Him alone. You must spend time with Jesus every day and He will guide you every step of the way. May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why most believers do not HEAR Jesus

Jesus said that His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they follow Him. Now there are many believers WHo say that they don’t know the voice of Jesus, they’ve never heard Him. There are many PREACHERS that do not hear the voice of Jesus. The reason for that being that they don’t know Him, they are not His sheep. If we are His sheep, then we will hear His voice. He is the Living God, He is the Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, He is the King of Glory, Jesus Christ and He can speak. And His sheep listen to Him, they follow Him. There are many believers who have been believers since they are born, some for many years, 5o years and they don’t know Jesus, they don’t know His voice. Dear friend, if you don’t know His voice, then you are not His sheep, then you haven’t met Him, you just don’t know Him. There are some believers that say the Holy Spirit is a feeling, they don’t know Him and they haven’t met Him. Dear friend, there is one way to meet Jesus and that is: Humble yourself, go down on your knees and cry out to Him with all your heart. Draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you and He will reveal Himself to you and you will KNOW that He is real. You will never doubt again. You will hear His voice and you will know. Many people believe they are saved, but they have never met the Savior. What makes you think that you are saved? Has Jesus told you? We need confirmation from Jesus Himself dear friend, or else we just don’t know Him. Get to know Jesus, get down on your knees, cry out to Him, and He will reveal Himself to you. May Jesus bless you.

Bible Witchcraft – Word from the Holy Spirit 9/20/2011

The Bible is not the Sword of the Spirit – quoting the scriptures to deter the devil is witchcraft. What is of the flesh is flesh and what is of the Spirit is Spirit - only those who are under the guidance of the Holy Spirit can be using the Sword of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment, not reasoning of the mind. Conviction of the Holy Spirit leads to heart felt repentance and new birth. Conversion by reason produces proselytes who had no change of heart – that is witchcraft. Churches use the scriptures for their witchcraft, to keep souls captive. They cunningly distort the scriptures and devise their doctrines of demons to manipulate people and make them slaves of the churches, to rob and cheat them. They force certain practices on them, clothes, food and other customs that have no value, but load guilt on the offenders. That is witchcraft, not conviction of the Holy Spirit. They blind the eyes of people to the truth with their sorcery. They use the Bible as a magic book to do their sorcery. Without the Bible they have no hold over the people. Their control is demonic. People are under obligation to come to church and tithe to them, the robbers and thieves. They are workers of iniquity who lead souls astray, deceiving them with scripture. Those whom the Son of God has set free
are free to follow Him – they are not slaves of men and pew sitters who work for church organizations and individuals that mesmerize them into submission through claims of visions and visitations of angels. The Holy Spirit brings you into a relationship with Jesus not with men – what is of the flesh is fleshly and demonic. Those who operate by the Bible are practicing witchcraft – those who are led by the Holy Spirit serve the Kingdom of God.
The words of Jesus are Spirit and Life – the doctrines derived from the scriptures are witchcraft. Those who obey the word of Jesus have life – they embrace the Holy Spirit sent from the Father to guide them into all truth.

May Jesus bless you


Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Tough Coach - The Holy Spirit

If you want to do good, at any activity that requires physical effort, then you find yourself a good COACH. A good coach is a TOUGH COACH. A good coach will PUSH you to the limit, all the time. He will work you extremely hard. You will HATE him at times, but you will love him because he will make you succeed. Jesus Christ sent us such a tough COACH, that will get us into Heaven, if we SUBMIT to HIM and that Coach is the HOLY SPIRIT. Dear friend, the Holy Spirit of God will not work tenderly and softly with you. The Holy Spirit of God will put you on the tight rope and will push you to the absolute limit. He will teach you and He will guide you, but you MUST be DEDICATED. You must be willing to SUBMIT yourself to HIS AUTHORITY. He will PUSH you as long as you SUBMIT but if you REJECT HIM, He will leave you. If you GRIEVE the HOLY SPIRIT of God, He will leave you to your own devices. But if you embrace Him, He will coach you and ensure that you get into Heaven. Very few people TRUST the Holy Spirit. Most people don’t want the Holy Spirit, they think they can make it on their own. They will not submit themselves to the Holy Spirit. They will not listen to the Holy Spirit. They trust their Bibles, they trust their pastor’s, they run to other people but the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ sent to GUIDE us into ALL TRUTH, to TEACH us and to TELL us things to come, they reject Him, they will not listen to Him. Dear friend, are you LED BY the HOLY SPIRIT? Have you SUBMITTED yourself to the TOUGH COACH? Have you ask Jesus to send the TOUGH COACH to coach you, or do you think you can make it on your own? Dear friend, NOBODY will get into Heaven without the coaching and the help of the TOUGH COACH. He is our COMFORTER, He is our TEACHER, He is the ONE who TELLS us, everything that the Father wants us to know. He is the One who PUSHES us to the limit. He is the One who PLEADS for us and through us with Jesus when we PRAY in the SPIRIT. But if you REJECT HIM and you don’t TRUST Him and you don’t SUBMIT yourself to Him, He will not lead you. Have you INVITED the HOLY SPIRIT into your life to guide you and to lead you into all truth, or do you think you can make it on your own? May Jesus bless you.

Time to move on!

Many believers, have never started following Jesus Christ. They heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, they read it in the Bible, but they NEVER started following Jesus. Most believers are stuck in the Bible, they keep on reading the same message over and over and over and they’ve never come to the point of following Jesus Christ. They never became disciples. They are not led by the Holy Spirit. They do not know His Voice, neither do they listen to His voice. They do not trust Him and they do not follow Him. They are not His sheep. Dear friends, if we are sheep of Jesus Christ we obey Him. We deny ourselves, we pick up our cross every day and we follow Him. We are led by the Holy Spirit. He guides us every day and we do what He tells us to do. We don’t do what we want to do. We are spiritual people, we listen to the Holy Spirit and we get our direction from Him. Have you moved on, are you following Jesus? Is Jesus real to you? May Jesus bless you.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Real Christians do not fight or go to war

A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. A Christian obeys Jesus and lives as He lived. A Christian does not fight or go to war. Jesus said that if they strike you on the one cheek, offer them the other. He said we must love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Jesus Himself did not resist an evil man. Dear friends, if we follow Jesus and we want to enter into His Heaven, then we obey Him hundred percent and we take HIS WORDS LITERALLY. The unrighteous and the disobedient will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. No fighters and no murderers will go into the Kingdom of Heaven. We must obey the Words of Jesus Christ and DO as He commanded us or else He is not our Lord and our Master, He is not our King. If Jesus is our Lord we OBEY HIM. May Jesus bless you.


Forgive unconditionally and God will forgive you

We must unconditionally forgive everybody who has ever sinned against us, because if we do not forgive others, then God will not forgive our sins and if our sins are not forgiven , we will end up in hell. Jesus showed us the example, when He hung on the cross , He asked the Father to forgive those who crucified Him, because He said: “Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.” Dear friends, we must forgive everybody, even without them asking. We must forgive unconditionally, because if we hold things against other people, then our sins will also be held against us. Let go of the past, forgive and forget and follow Jesus Christ and you will also be set free. Set others free and we will also be set free. May Jesus bless you.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011


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Jesus Christ Himself is Lord of lords and King of kings. The prophet Isaiah prophesied about Messiah coming and He came. I read his words in Isaiah 9:6 For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; And His Name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government. Dear friends that is Jesus. He is the King of kings and he is the Lord of lords and He Reigns and His Government is increasing. There is no end to His Reign. Salvation is through the Words of Jesus which He Himself delivered, the WORDS OF LIFE, there is no other. If we do not OBEY JESUS we will not enter His Kingdom. The whole world will be judged by the Words of Jesus, the whole world will be judged by Jesus. As He also said I read His Words as recorded in the Gospel of John 12:47-48 And if anyone hears My sayings, and does not keep them, I do not judge him: for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the Word I spoke is what will judge him in the last day.” Dear friends, Jesus Christ will judge the whole world by HIS WORDS. He Himself is the Judge. He is Mighty God, He is Prince of Peace and He Reigns. We will not be judged by any other Words, not by what other people wrote. Not what Paul said, not what other people say, what they wrote, by other Scriptures. We will be JUDGED BY the KING HIMSELF according to HIS WORDS. Are you OBEYING JESUS? Are you SERVING the KING? Because only those who OBEY HIM WILLINGLY and SERVE HIM will go into His Kingdom. Only those who truly KNOW HIM will be given entrance into Heaven. Because He will say to many in that day: Go away I never knew you. Dear friend, do you OBEY the WORDS of the KING? Do you KNOW the KING? Are you SEEKING the KING? Are you FOLLOWING HIM every moment of your life. HIS WORDS are the WORDS OF LIFE. The WORDS OF JESUS, they are written in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Only those Words, the Words of Jesus. Are you OBEYING the KING? May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WAKE UP or God will cut you off!

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Many believers are indulging in willful sin. Many believers are unfruitful, they are not bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. They are unholy, unrighteous. Dear friends, the grace of God is leading you to repentance. The reason that you are still alive, is not because God favors you. It is because He is giving you a CHANCE TO REPENT, OBEY JESUS, BE HOLY AND BEAR FRUIT. If you do not repent and obey Jesus, you will be cut off and you will burn in hell my friend. God has one standard, and that standard was expressed by Jesus Christ. If you call yourself a Christian, then you ought to obey Jesus and DO as He did. You will live like He lived and you will obey Him. If you don’t , you will end up in hell. It is time to wake up. It is time to take Jesus seriously. The majority of believers will end up in HELL. The majority of believers are CUT OFF because they are UNFRUITFUL and DISOBEDIENT. Are you doing what Jesus called you for dear friend? He called us to be servants, to bear fruit in His Kingdom. Jesus said the branch in Me that does not bear fruit, will get cut off and thrown in the fire. With God there is no favoritism, no partiality, He makes no exceptions and he will not make an exception, NOT for you and not for me. Are you taking Jesus serious dear friend? WAKE UP! Wake up my friend before it is too late. The axe is already lying at the root of the tree, and many, many will be cut off. Will you be one of them, or will you start bearing fruit? May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Watch your tongue! It can take you to HELL

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Jesus gives eternal life to those who OBEY HIS WORDS, obey what He said. He also warned us against words, against that which we say, because what we say will determine whether we will have eternal life or not. I read the Words of Jesus in Matthew 5:22 "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever shall say to his brother, “raca” which means, “you’re good-for-nothing,” “you are useless” as people say “you ass” “you donkey” shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever shall say, 'you fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the hell of fire.” People don’t mind calling each other “your idiot.” If they truly believe the Words of Jesus, they won’t do those things, they will stop sinning. People don’t care to slander each other, they don’t care to make videos against each other but we will give account of every word that we’ve said. And those same people who slander another brother and sister profess to be believers, Christians, they don’t believe. They don’t believe the Words of Jesus. If they DID, they wouldn’t DO those things. Jesus said to the Pharisees Matthew 12:34-37 "You brood of vipers, how can YOU, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. The good man out of his good treasure brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth what is evil. But I say to you, that every careless word that man shall speak, they shall render account for it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.” People can so easily make a comment, a nasty comment on somebody else’s video or just say something nasty to somebody else. Dear friends, every word that we speak, we will give account of. Do people realize that? We will give account of every idle word, dear friends. Many people, many, will end up in hell because of their tongues. Let us be careful what we say. God is listening and He does not forget. We will give account. May Jesus bless you.

Most believers will perish

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I share with you a Word that I receive from the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide believers into all truth but they refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit. They listen to men and accept the words of men written in the Scriptures. They trust in man and that is why they will perish. They are cursed, they do not accept the Words of Jesus as written in the Scriptures. He promised the Holy Spirit. They REJECT what He sent and what He said. The Light has come into the world but men love darkness more than Light because their deeds are evil. Believers don’t really believe, they believe lies, they don’t know Jesus nor do they trust Him, they follow people. Jesus said to His disciples: Some of you do not believe. People believe what they choose. The Words of Jesus are written, yet people don’t take it as it stands literally, they want it twisted. You only need to trust, believe and obey. The Words of Jesus are eternal life, for those who believe and obey. May Jesus bless you.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bible study cannot save you - only the words of Jesus

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Many people who had Bibles and studied the scriptures will end up in hell because they never got to know Jesus Christ Himself for real. Jesus warned the scribes and the pharisees about exactly the very same thing. I read from John 5:39. Jesus said to them:“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; 40and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life in you.” Dear friends, eternal life is Jesus Christ, knowing Him and OBEYING Him. His words are the words of life, nothing else, no other words, only the words of Jesus can save us IF we OBEY them. As Jesus also said to the disciples, I read from John 6:63. “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and are life.” The words of the Lord Jesus, they are Spirit and life, no other words – they are the Words of God, they are the Words of Life. They are also the Words by which we will be judged, no other words dear friend, not what anybody else said, but ONLY what Jesus said. I read again in John 12:47 Jesus said:“If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48“He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word that I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. 49“For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me commandment as to what to say and what to speak.” Those are the Words of Jesus, dear friend, there are no other words that can save us, not the words of Peter and Paul or any of the other apostles, not any of the other words can save us dear friend. The words of Jesus Christ are the words of LIFE. The words of Jesus are recorded in the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, only those four gospels, small part of this whole Bible – those are the words of LIFE dear friend, those are the words to study and to OBEY because studying them without obeying them is USELESS. It is useless to study the whole Bible and to think that you will earn eternal life by doing that – it is interesting to study the Bible, but dear friend, if you want eternal life, you need to OBEY the WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST and nothing else! People like to quote Paul and Peter and all the other men of God, that is fine, but ONLY THE WORDS of JESUS are the WORDS OF LIFE. THOSE ARE THE WORDS TO OBEY. If you say: “Paul said” and you do as Paul said, my friend, those are not the words by which you will be judged – you will be judged by the WORDS OF JESUS! We must make sure that we OBEY the Words of Jesus because He gives eternal life to those who OBEY HIM. Go read the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and DO those words and you will have eternal life. May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What it means to LOVE - love is NOT a feeling

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Love is not a feeling. It is not about liking somebody or something. Love is what you do, because you care for somebody else. God loved this world so much that He sent Jesus to die in our place. That is love. That was a sacrifice. Jesus loved us so much, He cared for us so much, that He obeyed God the Father and He suffered and died in our place for our sin because He loved us. If we LOVE JESUS we WILL OBEY HIM. It is not about liking, it is about action. Jesus said: If you love Me, DO what I command. Dear friend, it is not about feeling. There is no reason why God should love me? There is no reason why God should love this world, that HATES HIM, that DESPISES HIM, that SPITS IN HIS FACE, that DENY HIM. People want Jesus to show His love to them. He has already done it dear friend, He loves you, HE DIED for you. But now HE IS ALIVE. And if you don’t LIVE for Him and OBEY HIM you have no part in Him. There is no reason why you should spend eternity in His Heaven with Him. To love is a DECISION it is not a feeling. Because you CARE for somebody, you watch out for them. You do things for them and it is not because you like them it is because you CARE for them. God cared for us that much, that He did not ABANDON us. This world DESERVES to be DEMOLISHED. The people that God created, that HATE HIM so much, deserve to be DESTROYED because they HATE HIM. They destroy His planet, they destroy each other, they WAR, they WHORE, they KILL each other, they ABORT their own babies, they live in utter immorality. They don’t love God, they love their LUSTS and they HATE each other, they EXPLOIT each other. Love is not what you can get OUT of it. Love is acting because you CARE. Dear friend, if you do not LOVE JESUS and OBEY HIS WORDS, there is no way that you will enter into Heaven. Do you love Jesus? It is a DECISION to OBEY JESUS it is not easy. It is not easy to love YOU and ME, but God loves us. It is not easy to love God. It is not easy to obey Jesus, but if you don’t obey, you won’t have eternal life. Love comes at a price and if you don’t PAY the PRICE then you cannot have the reward. The reward is ETERNAL LIFE for those who LOVE JESUS and demonstrate their love through OBEDIENCE to HIM. May Jesus bless you.

Walking the tight rope of discipleship

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Getting into the Kingdom of Heaven and having eternal life is not an easy thing. It is extremely difficult and that is why very, very few people will make it into Heaven. When they asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few. He said: STRIVE HARD because MANY, many I tell you will try very hard and not be able. Dear friends, if we want to enter Heaven, we must follow Jesus. We must obey His Words. It is not easy. It is like walking a tight rope at high elevation. You are a hundred stories up in the air and you’ve got to walk from the one building to the other and there is a tight rope between these two buildings. If you want to make it to the other side, you will have to absolutely concentrate, that you do not lose your balance. You cannot afford to look around, you cannot afford to have your attention diverted. If you do not keep your eyes on Jesus, you will fall off that tight rope dear friend. You might have a safety harness, but if you fall, you might just not be able to get back onto that tight rope. Dear friends, it is not easy to follow Jesus Christ. He will help you, every step of the way, but you need to focus your eyes on HIM. People say: How is it possible to not sin? Dear friend, how is it possible to sin if you are walking a tight rope? Keep your eyes on Jesus and follow Him every step of the way or else you will just not make it to the other side. May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The False Worshipers - Word from the Holy Ghost - 9/10/2011

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False worship is an abomination to God, it does not reach His ears. It is just a performance. It does not come from the heart. It only satisfies the flesh. Emotional songs and music mesmerize the people but nothing has happened in their hearts. They go from there feeling good but nothing has changed. True worship is a cry from the heart, a groaning from the soul, a hunger and a thirst that cannot be expressed in words. True worship is humbling yourself with your face to the ground, emptying yourself of self, all dignity, false pride and pretense. The Holy Spirit does not compete with your own spirit or with demons – you must empty yourself and make room for the Spirit of God. Empty words do not impress God – the offerings of God are a contrite heart and a remorseful spirit.
Their worship is all lies – their hearts are full of lust. They do not love Me. They love their earthly treasures and their sensuality. While they worship they are filled with lust of the flesh. They have not repented of their fleshly desires and love for the world. They are fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, cheats, deceitful liars, abortionists, murderers, killers, they kill innocent people, make wars and destroy the world for their own lust. They are immoral – all manner of perversion fascinates them. They want to be entertained and gratified – they have an unquenchable desire for evil pleasure. Their minds are filled with themselves and their vulgar desires. Their preachers are paid performers who work for their own gain. Their Bible knowledge is only to stimulate themselves – they crave knowledge but they hate Me, they hate and despise My words. They are filthy sinners with no desire for righteousness. Their devotion to Me is empty words – their offerings are polluted – it is the fruit of their whoredom. Their hands are full of blood, innocent blood. Their minds are full of immorality, murder and deceit. They do not know purity, they do not know to blush, they have no shame.
Tell them their wickedness, tell them their sin – if they do not repent and turn away from their filth and harlotry I will come to them quickly and utterly destroy. The axe already lies at the root of the tree – every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down. Repent and be righteous, holy, obey Me or perish.

Why believers back slide

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There are many reasons why people backslide. But the one big reason is that Jesus is not real to them. Their faith is maybe based on the Bible, on their church, what other people say and do, their preachers, but they don’t really know Jesus for real. Dear friend, God knows everything, He knows every thought, He knows the intention of our hearts. The sooner we get alone with Jesus and realize it is one on one, there is nothing that is ever hidden from Him. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we get real. God does not excuse any sin. God knows the intention of our heart and that is why Jesus said: That if you look at a woman lustfully, you have already committed adultery in your heart, He knows. He knows what you are thinking. You cannot fool God with nice words, it is not a game, it is reality, it is reality. You can die any time my friend and if you are not ready you will go into hell. We will be judged by the Words of Jesus. He did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. But the WORDS that HE SPOKE, that will judge us and those Words do not change. They are written and the Holy Spirit will remind us of those Words. If we step out of line, the Holy Spirit reminds us of the Words of Jesus. If we listen and repent, mend our ways, then we are corrected. But if we ignore Him, we will end up in hell friend. The Holy Spirit of God was given to guide us into all truth, to remind us of the Words of Jesus, which are the standard. There is only one way and that is perfect obedience. You can know what your situation is with the Lord Jesus. You can know whether He approves of you. Just get alone with Him and ask Him. Say Lord show me whether You are satisfied with me Lord Jesus, show me if there is anything that is wrong in my life and I need to fix up and He will show you. But you must obey. If you are not serious, He will know it also. You cannot play around friend, you cannot fool with God. You cannot take liberties with Jesus, He knows your heart. He loves you, but He will make no exception, not for one single man, why? Because it is written and He is a fair God. It was for one sin that Adam died, one sin. God has not changed friend. Jesus forgives our past sins but then we’ve got to live in utter obedience and holiness, without holiness no man will see God. If you realize this and you keep reminding yourself, you will not sin. You will be praying all day and seeking to please Jesus. You will be listening to His Holy Spirit, that speaks in your heart, convicts you and you will obey. Because if you do not obey dear friend, there is no way that you will have eternal life. Only obedient children will go into the Kingdom of Heaven. We must take Jesus seriously, or else, there is no way that we will go into Heaven. May Jesus bless you.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I WAS a sinner - now I OBEY Jesus

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For much of my life, I was a believer, but also at the same time a sinner. I was part of the deception that is preached in churches that if you believe in Jesus then you are saved. I also thought that if you just repent every night, just say, I am sorry before I go to bed, then you can go on tomorrow. But dear friends, by the grace of God, He taught me what it means to be a child of God. A child of God obeys the Father and if a child of God does not obey, he gets chastised and corrected because God has only one standard and that is perfect obedience. Only obedient children will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. God has chastised me severely because for many years I would be serious and backslide and be serious and backslide but I never really got into a close relationship with Jesus. Dear friends, He revealed Himself to me through severe punishment. Many things happened in my life that were extremely traumatic, amongst others, I had a heart attack and I died and even though I was a believer, baptized in water, baptized in the Holy Spirit, I found myself on my way to hell because I was not living the life of a disciple. By His grace, Jesus allowed me to come back, to come and warn others who are also part of the same deception that I was prey off. Dear friends, there is only one standard and that is absolute obedience. We all have the ability to sin. We all have human nature but if you do not OBEY JESUS, absolutely obey Him, you will get chastised, you will get punished. God will speak to you and if you do not mend your ways you will end up in hell. NO SINNERS will go into Heaven, no sinners. There are many children of God who sin and they will end up in hell if they do not REPENT and OBEY JESUS, absolutely obey. God has one standard friends, and that is absolute obedience, absolute holiness, absolute dedication. If you are a child of God, you are not a sinner. You can sin but you DON’T SIN, you don’t sin. I can sin, but I fear God and I love Him, I love Jesus and I don’t want to sin. I make straight paths for my feet, I run away from sin and if I do slip I have asked the Lord to rather PUNISH me, break my legs, break my body, punish me but please do not allow me to end up in hell. Dear friends, by the grace of God, I want to endure and be worthy to enter Heaven and Jesus is helping me. The Holy Spirit convicts me, punishes me and keeps me on the straight and narrow. I am a child of God. I’ve got the privilege of a good hiding and I rather prefer that, than ending up in hell. I would rather prefer God to chastise me into Heaven, to beat me into Heaven, than to leave me so that I end up in hell. I am not a sinner anymore. I have become OBEDIENT and I want to OBEY GOD. It is tough friends, it is very tough, very tough. Very few people will make it, but NO SINNERS will go into Heaven. If you are serious, then the Holy Spirit of God will HELP you to get into Heaven, but if you REFUSE that help, you will certainly end up in hell dear friend. You must take all the help that you can get, ask Jesus to help you every step of the way. I lie awake at night and PRAY, I say Lord, if there is anything, anything in my life that is not pleasing to You, just show me, show me I want to fix it up before it is too late. Please HELP me to make it through the narrow Door. You will not make it without the help of the Holy Spirit and you will not make it if you don’t want to. If you love your SIN dear friend, you will end up in hell. Disobedient children of God WILL end up in hell. I was on my way there, I KNOW. OBEY JESUS and LIVE. May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

WARN THE ROTTEN BELIEVERS – Word from the Holy Spirit - 9/8/2011

Believers are playing a game – they are not following Jesus. Everyone has his own little plot like in a play. They are the chief characters and everything is about them – they are the heroes. They want to be the center of attention. Everything that they do is about improving their performance and acceptability. They find fulfillment in their knowledge of the Bible, their doctrinal excellence, their talent and gifting, their performance. Everything centers around them. They are not focused on Jesus and the Kingdom of God. They want to be served - they refuse to obey Jesus. They want to be glorified, accepted and recognized. It is all about their spiritual growth, their honor. They are not seeking the approval of Jesus, to be pleasing to Him. They will not serve Him as Lord – they are the lords themselves. Their prayers, their plans, their thoughts are focused on themselves. Their efforts are directed at self preservation and self glorification – they want to be gratified all the time. They want to feel good and be appreciated. They are fleshly and carnal. Discipleship is not for them. Jesus will vomit them out of His mouth. He will deliver them to their lusts and desires. They will be consumed by their own fleshly desires. Their own fire will burn them until they are totally wasted and destroyed. They run after their own thoughts and follow their own counsel – they will not listen nor yield to the Holy Spirit. They will not work for and apply themselves to the Kingdom of God. They do not seek a relationship with Jesus. They are rotten to the core. They do not seek righteousness nor holiness, they are idol worshipers who worship their own flesh. They are fruitless trees, waterless clouds, clanging cymbals, devoid of any good work, idle boasters, lazy sloths that want to lie around and be served. They are more concerned about their own comfort than about souls who are dying without Jesus. They love their own thoughts and surround themselves with rotten souls like themselves. They are arrogant, proud and boastful, running after people, empty talkers like themselves, but they will not bow their knee before Jesus. They put their hopes in men who make empty promises and lie openly. They worship the creature instead of the Creator who should be praised and glorified. They appoint for themselves leaders to their liking, that promise them Utopia – crafty liars and deceivers. Jesus will deliver them to their leaders who will exploit and destroy them, sell them out and betray them because they have betrayed Jesus. They do not listen to correction but despise and persecute those who are sent to them to warn them to repent and correct their ways. They persist in their wicked ways and mock those who are sent to reprove them. The day is at hand, that as they refused to listen, Jesus will not listen to their cries. As they blocked their ears and followed their lusts, they will be swept along in the stream of filth that they treasured. They will be covered in the filth of their sins, like dung they will be flushed down the sewer.
I cried to the Lord and pleaded for mercy:
He said: Yet, if they repent and seek Me, I will have mercy on them. I will have compassion. I have no pleasure that they perish. Warn them to seek Me, to turn away from their their wicked ways, to turn away from worshiping themselves and running after men, the arm of flesh. If they repent with all their heart and serve Me as Lord, I will accept them. If they forsake their idols and change their ways, follow Me, I will guide them. If they cleanse themselves of their filth, I will accept them but they must turn. They must seek Me with all their heart and I will reveal Myself to them. I will not accept halfhearted repentance – they must seek righteousness, live holiness and I will accept them. I will guide them every step of the way and teach them My ways.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Gatecrashers – Word from the Holy Spirit 09/07/2011

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They claim salvation but they don't want Jesus. They love their sins. They are not children of God. They want to come in through the back door. They do not have wedding clothes on, they are not pure and holy – they are living in sin but they still believe that they are saved. They know the scriptures, love their Bibles and their church but will not submit to Jesus and will not serve Him. They think they can buy their way into the Kingdom of Heaven with tithes and offerings. They love the world and the things of the world. They claim God's blessings but reject discipline and correction. They think they can take advantage of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is to those that the Master will say:”Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes on?” They will be cast out into utter darkness. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

End of Word
May Jesus bless you

Knowledge Driven Failure – Word from the Holy Spirit 09/07/2011

The reason for economic failure is knowledge driven leadership. Instead of working according to the rules they manipulate the figures to produce the results. The same deception is destroying believers. They think that with superior Bible knowledge they can wangle salvation. The problem is: they are still sinners. You have to walk the walk not just talk the talk . There is no love, no integrity. Pure academic knowledge turns you into an arrogant self righteous monster who wants to win at all cost – winning the whole world but forfeiting your soul. Believers don't mind lying, cheating, stealing, robbing, murdering as long as they prove themselves right according to their criteria – their criteria is their interpretation of the Bible, but they have no knowledge of God. In fact, they despise Jesus, regarding Him as some fool who was instrumental in working their salvation. They do not realize who Jesus is. All power and all authority belongs to Him. He is the final judge and He will judge by His rules, not by their interpretation of the Bible. Jesus will judge by His words that are ignored and despised by the Bible believing believers. Salvation is not an academic process – it is a living relationship with the one and only Life Giving Spirit, Jesus Christ. His sheep are led by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit – not by Bible knowledge. His sheep listen to His Spirit and obey Him, producing righteousness, holiness and love. Academic believers are self righteous, disobedient, wicked, unrighteous, sinful, hateful hypocrites who have no knowledge of God. It is to those that Jesus will say: “Go away I never knew you, you workers of iniquity.” They would not accept Jesus as Lord and Master they would not love and serve Him. They are the spawn of satan, who rebel against God, unrepentant sinners, lustful, selfish and shameless. They were never born again. They thought they could manipulate the Book to gain entrance into heaven, but they despised the Door, Jesus Christ. They will not go through but will spend eternity in the wrath of Him who paid the price to give them life.

End of message
May Jesus bless you

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Holy Spirit is not emotions mass hysteria and feelings

Transcript to video:
The Holy Spirit is not emotionalism, mass hysteria and feelings. It is the Spirit of God that brings man into the presence of God. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment. It makes people FEAR GOD and HATE SIN and want to be holy, like God is holy. The Holy Spirit is not in most churches today, neither is it in those people in those churches. If the Holy Spirit were in those churches, they themselves would be on their knees, crying out to God for mercy. And if the Holy Spirit were in them, they would be bringing other people to repentance and into the fear of God, into obedience to Jesus Christ. That is what the Holy Spirit does my friend. May Jesus bless you.

Lustful eyes - Adulterers on their way to hell

Transcript to vide:
In the sight of God you are an adulterer on your way to hell, if you look at a woman lustfully. I read the Words of Jesus as written in Matthew 5:28 “but I say to you that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” Dear friend, do you watch pornography, do you switch on the television and watch all those lustful figures, dancing with the stars and naked celebrities? Do you go into the shops and look at all those magazines with naked women? Do you allow your eyes onto women that dress like whores? You are an adulterer in the sight of God my friend. We must reserve our eyes for Jesus. If your eye makes you stumble pluck it out dear friend. Those are the Words of Jesus. It is not easy to go into the Kingdom of Heaven. If we want to go in there, we must reserve our bodies as a Temple of the Holy Spirit and not allow ourselves any sin. We must be holy, without holiness no man shall see God. May Jesus bless you.

Monday, September 5, 2011

God's plans are not written in the Bible

Many believers believe that God’s plans for the end time are all written down in the Scriptures and therefore they search the Scriptures to try and determine what will happen and how things will play out. Their objective is to safeguard themselves. Many people believe that God will rapture them out of trouble before the big trouble comes. Dear friends, the plans of God are not written down in the Scriptures. God shares His secret counsel with those who follow Him and He gives people a glimpse of what will happen in the future but there is no way that you can figure God out from the Scriptures. You cannot predict what God will do. It is a very clever trick of the devil to get your attention away from Jesus and get YOU away from following Jesus. That is why many believers are into the Scriptures but they are NOT IN the SPIRIT, they are NOT IN the WILL OF GOD because they are distracted. They are not following Jesus. They are not led by the Holy Spirit. Dear friends, the only way that you can be IN the WILL OF GOD is, if you are LED BY the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. If you are following Jesus, because there is no other way that you can do the will of God. It is not the will of God for us to know what will happen tomorrow. Jesus said: Do not be concerned about tomorrow, tomorrow will have enough of its own trouble. He said: FOLLOW ME. Dear friends, Jesus shares His secrets with those who follow Him. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and to tell us things to come. But He will not explain to you in DETAIL what will happen. You must follow Him, one step at a time and you cannot follow Him if you are INTO the SCRIPTURES, INTO the WORD as people say. The WORD must be IN YOU. JESUS CHRIST must be LIVING IN YOU and you must be FOLLOWING the GUIDANCE OF the HOLY SPIRIT. Dear friend, DO YOU HEAR HIS VOICE? ARE YOU LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT? ARE YOU FOCUSED ON JESUS and FOLLOWING HIM? Or are you trying to figure out the future in the Scriptures? Because then you are not busy with Jesus dear friend. Get to know Jesus and follow Him every step of the way. May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The grace gospel is a lie

The so called GRACE Gospel, that is preached in many churches today, is a lie from the devil. Dear friends, Jesus Christ forgives all our past sins, if we REPENT and OBEY HIM. Repent means to turn away from sin, not sin anymore, but obey Jesus Christ. But then we’ve got to obey Him and stop sinning. If we keep on sinning , we will CERTAINLY END UP IN HELL because then we have DEPLETED THE GRACE as the writer of the Hebrews also wrote in Hebrews 10:26 He says: “For if we go on sinning WILLFULLY after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment and the FURY of a FIRE that will CONSUME the ADVERSARIES.”  Dear Friends, without holiness no man shall see God. You need to be pure and holy to come into the presence of God, You need to repent of your sin and live holy, then you can come into the presence of God. No man who SINS has any relationship with Jesus. You cannot have a relationship with Jesus and carry on with sin. You are not saved dear friend, if you have not REPENTED OF SIN and LIVE IN HOLINESS. Only those who are PURE and HOLY can follow Jesus Christ. REPENT my friend, OBEY Jesus Christ, be BAPTIZED IN WATER, ask Him for the HOLY SPIRIT to come and live in you, to guide you into holiness, righteousness and into fruitfulness. Obey Jesus Christ and LIVE dear friend. There is NO GRACE for WILLFULL SINNERS. May Jesus bless you.

Do Not Make Light of the Holy Spirit

Transcript of video:
There are many believers who regard lightly the Holy Spirit of God, that is fatal dear friend. The reason why people do that is because they do not know Jesus and they do not realize that they are dealing with the Spirit of the Almighty God, the mightiest power in the entire universe, the Holy Spirit of God. If you blaspheme or mock the Holy Spirit of God you will never be forgiven, dear friend. Many people make light of the Holy Spirit, they don't know what they are doing, they have no idea. Many preachers make light of the Holy Spirit. Dear friends, we must serve God with fear and trembling. Judgment of the Holy Spirit killed Ananias and Sapphira on the spot, when they agreed to lie to the Holy Spirit -- God is not mocked, friend, God is not mocked. Be serious and seek Jesus with all your heart, He sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Knowing the Bible and attending a church is not going to get you into heaven dear friend. If you do not LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and if you do not TRUST Him and FEAR Him and FOLLOW Him you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Fear God, my friend, listen to that soft voice of the Holy Spirit who lovingly calls on you and coaches you, because the day will come when we will stand before the throne of God and many will be rejected because they rejected the loving voice of the Holy Spirit of God. Do not regard lightly the Holy Spirit. Seek Him, embrace Him with all your power, with everything in you -- obey Him and follow Him. The sorrows of those, who reject the Holy Spirit, will be many. May Jesus bless you.
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Do Not Make Light of the Holy Spirit

There are many believers who regard lightly the Holy Spirit of God, that is fatal dear friend. The reason why people do that is because they do not know Jesus and they do not realize that they are dealing with the Spirit of the Almighty God, the mightiest power in the entire universe, the Holy Spirit of God. If you blaspheme or mock the Holy Spirit of God you will never be forgiven, dear friend. Many people make light of the Holy Spirit, they don't know what they are doing, they have no idea. Many preachers make light of the Holy Spirit. Dear friends, we must serve God with fear and trembling. Judgment of the Holy Spirit killed Ananias and Sapphira on the spot, when they agreed to lie to the Holy Spirit – God is not mocked, friend, God is not mocked. Be serious and seek Jesus with all your heart, He sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Knowing the Bible and attending a church is not going to get you into heaven dear friend. If you do not LISTEN to the Holy Spirit and if you do not TRUST Him and FEAR Him and FOLLOW Him you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Fear God, my friend, listen to that soft voice of the Holy Spirit who lovingly calls on you and coaches you, because the day will come when we will stand before the throne of God and many will be rejected because they rejected the loving voice of the Holy Spirit of God. Do not regard lightly the Holy Spirit. Seek Him, embrace Him with all your power, with everything in you – obey Him and follow Him. The sorrows of those, who reject the Holy Spirit, will be many. May Jesus bless you.

Despise Not Holy Spirit Council

A disciple of Jesus Christ is led by the Holy Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. What follows is, that if we need wisdom, in any and all situations, we must ASK that wisdom from God. But there is a very important thing to remember dear friends. If you ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, you must be serious. Because if you are not serious and you do not INTEND taking that guidance seriously, you should not do so, because if you do not trust God enough to accept the guidance that He gives you, then you will go into darkness. Don’t even ASK if you do not INTEND obeying and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I want to remind us of the words of the Apostle James that he wrote in James 1:5 He said: “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6But let him ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 8being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” Dear friends, Jesus is alive, the Holy Spirit of God is real and what James wrote is true. If you need guidance, you must asked it of God and He will give it to you BUT you must go with the firm intention of receiving and following that guidance. Many people receive guidance from the Lord and then they asked the opinions of other people about that guidance. So in essence you are checking on God. You don’t trust God. The Kingdom of God does not operate by consensus it operates by FAITH. And if you don’t have faith to follow Jesus when He speaks to YOU, then you are not worthy of being a disciple. If you need to ask the confirmation or the approval of another man, then you are not following Jesus Christ dear friend. You will go into DARKNESS, utter darkness. If you walk with Jesus, you walk with Him. Many people want to make it “easy” on the Lord, they ask the Lord for guidance and they say Lord, now if I open the Bible let it open somewhere and show me where the answer lies. Dear friend, you will go into darkness. God does not need any help, when you asked the Lord for guidance, WAIT ON HIM and He will give it to you. And if you are not sure, ASK HIM AGAIN, say:”Lord please help me here but I am coming back to THEE o Lord. I am not going to other people, I am coming to You Lord, please help me here.” And He will answer you dear friend but the moment that you ask the opinion of other people, you have left Jesus friend, you have left Jesus and you are not following Him anymore. Get your sight on Christ. Do not DESPISE the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Do not SECOND GUESS the Holy Spirit. You can go back and say: Lord, please show me again and He will talk to you. But DO NOT take the council of other people or second guess God. If you do not INTEND taking His advice, don’t ask friend or you will go into darkness. May Jesus bless you.

Spirit and Truth

Transcript of video:

We can only please God, if we act according to His will. If we act according to our sinful nature and our desires, we cannot please God. And that is why those who are led by their flesh and their fleshly desires cannot please God, even when we pray, we cannot pray according to the will of God. Jesus said to the woman at the well: That a time has come and now is, that the TRUE WORSHIPPERS, will worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. Why is it that He said that? It was because Jesus was sending His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in men, so that they can be led by the Spirit of God, to pray according to the will of God. The true worshippers will worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH, not according to how we think, but according to that which the Holy Spirit IMPARTS in us, when He tells you. When the Holy Spirit of God puts that unction through you and in you, to pray according to the will of God. God seeks worshippers that worship Him in Spirit. When you worship in Spirit, then you are focused on the Spirit of God that is in you and you tune in, you become ONE with the Spirit of God and you pray according to the will of God not according to your desires. Lord give me this, Lord give me that Lord. Lord I need this, Lord look at this, Lord look at that. NO, you pray according to the will of God and then you are pleasing to God. We need to come into the presence of God in prayer and stay there and wait on Him, tune in to the Spirit. Ask Him to fill us more and more with His Spirit, so that we can become ONE with the Spirit of God and we pray according to the will of God, in Spirit and in truth. Because then we will also do the will of God. We are praying according to the will of God and we DO according to the will of God because He tells us what His will is for us. Those who are LED BY the SPIRIT OF GOD, they are the SONS OF GOD. We cannot follow Jesus by our own understanding, by reading the Bible. We’ve got to listen to the Holy Spirit, tune in, say Lord guide me by Your Spirit. Lord tell me what to do. Guide me every step of the way. Dear friend Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to guide us into ALL TRUTH every step of the way. If you do not TUNE IN to the HOLY SPIRIT and OBEY the HOLY SPIRIT, you cannot please God because He seeks worshippers that WORSHIP HIM in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Spiritual Blindness - Most believers are spiritually blind

Transcript to video:

This whole world is in the power of darkness. The devil has blinded people, they are spiritually blind. He has numbed their senses so that they cannot observe spiritual things. They are busy with sensuality. People trust in their senses, but God is Spirit and the devil and his angels are also spirits. Now, you are either controlled by bad spirits, by the devil or you follow Jesus Christ and you open yourself to the power of God , the Holy Spirit. No the choice is yours, my dear friend. The devil has blinded the whole world and people are focused on that which they can observe and feel, their senses, what they can see, what they hear, what they feel – that makes sense to them. But they do not realize that they are controlled by the unseen. They are controlled by the devil. If you invite Jesus into your life, He sets you free from the bondage of the devil and you are free to follow Him and He will open the eyes of your spirit so that you can see spiritually. Now people say that they cannot hear the voice of God – it is because they are spiritually NUMB. They are not born again. If you are born again, a born again believer, then your spiritual eyes have been opened and you can hear God. You can see God, you can see the devil, and you can see his works as well. People cannot understand what is going on, what is happening in this world, they cannot understand that the devil is destroying them. They say it is nature. It's not nature, it is the forces of evil that are destroying you. When God speaks to this world through calamities, they say: “It's nature” They cannot see it is the hand of God that is speaking to them to repent of their wickedness and their sin, because their senses have been numbed. They want everything their way and the devil is enticing them to have everything their way, but in the end dear friend, when you have things your way, it bites you like a snake! The devil sends that temptation your way, and you know it's wrong, but you give in and then satan has got you friend. You open yourself to the wrong relationship, that fatal attraction, and then it destroys your life. Everything that you have worked for falls to pieces. Why is is? It is because satan and his demons have been working on you. The lust of the eyes, you see all those things that you want to buy and you haven't got the money. So what do you do? Either you steal, or you endebt yourself to the point where you cannot live any more and then you get into despair. You either go and steal or you get so depressed that you want to commit suicide. It is your lusts of your flesh, your senses, have driven you and now the devil has got you. Satan has blinded your senses, dear friend and you cannot see spiritually, you cannot see what is happening behind the scenes because that is where the devil works. You cannot see what God is doing ether because your senses are blinded, numbed. The devil has numbed you and he is killing you. You need Jesus friend, you need Jesus. If people cannot understand things by their intellect they do not accept it. If they cannot understand what God is saying they reject it – that is why they will not accept the Holy Spirit. Satan has numbed their senses. They don't have faith in anything if they cannot physically touch and see it. They are spiritually blind. Dear friend, if you invite Jesus into your life, He will open the eyes of your spirit and you will see God. That is why Jesus said to Nicodemus that unless a man is born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God. Why is it? You are spiritually blind! You cannot see. The devil has blinded you – you cannot see the works of the devil, you can see the effects. Your life is falling to pieces. A lot of people sell their soul to the devil and then everything goes very well with them, for a period, for a time and then payday comes, and he destroys them. Many celebrities have done that and openly admitted that they have sold their soul to the devil. Many preachers have sold their soul to the devil for personal popularity. They made a pact with the devil and they have become the attraction. They are not taking people to Jesus, they are the big man and they have got the powers of deception. Many of them perform miracles, they have got gold dust falling out of the air, some of them heal the sick, the power of deception that God has given to those who don't want the truth but loved the lie. Dear friends, you need the Holy Spirit of God. Many people do not believe the Holy Spirit, many believers, they do not accept the Holy Spirit, they believe what they read in the Bible, according to their understanding. They are led by religious demons, very clever demons, because for every church denomination that there is there is a pack of demons and they control those people, because all of them that belong to that cult or church, they believe the same. And they all believe that they are right, they believe they are saved, they believe that they are good, they are deceived. They cannot all be right, friends. There is only one right way and that is Jesus Christ. If you follow Him He opens your eyes. Many believers are blinded by these religious demons. They are deceived. They believe the way that they believe. You have to have the eyes of your spirit opened, open yourself to the Holy Spirit of God and be taught by the Spirit of God. Jesus never sent us a Bible, He sent us His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth but people trust the Bible and they reject Jesus. That is why the Jews crucified Jesus, they held on to what they could physically feel and touch and believed to be right. But when the Owner of it all came, Jesus Christ Himself, the Lord of Glory, they rejected Him, they crucified Him and they died in their sins. Even today the very same, people are blinded – they hang on to the Bible, they hang on to their church, they hang on to their preacher, they hang on to their belief, religion and they reject Jesus. Dear friend the only one who you can trust is Jesus and the Holy Spirit that He has sent to guide you into all truth and when you invite Him into your life and you start trusting in Him and obeying Him, then He guides you into all truth but your eyes need to be opened because you have been blinded by the devil. You can say: Lord open my eyes that I can see, but then you must be receptive and WILLING to listen to LEARN. Put aside all the things that you learned before, your preconceived ideas, your prejudices, your religion. Say:”Lord, teach me the truth, open my eyes that I can see.” Dear friend, do you want your eyes opened? Do you want to see the truth? Do you want to see the Kingdom of God? Do you want to see into the spiritual? Not just into that which you can touch and see but into that which causes what is going wrong in your life. Then you have got to invite Jesus in friend, then you have got to say: “Lord, teach me please.” Become a follower of Jesus, invite Him into your life and trust Him, dear friend, or else, you will stay blind for eternity and you will wake up in hell and you will say: “I was brainwashed all my life!” Friend, invite Jesus in and He will open your eyes and He will teach you the truth. May Jesus bless you.