Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Knowledge Driven Failure – Word from the Holy Spirit 09/07/2011

The reason for economic failure is knowledge driven leadership. Instead of working according to the rules they manipulate the figures to produce the results. The same deception is destroying believers. They think that with superior Bible knowledge they can wangle salvation. The problem is: they are still sinners. You have to walk the walk not just talk the talk . There is no love, no integrity. Pure academic knowledge turns you into an arrogant self righteous monster who wants to win at all cost – winning the whole world but forfeiting your soul. Believers don't mind lying, cheating, stealing, robbing, murdering as long as they prove themselves right according to their criteria – their criteria is their interpretation of the Bible, but they have no knowledge of God. In fact, they despise Jesus, regarding Him as some fool who was instrumental in working their salvation. They do not realize who Jesus is. All power and all authority belongs to Him. He is the final judge and He will judge by His rules, not by their interpretation of the Bible. Jesus will judge by His words that are ignored and despised by the Bible believing believers. Salvation is not an academic process – it is a living relationship with the one and only Life Giving Spirit, Jesus Christ. His sheep are led by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit – not by Bible knowledge. His sheep listen to His Spirit and obey Him, producing righteousness, holiness and love. Academic believers are self righteous, disobedient, wicked, unrighteous, sinful, hateful hypocrites who have no knowledge of God. It is to those that Jesus will say: “Go away I never knew you, you workers of iniquity.” They would not accept Jesus as Lord and Master they would not love and serve Him. They are the spawn of satan, who rebel against God, unrepentant sinners, lustful, selfish and shameless. They were never born again. They thought they could manipulate the Book to gain entrance into heaven, but they despised the Door, Jesus Christ. They will not go through but will spend eternity in the wrath of Him who paid the price to give them life.

End of message
May Jesus bless you

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