Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daily Bread - No. 1 9/21/2011

Our Lord Jesus asked the Apostle Peter whether he truly loved Him and when Peter said yes, Jesus said to Him then FEED MY SHEEP. Dear friends, as disciples of Jesus Christ, it is our duty to feed the sheep. Jesus taught us to pray and say: Give us this day our daily bread. Man will not live from bread alone, but from every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The Lord Jesus laid on me this morning while I was praying to feed the sheep. We receive daily bread, which we must share with our brothers and sisters. And so, what the Lord Jesus gave me this morning, I want to share with you. I keep a journal next to my bed and when I wake up at night or in the morning first thing, I write down what the lord speaks to me. Sometimes He gives me dreams, when I wake up I write it down and other times He speaks to me. And I want to share with you what the Lord Jesus gave to me this morning. The Lord said to me that: The called out assembly is only a remnant. There are only a few, very few who truly love Him and who truly follow Him. People are looking for other brothers and sisters, there are very few dear friends, there is only a remnant. But we must walk with Jesus, we must seek Him every day. We must not look for other people. The Lord also spoke to me about the witchcraft in the churches. He said I must explain that. People do not understand what is meant by witchcraft in the church. Dear friends, the churches attract people and they hold them captive through witchcraft. And they use the Bible also for that witchcraft. Now what is witchcraft? Witchcraft is lies and deceit. Churches deceive people into thinking that their church membership and participating in all the rituals in the church, contributes to their eternal salvation. It is just not true friends. All that matters is our relationship with Jesus. Eternal life is knowing Jesus Christ and through Him we know God the Father. We must know Jesus and Jesus must know us and we must be pleasing to Him all the time. We must be in a close relationship with the real Living God, He must be real to us. We must be tuned in to Him all the time. Everything that we do must be focused on Jesus, on pleasing Him. He died for us, so we must live our life to please Him. When He walked this earth, He delivered the Gospel, the Good news, how we can be saved through His Words. He spoke those Words, those Words were recorded in the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those are the Words of Life. Those are the Words that we have to OBEY. And Jesus said: He who loves Me is the one who keeps My commands, the WORDS that He spoke and then if we obey His Words, He will reveal Himself to us. If we seek Him with all our heart, we will find Him. Jesus said, we must repent of our sins, turn away from sin, we must be baptized and we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit which He has sent to guide us into all truth and that is all we need dear friends, is the Holy Spirit, because He will teach us all things and He will guide us. But we need to be tuned in. Now many people are diverted into “church” and they think that going to church and participating in church organization contributes to their spiritual life, it does not. If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus all the time, it is all in vain dear friends. Participating in all those rituals in church will not help you. All that matters is: Do you know Jesus? Is He real to you? Have you spent time with Him this morning? Did you start your day right? Are you focused on Him all the time? We cannot follow Jesus part time. We must follow Him every day of our life. He said: If you wish to come after me, then come here, deny yourself, pick up your cross everyday and follow Me. We’ve got to follow Jesus every day. The only way we can follow Him is if we are guided by the Holy Spirit, which He GIVES to those who love Him. He communicates to us through His Spirit. He puts His Spirit in our heart and He speaks to us all day long. But if we are destracted by other things and we are not focused on Jesus, if we are busy with our own things, how can we be seeking the Kingdom of God, how can we be working our relationship with Jesus? Dear friends we need to be working on our relationship with Jesus all the time, all the time He's got to be on our mind all the time, doesn’t matter what you do, where you go. What problems you face, you've got to be talking to Jesus, in your mind, in your heart. Say: Lord, I don’t know how, how to reply to this question, please help me, then He helps you, He puts it into your mind. But we must be focused on our Lord. Church is a deception dear friends, church does not take you closer to Jesus that is witchcraft. You cannot serve the Lord by going to church once a week. You serve Jesus every day of your life. Discipleship is a full time business, it is not a Sunday, or two three days a week. Don’t become a slave of church, and if you are a slave of church, get out, get real with Jesus. Get out under the sorcery because they oblige people, they keep them captive and they feel that if they don’t go to church, they are going to hell. No my friend, if you don’t follow Jesus then you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Get out of the deception, walk with Jesus, everyday of your life. Focus on Him. Get your daily bread from Him, He will feed you. Man will not live from bread alone, but from every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God, then you get it from Him alone. You must spend time with Jesus every day and He will guide you every step of the way. May Jesus bless you.

1 comment:

  1. So true Justice. Thanks for sharing God's bread. KRM
