Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why believers back slide

Transcript to video:

There are many reasons why people backslide. But the one big reason is that Jesus is not real to them. Their faith is maybe based on the Bible, on their church, what other people say and do, their preachers, but they don’t really know Jesus for real. Dear friend, God knows everything, He knows every thought, He knows the intention of our hearts. The sooner we get alone with Jesus and realize it is one on one, there is nothing that is ever hidden from Him. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we get real. God does not excuse any sin. God knows the intention of our heart and that is why Jesus said: That if you look at a woman lustfully, you have already committed adultery in your heart, He knows. He knows what you are thinking. You cannot fool God with nice words, it is not a game, it is reality, it is reality. You can die any time my friend and if you are not ready you will go into hell. We will be judged by the Words of Jesus. He did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. But the WORDS that HE SPOKE, that will judge us and those Words do not change. They are written and the Holy Spirit will remind us of those Words. If we step out of line, the Holy Spirit reminds us of the Words of Jesus. If we listen and repent, mend our ways, then we are corrected. But if we ignore Him, we will end up in hell friend. The Holy Spirit of God was given to guide us into all truth, to remind us of the Words of Jesus, which are the standard. There is only one way and that is perfect obedience. You can know what your situation is with the Lord Jesus. You can know whether He approves of you. Just get alone with Him and ask Him. Say Lord show me whether You are satisfied with me Lord Jesus, show me if there is anything that is wrong in my life and I need to fix up and He will show you. But you must obey. If you are not serious, He will know it also. You cannot play around friend, you cannot fool with God. You cannot take liberties with Jesus, He knows your heart. He loves you, but He will make no exception, not for one single man, why? Because it is written and He is a fair God. It was for one sin that Adam died, one sin. God has not changed friend. Jesus forgives our past sins but then we’ve got to live in utter obedience and holiness, without holiness no man will see God. If you realize this and you keep reminding yourself, you will not sin. You will be praying all day and seeking to please Jesus. You will be listening to His Holy Spirit, that speaks in your heart, convicts you and you will obey. Because if you do not obey dear friend, there is no way that you will have eternal life. Only obedient children will go into the Kingdom of Heaven. We must take Jesus seriously, or else, there is no way that we will go into Heaven. May Jesus bless you.

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