Church buildings and church organizations are of this world, they are idolatry. They are conformity to this world, they are temples of idolatry. The Kingdom of God is not of this world. It does not comprise of bricks and stones and physical materials, it is an invisible Kingdom. The bricks of that Kingdom are living souls, souls of people who have been redeemed. They are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. God does not live in temples build of brick and stone dear friend. He lives in the hearts of those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Master and who are following Him.
They are not this world, they are of the Kingdom of Heaven. They do not build TEMPLES of this world, they do not accumulate the things of this world, they are not interested in this world. These temples that you see that they call churches, they are not of the Kingdom of God. They are of the kingdom of church of the kingdom of satan, they are not of God. God’s Temple is not here dear friend. What we are living in right here, this body is a tent, it is a temporary dwelling. Jesus is concerned about our Heavenly dwelling not about an earthly dwelling, not about an earthly temple that will be broken down. He is building a Temple for us in Heaven an eternal Temple. Don’t waste your money on building temples on this earth, on supporting these temples of idolatry, that belong to this world, to satan, but build your Temple in Heaven.
Jesus is concerned about the Body of Christ. Be concerned about your brothers and your sisters in Christ who are in need. Be concerned about the people around you, your neighbors who are lost, who don’t know Jesus. Spend your time and your effort on warning them and on bringing them into the Kingdom of God, not on temples of idolatry. Because those who spend their money down here on these temples of idolatry, have no treasure in Heaven. Make your treasure in Heaven with Jesus and bring other bricks, other souls that have been redeemed into the Kingdom of Heaven. Then you are building the Kingdom of Heaven dear friend. If you can bring another person to Jesus and that person is build into your mansion in Heaven, the mansion of God, then you are accumulating for yourself something in Heaven, but building bricks down here on earth will not benefit you, they will perish, they will be destroyed.
Is your heart in the Kingdom of Heaven or are you building on to these temples of idolatry, that they call churches. God is not there friend, God is not there. God lives in those who truly love Him, not in buildings, made of brick and stone. Build on to the Kingdom of Heaven not on to the temples of this world.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Count the cost - You will pay the price either way!
It will cost you to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Following Jesus Christ means that you deny yourself, you deny yourself the pleasures of this world and you follow Jesus Christ at ALL COST. Dear friend, you must count the cost because you cannot be a friend of the world and a friend of God. You cannot love the things of the world and love God. You will have to forfeit the pleasures of this world, the pleasures of sin. You will have to forfeit being successful in this world, reaching the top in this world. You cannot reach the top in this world and be pleasing to God. You cannot be popular and acceptable to people and be pleasing to Jesus. Jesus said: You will be HATED by all men, you need to make your choice friend, if you want to follow Jesus Christ, you must DENY yourself , pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ.
The wages of sin is death, if we continue in sin, we will die. But if we want to follow Jesus Christ we must deny ourselves all these pleasures of the world. There is a prize for overcomers, for those who endure with Jesus Christ, who truly love Him, who follow Him, who have denied themselves the pleasures of this world. Only those who overcome will win that prize. Do not think that you can have the pleasures of the world, the riches of this world, the pleasures of sin AND enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no such thing, you will have to choose. Either you love Jesus and you deny yourself or you will enjoy the pleasures of this world. You might get to the top, you might won the whole world become very popular but you will forfeit your SOUL. There is only one Way friend, you need to consider the cost, the cost of either obeying Jesus, being rejected by this world, having eternal life or having your fun now and spending eternity away from Jesus in the terrors of hell. The choice is ours, but we need to make the choice right now. We must either follow Jesus with all our heart or be prepared for the horrors for eternity away from the face of the Loving God.
May Jesus bless you.
The wages of sin is death, if we continue in sin, we will die. But if we want to follow Jesus Christ we must deny ourselves all these pleasures of the world. There is a prize for overcomers, for those who endure with Jesus Christ, who truly love Him, who follow Him, who have denied themselves the pleasures of this world. Only those who overcome will win that prize. Do not think that you can have the pleasures of the world, the riches of this world, the pleasures of sin AND enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is no such thing, you will have to choose. Either you love Jesus and you deny yourself or you will enjoy the pleasures of this world. You might get to the top, you might won the whole world become very popular but you will forfeit your SOUL. There is only one Way friend, you need to consider the cost, the cost of either obeying Jesus, being rejected by this world, having eternal life or having your fun now and spending eternity away from Jesus in the terrors of hell. The choice is ours, but we need to make the choice right now. We must either follow Jesus with all our heart or be prepared for the horrors for eternity away from the face of the Loving God.
May Jesus bless you.
There is a false teaching going around that once the Lord Jesus has come, once the rapture has taken place, that there will be a second chance for some. This is a lie that was devised by the devil and it is being propagated by churches.
Dear friends, God gives us ONE CHANCE. It is destined for man to die once and thereafter comes judgment. The devil uses the truth and then he twists it to deceive people to get them to become complacent and not be ready for the coming of Jesus. Dear friend, there is not second chance. Once the door has closed then those who are left behind WILL PERISH! As in the days of Noah, there is NO SECOND CHANCE. Maybe the Lord has given you a few second chances to repent. Dear friend the day you die, your chances are depleted, they are UP, they are FINISHED. The day that Jesus Christ comes the door closes AND THERE IS NO MORE CHANCE! THEN IT IS FINISHED!
Don't be deceived, don't be deceived by these doctrines and teachings of people. They are lies from satan. Go and pray and ask Jesus to confirm this truth to you. Jesus warned us to be prepared all the time because we do not know WHEN OUR MASTER IS COMING!
ARE YOU READY? There will be NO second chance, dear friend! Make sure RIGHT NOW that you are ready and stay ready or else you will be severely disappointed.
May Jesus bless you.
Dear friends, God gives us ONE CHANCE. It is destined for man to die once and thereafter comes judgment. The devil uses the truth and then he twists it to deceive people to get them to become complacent and not be ready for the coming of Jesus. Dear friend, there is not second chance. Once the door has closed then those who are left behind WILL PERISH! As in the days of Noah, there is NO SECOND CHANCE. Maybe the Lord has given you a few second chances to repent. Dear friend the day you die, your chances are depleted, they are UP, they are FINISHED. The day that Jesus Christ comes the door closes AND THERE IS NO MORE CHANCE! THEN IT IS FINISHED!
Don't be deceived, don't be deceived by these doctrines and teachings of people. They are lies from satan. Go and pray and ask Jesus to confirm this truth to you. Jesus warned us to be prepared all the time because we do not know WHEN OUR MASTER IS COMING!
ARE YOU READY? There will be NO second chance, dear friend! Make sure RIGHT NOW that you are ready and stay ready or else you will be severely disappointed.
May Jesus bless you.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The dead Body of Christ
This is a message to the dead members of the body of Christ to come alive!
They are scattered all over the world but by their works, they are dead. They are not doing the works of Christ. They are paralyzed, many of them are lying in the morgues, in the pews of the churches where they are being scavenged upon.
Jesus talked about the dead body. Go read in Luke 17:37. He said that where the dead body lies,
there the vultures will gather. You see that in the churches, the dead members of the body of Christ are in the pews and the vultures are preying on them. Tthere are other dead members just sitting at home doing nothing. They are inactive, my friends, they are not fulfilling the great commission they are not doing what Jesus called them to do my friends, JESUS IS COMING and if we are not ALIVE, AWAKE AND READY we will be caught outside of the ARK we are only in the ARK when we are IN CHRIST.
After God had closed the ARK when Noah and his children were inside then the rain came.
After Lot and his wife and daughters were outside of Sodom and Gomorrah God brought judgment and struck the city. My friend, God is drawing His dead body, the dead body of Christ is being called out of the churches out of inactivity into active service because THE JUDGMENT OF GOD IS COMING. We don't know when that will take place but if you are caught in the city if you are caught in the pew, dead you will come under the judgment of God My friends it is TIME TO BEAR FRUIT becasue the AXE IS ALREADY LYING AT THE ROOT OF THE TREE
Jesus warned that every branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off and put in the fire
My friend, I am talking to the dead members of the body of Christ those who refuse to testify for Jesus who are fruitless to all of these who are so full of knowledge they carry around the Bible in their head but they don't have Jesus in their heart they are waterless clouds, full of promise but they are producing nothing my friend, are you a WATERLESS CLOUD?
COME ALIVE!!! because if we are luke warm He will VOMIT us our of His mouth.
If we do dot bear fruit WE WILL GET CUT OFF
COME ALIVE, my friend, come into Christ, come into His will OBEY HIM AND BE FRUITFUL
COME ALIVE my friend,lest, you are CUT OFF!
May Jesus bless you
They are scattered all over the world but by their works, they are dead. They are not doing the works of Christ. They are paralyzed, many of them are lying in the morgues, in the pews of the churches where they are being scavenged upon.
Jesus talked about the dead body. Go read in Luke 17:37. He said that where the dead body lies,
there the vultures will gather. You see that in the churches, the dead members of the body of Christ are in the pews and the vultures are preying on them. Tthere are other dead members just sitting at home doing nothing. They are inactive, my friends, they are not fulfilling the great commission they are not doing what Jesus called them to do my friends, JESUS IS COMING and if we are not ALIVE, AWAKE AND READY we will be caught outside of the ARK we are only in the ARK when we are IN CHRIST.
After God had closed the ARK when Noah and his children were inside then the rain came.
After Lot and his wife and daughters were outside of Sodom and Gomorrah God brought judgment and struck the city. My friend, God is drawing His dead body, the dead body of Christ is being called out of the churches out of inactivity into active service because THE JUDGMENT OF GOD IS COMING. We don't know when that will take place but if you are caught in the city if you are caught in the pew, dead you will come under the judgment of God My friends it is TIME TO BEAR FRUIT becasue the AXE IS ALREADY LYING AT THE ROOT OF THE TREE
Jesus warned that every branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off and put in the fire
My friend, I am talking to the dead members of the body of Christ those who refuse to testify for Jesus who are fruitless to all of these who are so full of knowledge they carry around the Bible in their head but they don't have Jesus in their heart they are waterless clouds, full of promise but they are producing nothing my friend, are you a WATERLESS CLOUD?
COME ALIVE!!! because if we are luke warm He will VOMIT us our of His mouth.
If we do dot bear fruit WE WILL GET CUT OFF
COME ALIVE, my friend, come into Christ, come into His will OBEY HIM AND BE FRUITFUL
COME ALIVE my friend,lest, you are CUT OFF!
May Jesus bless you
Friday, October 28, 2011
Overcome the flesh, fear and the devil
Those who decide to follow Jesus Christ, will face many trials, temptations and tribulations but they will have to overcome, because only those who overcome, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. As Jesus said: That those who endure until the END, they shall be saved. Dear friends, the only way that we can overcome is if we stay focused on Jesus. On our own we cannot make it, but He is with us every step of the way. The devil will do his level best to get us, to doubt in Jesus, to destroy our faith but we must stand the tests and endure until the end. The devil is a liar, a cheat and a murderer and he wants to kill us and if we allow him, he will succeed in doing so.
I want to share with you some experience in my life. I had a heart attack on July 28, 1998 and I died but by His mercy and grace our Lord Jesus allowed me to come back. Dear friends, after that, the trial did not stop, because even though I was dismissed from hospital and I had no pain, I had no medication, the pain kept on coming back, the pain in my chest. I would wake up at night in a cold sweat and wonder whether I would see the sun rise the next morning. I would be praying all night, pleading with God to keep me alive, rebuking the devil. I did not tell anybody about it, but I was in a struggle for life and death. Dear friends, after a year the pain disappeared but in that year I had to learn to truly trust in Jesus. I had to overcome the devil, I had to resist him. It was only when I decided not to fear the devil anymore. When I said satan you cannot kill me, whatever you want to do, you cannot touch me, I will be around as long as Jesus wants me to be here. You can do nothing to me, I don’t fear you. I ignored him and I would be praising Jesus and then the pain disappeared, the fear disappeared. It is because in that time I had learned to put my focus on Jesus. The devil will send you symptoms of a pain, he might send you some infirmity, a sickness and you run to the doctor, the doctor cuts you, he is just trying to help. But dear friend, the devil is trying to kill you and he will succeed if you allow him. But if you focus on Jesus, then He will teach you wisdom. Jesus said: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you. The devil wants you to fear, he wants you to doubt God and then he had succeeded because once doubt comes in, then the devil has planted his seed in you and that seed will grow until he kills you. You’ve got to kill that seed, you got to reject satan, resist him in the Name of Jesus and get your focus on Christ and on His Kingdom, not on yourself, not on self preservation. Get your focus on Jesus and on seeking His Kingdom. What can I do for the Kingdom of God? What value am I to the Kingdom of God? Dear friend, if I am useless for the Kingdom of God, there is no reason for me to stick around. Why should God keep me here? And that is where the Lord showed me that the tree that does not bear fruit will be cut off. The branch what does not bear fruit, will be cut off. The branch that does bear fruit, will be pruned, yes. But if we do not bear fruit, if we are just focused on ourselves, there is no reason why we should be here.
Dear friend, we must overcome, if we want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The only way that we can overcome is when we put our focus on Jesus all the way because then we understand that He determines my life and the devil cannot touch me and I will be around as long as Jesus decides for me to be around. But I want to make use of everyday that He gives me to build onto His Kingdom, to be useful for His Kingdom. No man can touch me, if God does not allow him. I am here for His glory, I am here to please Him and by His grace I will overcome, I will overcome the flesh, fear, the devil. I will overcome everything in the Name of Jesus as long as I stay focused on Jesus and His Kingdom, on doing His will. And when my time comes, He will fetch me, an overcomer, not because I am good but because my focus is on Jesus. Are you an overcomer? Are you focused on Jesus or do you allow the devil to come and plant seeds of doubt which will eventually kill you? The decision is yours my friend. Are you going to trust Jesus or will you allow the devil to destroy you?
May Jesus bless you.
I want to share with you some experience in my life. I had a heart attack on July 28, 1998 and I died but by His mercy and grace our Lord Jesus allowed me to come back. Dear friends, after that, the trial did not stop, because even though I was dismissed from hospital and I had no pain, I had no medication, the pain kept on coming back, the pain in my chest. I would wake up at night in a cold sweat and wonder whether I would see the sun rise the next morning. I would be praying all night, pleading with God to keep me alive, rebuking the devil. I did not tell anybody about it, but I was in a struggle for life and death. Dear friends, after a year the pain disappeared but in that year I had to learn to truly trust in Jesus. I had to overcome the devil, I had to resist him. It was only when I decided not to fear the devil anymore. When I said satan you cannot kill me, whatever you want to do, you cannot touch me, I will be around as long as Jesus wants me to be here. You can do nothing to me, I don’t fear you. I ignored him and I would be praising Jesus and then the pain disappeared, the fear disappeared. It is because in that time I had learned to put my focus on Jesus. The devil will send you symptoms of a pain, he might send you some infirmity, a sickness and you run to the doctor, the doctor cuts you, he is just trying to help. But dear friend, the devil is trying to kill you and he will succeed if you allow him. But if you focus on Jesus, then He will teach you wisdom. Jesus said: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you. The devil wants you to fear, he wants you to doubt God and then he had succeeded because once doubt comes in, then the devil has planted his seed in you and that seed will grow until he kills you. You’ve got to kill that seed, you got to reject satan, resist him in the Name of Jesus and get your focus on Christ and on His Kingdom, not on yourself, not on self preservation. Get your focus on Jesus and on seeking His Kingdom. What can I do for the Kingdom of God? What value am I to the Kingdom of God? Dear friend, if I am useless for the Kingdom of God, there is no reason for me to stick around. Why should God keep me here? And that is where the Lord showed me that the tree that does not bear fruit will be cut off. The branch what does not bear fruit, will be cut off. The branch that does bear fruit, will be pruned, yes. But if we do not bear fruit, if we are just focused on ourselves, there is no reason why we should be here.
Dear friend, we must overcome, if we want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The only way that we can overcome is when we put our focus on Jesus all the way because then we understand that He determines my life and the devil cannot touch me and I will be around as long as Jesus decides for me to be around. But I want to make use of everyday that He gives me to build onto His Kingdom, to be useful for His Kingdom. No man can touch me, if God does not allow him. I am here for His glory, I am here to please Him and by His grace I will overcome, I will overcome the flesh, fear, the devil. I will overcome everything in the Name of Jesus as long as I stay focused on Jesus and His Kingdom, on doing His will. And when my time comes, He will fetch me, an overcomer, not because I am good but because my focus is on Jesus. Are you an overcomer? Are you focused on Jesus or do you allow the devil to come and plant seeds of doubt which will eventually kill you? The decision is yours my friend. Are you going to trust Jesus or will you allow the devil to destroy you?
May Jesus bless you.
Respect no man - Teaching of the Holy Spirit
This morning at three o clock I woke up with these Words in my mind. “The Lord Jesus taught us to regard no man.” The Lord Jesus wakes me up every night and then He speaks to me, sometimes in a dream, sometimes He just puts these Words in my mind. I get up, I write it down and then I listen and the Lord speaks to me, He teaches me. And that is the way that He wants to teach every man and woman who are focused on Him, who are listening to Him.
Dear friends, we must regard no man because if we regard people, then it will take our focus of Jesus. We will not do what Jesus wants us to do. If any man, any human, if any person is more important to us than Jesus then they will hamper us, they will prevent us from doing the will of God. If we fear people, we cannot fear God. If we are concerned about what other people say about us and to us, then we are not concerned about the approval of our Master, Jesus Christ. If we are worried about our image and what people think of us, then I am more important than Jesus Christ. We must consider no man, we must love all men but we must remember that in the eyes of God we are all equal but Jesus is our Master. He must be honored, He must be respected, He is not a respecter of men. To Him the one is not more important than the other. Those who are regarded by men are an abomination to God. He will walk past them. People who deemed themselves important, the Lord will not speak to them. He will speak to humble servants, people not regarded by men. He will walk passed the highly regarded and He will reveal Himself to those who humbly wait on Him, who REGARD HIM more than anything and anybody. Dear friend, if we fear people, if we fear men, flesh and blood, then we cannot be fearing God, then we cannot be disciples of Christ and servants of God. We must decide who we want to fear. Jesus said: Do not fear him who can kill your body but after that they can do nothing. FEAR HIM who after He has killed has the POWER to throw you into hell and that is Jesus Christ our Lord. Do not regard men dear friend. Fear Jesus, He is God Almighty. He has the power who will decide who will go into His Kingdom and who not. If we regard people above HIM then He will also deny us before His Father and His holy angels. Fear Jesus and serve Him. Do not regard man. May Jesus bless you.
Dear friends, we must regard no man because if we regard people, then it will take our focus of Jesus. We will not do what Jesus wants us to do. If any man, any human, if any person is more important to us than Jesus then they will hamper us, they will prevent us from doing the will of God. If we fear people, we cannot fear God. If we are concerned about what other people say about us and to us, then we are not concerned about the approval of our Master, Jesus Christ. If we are worried about our image and what people think of us, then I am more important than Jesus Christ. We must consider no man, we must love all men but we must remember that in the eyes of God we are all equal but Jesus is our Master. He must be honored, He must be respected, He is not a respecter of men. To Him the one is not more important than the other. Those who are regarded by men are an abomination to God. He will walk past them. People who deemed themselves important, the Lord will not speak to them. He will speak to humble servants, people not regarded by men. He will walk passed the highly regarded and He will reveal Himself to those who humbly wait on Him, who REGARD HIM more than anything and anybody. Dear friend, if we fear people, if we fear men, flesh and blood, then we cannot be fearing God, then we cannot be disciples of Christ and servants of God. We must decide who we want to fear. Jesus said: Do not fear him who can kill your body but after that they can do nothing. FEAR HIM who after He has killed has the POWER to throw you into hell and that is Jesus Christ our Lord. Do not regard men dear friend. Fear Jesus, He is God Almighty. He has the power who will decide who will go into His Kingdom and who not. If we regard people above HIM then He will also deny us before His Father and His holy angels. Fear Jesus and serve Him. Do not regard man. May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The guests are not worthy
Just before I woke up this morning, the Lord Jesus gave me a dream of tables laden with food, a feast meal, but the guests were not interested in the food. There were wonderful dishes and I heard people say that they do not care for this food. I then prayed, I asked the Lord about this and I was reminded of the parable that Jesus told about the feast meal that was prepared but the guests were not worthy. Dear friends, man shall not live from bread alone, but from every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God. Jesus Himself wants to feed us by His Holy Spirit every day. He wants to speak to us. He wants to give us a Word from the Heart of God every day but believers are not interested in it. They prefer to read the Scriptures. They prefer to listen to the videos of other people. They prefer to go to church, read books and media but they are not interested in HEARING from JESUS HIMSELF, they are NOT WORTHY. They are not worthy of that which Jesus Himself wants to impart to them. It is very sad that SEASONED BELIEVERS, old Christians, cling to the Bible and their church and they REJECT JESUS CHRIST. They are not worthy, they will not go into the Kingdom of Heaven because that which Jesus has prepared for them, they DONT WANT. They want entertainment, they want doctrines, they want their own thoughts, their own mind, their interpretation of the Bible. They love the Bible but they don’t love Jesus. So many new believers who have not had of the LEAVEN of the Pharisees, EMBRACE JESUS, they HEAR from HIM, HE GUIDES them by HIS SPIRIT, HE FEEDS them because they have not been TAUGHT to REGARD the BIBLE as the WORD OF GOD and to REJECT the TRUE WORD OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST. Dear friends, the message that the Lord gave me this morning is that the GUESTS, the invited guests were NOT WORTHY of the FEAST and therefore the Lord is sending out into the streets to FORCE others to come in to the feast meal. The invited guests are not worthy of the feast meal. That is why the Lord is sending us out into the streets and all over to bring from the streets the harlots, the sinners everybody, to come into the Kingdom of God to come and to listen to come and eat from the Bread of Life because they are the ones who will listen but those who are the OLD BELIEVERS, they will not eat from the Table of the Lord. So sad, they will PERISH because they DON”T LISTEN TO JESUS. They DON’T WANT that HE has PREPARED for them. May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Holy Ghost will take you into WILDERNESS not to "church"
Immediately after Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit came on Him and the Holy Spirit led Him away into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And we all know that He overcame the devil, He resisted all temptation and after that the devil fled from Him. If we decide to follow Jesus Christ and we obey Him, we repent of sin and our self and we are baptized in water and we ask Him for the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit will also lead us into the wilderness. He will take you where you will be alone and the devil will tempt you and he will test you and you will need to overcome. Your faith will be severely tested. Without the Holy Spirit you just won’t make it. When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, He took them through the Red sea, which is a type of a baptism and then He took them into the desert. They had the fire column by night and the cloud by day to guide them. But these people kept on longing to go back to Egypt, to the flesh pots of Egypt. They never got to know the ways of God. They never got to trust God and they annoyed God so much that in His wrath He swore that they would not enter His rest. He killed them all in the desert and of the original multitude that left Egypt only Joshua and Caleb and the children of the sinners, those who rebelled against God, only their children were allow to go into the land that the Lord had promised. Dear friends, exactly the same today. The majority of believers are saved, the Lord Jesus saves them from sin, from the world, but they don’t want to be saved. They don’t want to follow Jesus. Many of them do not even cross the water, they will not even follow Jesus and be baptized. Many of them reject the Holy Spirit, they don’t want the Holy Spirit because they’ve got a Bible. They do not follow the Holy Spirit, they go to church, they reject Jesus Christ. Jesus saved them but they will not go into the promised land, they will not go into the Kingdom of Heaven because they will not follow the Holy Spirit. It is not easy to follow Jesus. You will be severely tested and tried and you must overcome. You must overcome and be victorious over yourself, the flesh, sin and the devil. You must be equipped to be a true son of God. The majority of people don’t want that, they don’t want to follow Jesus. They just want salvation, they want the Promised Land but they don’t want the Lord, the King of the Promised Land. They are not willing to follow the Holy Spirit. Dear friend, if you follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit will take you into the WILDERNESS, He will not take you to church. He will not take you to fellowship, He will not take you to Bible study, He will take you alone where you follow Jesus and get to know Him, truly get to know Him. And that is why He will say to many believers, who believed that they were saved. He will say to them: "Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." They did not follow Jesus. They did not overcome sin, they were still sinners, they were still part of the world. They love the world and the things of the world, they thought they were saved, yes but they did not realize that they would not have eternal life. The only way dear friend that we will have eternal life is if we overcome and you can only overcome if you have the Holy Spirit of Christ guiding you. You can only overcome, if you follow Jesus and obey Him. You can only overcome if you authorial tested and you stand in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Are you in the WILDERNESS or are you longing to go back to the flesh pots of Egypt? Are you sitting in church having a holiday, going with the flow, or are you following Jesus through the wilderness? Are you getting to know Him? Do you know His voice? His sheep know His voice, they follow Him. Are you one of His sheep? Do you want to enter the Promised Land? Do you want eternal Life? Then you need to follow Jesus friend. Pick up your cross every day, deny yourself and follow Him or else you will not go through the narrow Door. May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Holy Spirit is rejected in churches
Message from the Holy Spirit:10/25/2011.
The Holy Spirit is rejected in churches. They don't want the Holy Spirit, they don't want to be holy. They profess to be all sinners. They just want their show to go on. If they truly wanted the truth they would listen to the Spirit and repent, do the will of God and follow Jesus.
They just want everything to contribute to their show. It is not a called-out assembly. They have NO COMMUNION with Me. You cannot sit at My table and eat from the table of demons. If they listen to Me they will come out, they would follow Me and do My will, be disciples. They do not know Me. I show My grace to all men who call on Me, good and bad but I reveal Myself to those who seek and obey Me, who do My words.
It is the will of God that men obey Jesus.
Organized church suppresses the truth and resists the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is rejected in churches. They don't want the Holy Spirit, they don't want to be holy. They profess to be all sinners. They just want their show to go on. If they truly wanted the truth they would listen to the Spirit and repent, do the will of God and follow Jesus.
They just want everything to contribute to their show. It is not a called-out assembly. They have NO COMMUNION with Me. You cannot sit at My table and eat from the table of demons. If they listen to Me they will come out, they would follow Me and do My will, be disciples. They do not know Me. I show My grace to all men who call on Me, good and bad but I reveal Myself to those who seek and obey Me, who do My words.
It is the will of God that men obey Jesus.
Organized church suppresses the truth and resists the Holy Spirit.
Do you have blood on your hands?
Do you have blood on your hands?
You might say no, I haven't murdered anybody. The Apostel John wrote in 1 John 3:15 That any person who HATES his brother is a murderer.
If you gossip and slander and hurt your brother you are a murderer and you have blood on your hands.
Have you warned all your friends against the judgment of God over sinners, that the wages of sin is death and if they do not repent, they will end up in hell, have you warned them?
If not, you have blood on your hands.
Dear friends, Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of this world and only Jesus can take the blood of your hands of all the sins that you have committed and all the times that you've neglect to warn others who were on their way to damnation.
Dear friend, I want to warn you today that if you do not repent of ALL SIN and live utterly holy, you will end up in HELL.
Adam only made one mistake only once was he rebellious against God and that cost him his life. Dear friend, we have to be utterly holy and totally stop sinning because without holiness no man shall see God. God will not excuse ONE SIN that we have not repented of.
God knows everything that we have done wrong it is written down in His Book and only Jesus can cleanse us from all unrighteousness but if we keep on sinning, only one pet sin, you will end up in hell because ONE SIN is disobedience.
ONE SIN that Adam did, one time that he was disobedient to God brought death to Adam, took him away from the presence of God.
My friend, I want to warn you today ONE SIN, ONE WILFULL SIN can take you to HELL.
We've got to live utterly holy before Jesus.
Dear friend, your blood is not on my hands because I have warned you.
If you end up in hell, you will not be able to say that I did not warn you because I warned you.
Do you have blood on your hands?
Have you warned your neighbors that if they do not repent that they will end up in HELL?
Have you warned your children, have you warned your parents?
Have you warned everybody that you know that if they do not repent of sin and obey Jesus Christ, ABSOLUTELY! They will end up in hell?
Dear friend, I want to warn you today that we will all be judged by the WORDS OF JESUS
The Words of Jesus are NOT OPTIONAL, we will be judged by each and every Word that Jesus said.
Those Words are written in the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Those Words will judge us. There will be no exception, if you do not comply with those Words, the Words will judge you and Jesus can do nothing for you because you have violated HIS WORDS.
Dear friend, your blood is off my hands now.
May Jesus bless you.
You might say no, I haven't murdered anybody. The Apostel John wrote in 1 John 3:15 That any person who HATES his brother is a murderer.
If you gossip and slander and hurt your brother you are a murderer and you have blood on your hands.
Have you warned all your friends against the judgment of God over sinners, that the wages of sin is death and if they do not repent, they will end up in hell, have you warned them?
If not, you have blood on your hands.
Dear friends, Jesus Christ came to take away the sins of this world and only Jesus can take the blood of your hands of all the sins that you have committed and all the times that you've neglect to warn others who were on their way to damnation.
Dear friend, I want to warn you today that if you do not repent of ALL SIN and live utterly holy, you will end up in HELL.
Adam only made one mistake only once was he rebellious against God and that cost him his life. Dear friend, we have to be utterly holy and totally stop sinning because without holiness no man shall see God. God will not excuse ONE SIN that we have not repented of.
God knows everything that we have done wrong it is written down in His Book and only Jesus can cleanse us from all unrighteousness but if we keep on sinning, only one pet sin, you will end up in hell because ONE SIN is disobedience.
ONE SIN that Adam did, one time that he was disobedient to God brought death to Adam, took him away from the presence of God.
My friend, I want to warn you today ONE SIN, ONE WILFULL SIN can take you to HELL.
We've got to live utterly holy before Jesus.
Dear friend, your blood is not on my hands because I have warned you.
If you end up in hell, you will not be able to say that I did not warn you because I warned you.
Do you have blood on your hands?
Have you warned your neighbors that if they do not repent that they will end up in HELL?
Have you warned your children, have you warned your parents?
Have you warned everybody that you know that if they do not repent of sin and obey Jesus Christ, ABSOLUTELY! They will end up in hell?
Dear friend, I want to warn you today that we will all be judged by the WORDS OF JESUS
The Words of Jesus are NOT OPTIONAL, we will be judged by each and every Word that Jesus said.
Those Words are written in the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Those Words will judge us. There will be no exception, if you do not comply with those Words, the Words will judge you and Jesus can do nothing for you because you have violated HIS WORDS.
Dear friend, your blood is off my hands now.
May Jesus bless you.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Why I Christian died and went to hell - Testimony
On July 28th, 1998 I had a heart attack, I died and I found myself on my way to hell. The Lord Jesus had mercy on me and He let me come back. I was at that stage a saved man, I had accepted the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I was baptized in water, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, I knew the voice of the Lord and He was speaking to me. But that morning I woke up with a terrible pain in my chest and I died. I found myself going down a deep black hole and I knew I was on my way to hell. I pleaded with the Lord Jesus to let me come back. He let me come back when I pleaded and asked and said:”Lord, let me go and tell the world, let me tell people, that this is real.”
Many people have asked me why it was that I was on my way to hell even though I was saved. Dear friends, the reason is that I was serving God, MY WAY. I was an above average Christian.. I was a serious Christian. I was a person who knew the voice of the Lord Jesus, but I was serving the Lord MY WAY. I was not fruitful. The only way that we can be fruitful is if we serve Jesus as disciples, HIS WAY, not my way, HIS WAY. Knowing the voice of the Lord is one thing but following Him, waiting on Him, serving Him as Master, that is another thing and that is what He requires of us. We cannot serve Jesus our way. He is not interested in that. We cannot bear fruit if we serve Him our way. I tried to reconcile being a Christian with being a business man, with living a “normal” life, like all the other Christians and I was under the impression that I was doing very well, but by God's standard I came short, it wasn't good enough, I was on my way to hell. It was the biggest fright I ever had in my life and since that day I have never been at ease again with Jesus because I fear Him, because I know that He has got ONE STANDARD, friends, and that is HIS WAY. We have got to seek Him, we have got to listen to His voice. What I think does not matter. My opinion, does not count. All that matters is Jesus. Is He pleased with me, is He satisfied with me? Am I obedient to Him? Am I doing what He wants me to do? Am I a disciple? Am I truly pleasing to Him?
Dear friends we can only be fruitful and pleasing to Jesus if we serve Him as LORD, as MASTER, if we wait on Him and if we DO what He TELLS us to do. I got to know Jesus. I love Him, I fear Him, I respect Him. I will die again. I will leave this body, but then I want to be ready. I want to be going UP, not DOWN and that is why I am following Jesus. I am working for His Kingdom.
God's standard is not our standard, my friends. Jesus wants TOTAL, TOTAL devotion. He is calling you. Make sure that when your time comes, that you don't find yourself going down the deep black hole.
May Jesus bless you.
Many people have asked me why it was that I was on my way to hell even though I was saved. Dear friends, the reason is that I was serving God, MY WAY. I was an above average Christian.. I was a serious Christian. I was a person who knew the voice of the Lord Jesus, but I was serving the Lord MY WAY. I was not fruitful. The only way that we can be fruitful is if we serve Jesus as disciples, HIS WAY, not my way, HIS WAY. Knowing the voice of the Lord is one thing but following Him, waiting on Him, serving Him as Master, that is another thing and that is what He requires of us. We cannot serve Jesus our way. He is not interested in that. We cannot bear fruit if we serve Him our way. I tried to reconcile being a Christian with being a business man, with living a “normal” life, like all the other Christians and I was under the impression that I was doing very well, but by God's standard I came short, it wasn't good enough, I was on my way to hell. It was the biggest fright I ever had in my life and since that day I have never been at ease again with Jesus because I fear Him, because I know that He has got ONE STANDARD, friends, and that is HIS WAY. We have got to seek Him, we have got to listen to His voice. What I think does not matter. My opinion, does not count. All that matters is Jesus. Is He pleased with me, is He satisfied with me? Am I obedient to Him? Am I doing what He wants me to do? Am I a disciple? Am I truly pleasing to Him?
Dear friends we can only be fruitful and pleasing to Jesus if we serve Him as LORD, as MASTER, if we wait on Him and if we DO what He TELLS us to do. I got to know Jesus. I love Him, I fear Him, I respect Him. I will die again. I will leave this body, but then I want to be ready. I want to be going UP, not DOWN and that is why I am following Jesus. I am working for His Kingdom.
God's standard is not our standard, my friends. Jesus wants TOTAL, TOTAL devotion. He is calling you. Make sure that when your time comes, that you don't find yourself going down the deep black hole.
May Jesus bless you.
Where will you end up?
Word from the Holy Spirit – October 24, 2011.
You are a slave of the one that you listen to. Whoever controls your mind, controls you also. Satan controls the minds of the world through the media. People are in bondage, the devil has their minds. Paul wrote: “be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” You are transformed into a child of God when you LISTEN to Jesus. You cannot be pleasing to Jesus if you listen to your own mind and that of the devil in the media. The devil deceives you with empty promises but he is lying – in the end you are a loser, you are destroyed.
Where will you end up?
Jesus does not entice, force or lure you. He offers you the reward of eternal life if you endure and follow Him until the end. His way is the only way that leads to life – you need to listen to Him.
YOU need to decide who you are going to follow. The choice is yours, LIFE or DEATH. His sheep listen to His voice and they follow Him.
You will not follow Him if you do not trust Him. The devil makes you believe in yourself and trust in yourself because he knows you will fail. You cannot sustain yourself – without Jesus, you can do nothing, without Jesus you are headed to certain damnation.
If Jesus is real to you, you will obey every word that comes from Him. You will obey His words recorded in the gospels and you will seek Him. You will listen to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will remind you of the words of Jesus and He will convey to you the mind of Christ.
He is our Comforter. He prays through us to Jesus gives us the right utterance that is pleasing to Jesus. He guides us every step of the way, reveals to us things to come because He takes from Jesus and gives to us. He teaches and directs us. He constantly connects us with Jesus. We need to embrace Him, listen to Him all the time, the Spirit of Christ.
Where will you end up? Who are you listening to, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ or the devil? Who does your mind belong to? Do you have the mind of Christ?
Listen to Jesus and your soul will live!
May Jesus bless you
You are a slave of the one that you listen to. Whoever controls your mind, controls you also. Satan controls the minds of the world through the media. People are in bondage, the devil has their minds. Paul wrote: “be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” You are transformed into a child of God when you LISTEN to Jesus. You cannot be pleasing to Jesus if you listen to your own mind and that of the devil in the media. The devil deceives you with empty promises but he is lying – in the end you are a loser, you are destroyed.
Where will you end up?
Jesus does not entice, force or lure you. He offers you the reward of eternal life if you endure and follow Him until the end. His way is the only way that leads to life – you need to listen to Him.
YOU need to decide who you are going to follow. The choice is yours, LIFE or DEATH. His sheep listen to His voice and they follow Him.
You will not follow Him if you do not trust Him. The devil makes you believe in yourself and trust in yourself because he knows you will fail. You cannot sustain yourself – without Jesus, you can do nothing, without Jesus you are headed to certain damnation.
If Jesus is real to you, you will obey every word that comes from Him. You will obey His words recorded in the gospels and you will seek Him. You will listen to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will remind you of the words of Jesus and He will convey to you the mind of Christ.
He is our Comforter. He prays through us to Jesus gives us the right utterance that is pleasing to Jesus. He guides us every step of the way, reveals to us things to come because He takes from Jesus and gives to us. He teaches and directs us. He constantly connects us with Jesus. We need to embrace Him, listen to Him all the time, the Spirit of Christ.
Where will you end up? Who are you listening to, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ or the devil? Who does your mind belong to? Do you have the mind of Christ?
Listen to Jesus and your soul will live!
May Jesus bless you
Sunday, October 23, 2011
No problems no more!
If you are in Christ, your problems disappear. The reason for that is that because you are focused on Jesus and the Kingdom of God, He becomes your life. The other things do not matter anymore. If we belong to Jesus, we fully trust in Him, we seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, we seek to please Him. But you know friend, He cares for us . He said: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you. It doesn’t matter what your problem is, the problem that you face. If you turn your eyes on Jesus and focus on Him, your problems disappears. Dear friend, if we belong to Jesus Christ, then nothing can touch us that He does not allow because He cares for us. If we are seeking the Kingdom of God, then nothing else matters anymore. The problem that I and you face is that we don’t trust Jesus. That our site is not set on Him, we are not focused on Jesus and then the troubles of life get on top of us. But when we focus on Jesus and seek His Kingdom, He takes care of the rest. But we ourselves first need to change, we ourselves first need to submit ourselves to Jesus so that He can change us, that He can give us eye salve for our eyes, that we can see the Kingdom of God and His purpose and trust Him, then we will have no problems anymore. Because we know that my Lord and my Savior in whom I trust is faithful and He cannot fail. He will never let me down, so my problems disappear because my sight is set on Christ. Do you have problems dear friend? Do you have things that are to big for you, things that you cannot handle? Set your sight on Jesus. Seek His Kingdom, seek to please Him. Make Him the center of your life and your problems will disappear because He is God Almighty and He takes care of you. Make Jesus the Lord of your life and your problems will disappear. May Jesus bless you.
Wisdom for the moment
If we get our guidance from the Holy Spirit of God, then we will never be without hope or direction. Jesus Christ Himself is the Wisdom of God and He gives His Spirit inside of those who follow Him. Jesus Christ knows the answer to all your problems. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ knows the answer to every question in life. To every obstacle that you face in life, He knows how to get you across that obstacle, He knows how to get you through but you need to focus on Him. You need to ask your wisdom from Him. The apostle James wrote in James 1:5 “If any man needs wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men freely.” Jesus Christ puts His Spirit, the Holy Spirit inside of those who love Him and who follow Him. Who seek the Kingdom of God, those who seek to please Jesus. Therefore dear friend, it does not matter what your problem is, it does not matter what your circumstance is. The Spirit of God is right there with you to give you the right answer, to give you guidance, but you need to ask, you need to ask of Him right in that very moment. That which our flesh thinks and the guidance that we find from our own mind, that is of the flesh. But that which comes from God, that is pure wisdom. We need to ask our wisdom from Him and He will give you the words to say right in every situation, He will guide you which way to take. The key is dear friends we must be seeking to please Jesus. We must be in the right relationship with Him. If our mind is set on Jesus and pleasing Him, then we will do those things that are pleasing to Him. We will seek those things that please Him. We will not disobey Him, we will not be living in sin and willful sin but we will be seeking the Kingdom of God and then we have confidence to ASK for wisdom and we have access to the Wisdom of God, right in that moment and He will give us wisdom, right for the moment. It does not matter what your problem is, what your predicament is, right there you say: “Lord, what must I do?” and He will give you wisdom. If you trust in your own mind and your own understanding, you will come up with the wrong solution. But if you trust in Jesus and ask Him, right there where you are, He will give you wisdom for the moment. Ask from Jesus friends, He gives freely to those who love Him and seek His Kingdom. May Jesus bless you.
Friday, October 21, 2011
How the Holy Spirit speaks
Many believers have a total misconception about the Holy Spirit of God. Dear friends, if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Master, then He accepts you as a child and He is concerned about you. He is jealous over you, He cares for you. He will guard over you and He will do everything to get you back on track if you do wrong, but if in the end you keep on straying then YOU WILL END UP IN HELL WITH THOSE WHO ARE DISOBEDIENT. Many people think that the Holy Spirit is just a feeling, a little voice inside. O yes, He speaks to us in our hearts but if we refuse to LISTEN then He uses other means as well, to get our attention, He will speak to us through sickness, through circumstances, He will destroy the works of our hands. He will do many things, He will not just let us go. He will make us understand that He CARES and that He wants us to OBEY Him. If we persist in our disobedience He might hand us over to the devil for the destruction of our bodies. God does not care for the flesh friends. He does not care for earthly goods – He cares for your soul. He wants you to share in His holiness, He wants you to go into heaven. He wants you to understand that He requires utter HOLINESS and utter OBEDIENCE but if we persist in our disobedience then the Spirit of God will not strive with man for ever. There comes a day that the silver thread is cut, that you DIE. We must make use of every opportunity that God gives us. We must repent and LISTEN to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not just a soft voice my friend. The Spirit of God jealously guards over us and He will do anything to make us obey Him, because He cares. Do you know the voice of the Holy Spirit. Do you recognize Him speaking to you right now. Can you see what is going wrong in your life and why? Because God is speaking to you, because He cares for you. He chastises, He PUNISHES every child that He accepts. If He is not punishing you, then maybe He has left you over to your own devices, because you don't want to obey. God cares for you my friend, do you care for Him? Start listening before it is for ever too late! May Jesus bless you.
Repent first - Then pray - God is not hearing you
God does not listen to the prayers of sinners. A sinner is a person who willfully sins. He knows what he is doing is wrong and he is continuing in it. Sin separates us from God and if we want our prayers answered we must first get rid of the sin. First REPENT, stop sinning, get that sin out of your life! Then you can go to God with confidence and pray, and He will answer your prayer. The judgment of God comes on people, His punishment comes on them because of sin. It is because they continue with willful sin that things go wrong in their lives and that is why God is not listening to their prayers. Dear friend, if you want God to answer your prayer, REPENT FIRST, come with a pure heart before Him and say:”Lord I am sorry, I am sorry about the sins I have done. I am not going to do it any more! I am finishing with sin, NOW!” If you come with that attitude, then God will accept you. He will answer your prayer. He will listen to you. Dear friend, if you are in willful sin, if you are doing things that you know that God hates, you cannot come before Him with confidence because He will not hear you, He will not listen to you. God loves you but if we love sin more than God, then God will not listen to our prayers. Repent first and then He will accept you. Get rid of the sin and He will listen to your prayers because He loves you and He cares for you.
May Jesus bless you.
May Jesus bless you.
God is speaking - Are you listening?
There is only one big problem in the world and that is sin because sin separates man from God. The wages of sin is death. Dear friend no sin can come into the presence of God but it is not the will of God that man perish. It is the will of God that man REPENT of sin and have life. And for that purpose God is speaking, He is speaking to the whole world, He is speaking to every individual. Each of us was born with a conscience so that we can know right from wrong. If we obey our conscience, then we do according to the will of God because He has written His laws in our hearts. We’ve got no excuse and that conscience is speaking to us all the time. Dear friends, God cares for us and if we do not listen to our conscience, He does not just abandon us, He speaks to us from the outside. He allows circumstances to come over our lives, things go terribly wrong with individuals, with countries because God is speaking to them. God speaks to countries through natural disasters, plagues, sicknesses so that they can REPENT. He speaks through floods, through droughts, through famines, through wars so that they can REPENT from their sins and call on God. If we stop sinning and we come to God, then we come under His protection. God is speaking to individuals, through sicknesses, through circumstances because He cares. If He didn’t care He could just leave us or He could just obliterate us, He could take us from the face of the earth, in a moment, in one foul swoop, but He cares for us and He is speaking to us. God has always spoken to us and He has spoken to this world through Jesus Christ. He sent Jesus to come and take away the sins of the world. To come and die on a cross, to take our place, to pay the price for our sins, because the wages of sin is death. He who had no sin died in our place, so that if we accept Him and obey Him, He gives us eternal life. He takes away our sin and on top of that, He gives us His Holy Spirit inside of us to guide us, every moment so that we will not sin. That we will live in holiness. Dear friend, God is speaking. He is speaking to this world right now, through terrible disasters, through economic collapse, earthquakes, natural disasters, floods, famines, droughts, the elements are shaking, there are things happening in outer space, there are things coming our way, planets. Some people know about it, they are scared, God is speaking friend, and He can stop those things. God could have destroyed us a long time ago but because HE CARES, He is speaking. He is speaking to you right now. You need to remove the sin out of your life, you’ve got to stop sinning, turn away from sin and obey God. You’ve got to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Master because only Jesus can take away your sin and make you new inside. Only Jesus can give you eternal life. He is speaking to you right now dear friend, in many ways, maybe you are just not listening, maybe you did not understand it, but you’ve got to listen, you’ve got to go on your knees and repent, repent means turn away from, STOP, stop sinning like pulling a tooth, STOP altogether. Not just admitting your are a sinner, stop doing sin. Because as long as you are in sin the chastisement of God will be on you, the punishment, why? Because He cares for you. He wants you to stop sinning and be holy. He wants you to have eternal life and that is why He is speaking to you. Through all these things that are coming your way, you must REPENT and call on Jesus. Ask Him to forgive you, accept Him as your King, as your Lord, CALL ON HIM, go on your knees, you might not understand it but Jesus my friend, Jesus is real, He is God. If you go on your knees and you call on Him, He will answer you. Ask Him to forgive your sins, but you must repent, you must turn away from sin. You must be serious in your heart because God knows, He knows our thoughts. God is speaking to you my friend and He will keep on speaking but if you keep on refusing and keep on rejecting Him. There will come a day when He will speak no more, He will take you away. Then your chances are up, they are done, it is gone. The Spirit of God will not plead with man forever. We don’t know when we will die and then comes judgment. Dear friend, God is speaking to you right now. You might say you are a Christian, you might think that you are saved, but God is speaking to you. He is speaking to everybody because He is bringing us into obedience, into holiness. If you are not obeying Jesus Christ, you are LOST, you are on your way to hell dear friend. God is speaking to you right now, will you listen or will you reject Him? God cares for you. He does not want you to perish. Go on your knees right now, call out to Jesus, submit yourself, ask Him to forgive your sins, to make you a child of God. He will put His Spirit inside of you, to speak to you all the time, but you’ve got to listen. He wants to bring you into that close communion with Himself. Where you hear His voice all the time and you do what is pleasing to Him. Dear friend, God is speaking, will you listen? Will you listen to Jesus? He is speaking to you, right now. Go on your knees and repent of whatever He puts in your mind right now. Seek Him with all your power for the rest of your life and He will give you eternal life. Obey Jesus and be pleasing to Him, dear friend and you will have eternal life. May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The foundations will crumble – 10/19/2011
The foundations will crumble – 10/19/2011
I saw the foundations of a building slowly crumble, become fluid. I heard the words ”Brixton Tower”
The Holy Spirit said to me:”I will destroy the works of their hands, the things that they cherish. The earth is trembling and the foundations are crumbling. They will come down because men worship their own creations. These idols have become more important to them than God. By His mercy God is speaking -it is not His will that any perish but that they repent of their sins, obey Jesus and live. He is destroying the works of their hands so they can seek Him and live. Jesus is destroying all earthly kingdoms. He is establishing His heavenly Kingdom where those will live who love and honor Him. The things that man has made will crumble, they will come down. Every idol that man has set before him will be destroyed and become worthless. All his work and effort will have been in vain. Those who have gathered treasures on earth will be stripped. They will mourn over their losses – in a moment their idols are not more”
I saw the foundations of a building slowly crumble, become fluid. I heard the words ”Brixton Tower”
The Holy Spirit said to me:”I will destroy the works of their hands, the things that they cherish. The earth is trembling and the foundations are crumbling. They will come down because men worship their own creations. These idols have become more important to them than God. By His mercy God is speaking -it is not His will that any perish but that they repent of their sins, obey Jesus and live. He is destroying the works of their hands so they can seek Him and live. Jesus is destroying all earthly kingdoms. He is establishing His heavenly Kingdom where those will live who love and honor Him. The things that man has made will crumble, they will come down. Every idol that man has set before him will be destroyed and become worthless. All his work and effort will have been in vain. Those who have gathered treasures on earth will be stripped. They will mourn over their losses – in a moment their idols are not more”
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
They are not serious, they will die
They are not serious, they will die – 10/18/2011
I received a word from the Lord that I share with you:
Many favor the scriptures but reject the Holy Spirit – they trust the writings of men but reject the Spirit of God. They are carnal, they are not spiritual people. They do not know Me, neither will they follow Me. Without faith it is impossible to please Me. They have cut off all growth, that is the situation of most believers. They are spiritual babies ready to die, spiritually because they will not eat of the Bread of Life. They do not accept My words – Man will not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. They will not pray and wait on Me for an answer. They are not serious about knowing Me , neither do they want My guidance. If they were, they would repent of their unbelief and trust in Me
I received a word from the Lord that I share with you:
Many favor the scriptures but reject the Holy Spirit – they trust the writings of men but reject the Spirit of God. They are carnal, they are not spiritual people. They do not know Me, neither will they follow Me. Without faith it is impossible to please Me. They have cut off all growth, that is the situation of most believers. They are spiritual babies ready to die, spiritually because they will not eat of the Bread of Life. They do not accept My words – Man will not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. They will not pray and wait on Me for an answer. They are not serious about knowing Me , neither do they want My guidance. If they were, they would repent of their unbelief and trust in Me
Monday, October 17, 2011
ADHERE TO JESUS - Not the Bible, people and church
This is a message for those who have ears, who want to listen. Some people just want to argue, they are not interested in getting closer to Jesus. So for those who want to listen, I read as I received from the Lord Jesus:
People stick to the Bible, they don't know Jesus. The Bible is placed above and beside Jesus. Believers don't know the voice of the Holy Spirit , neither do they listen to Him. What comes from them is Bible verses, not the words of Jesus.
They think it is a matter of cause and effect – if they apply the formula they will get a certain result. It is a relationship of son to the Father, an obedient son as Jesus was. Jesus brings us into the Father house but then we must obey the Holy Spirit like He obeyed the Father. He is our advocate and we must be in constant obedience to Him. It is Him in us, who does the works. Without Him we can do nothing. We need extra oil in our lamps, extra revelation, that closeness with Jesus, the assurance that we are close to Him and in His will, pleasing to Him.
You cannot just abide by the rules and win the prize – you must be LISTENING, FOLLOWING, be with Him, doing His will, bearing fruit of righteousness, holiness and obedience. You will not find your way on your own – you need the closeness and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You must ADHERE, STICK to Jesus, nothing else – your soul must be stuck to Him. Jesus is the life the truth and the way.
Jesus alone must be your comfort, not people, the scriptures, church, fellowship, securities, earthly possessions, money, nothing, only Jesus, His Spirit in you. You must constantly seek Him and stick to Him.
Repent of all other things that make you happy and comfortable. Let Jesus be your only comfort. Find your peace in Him alone, in constantly being pleasing to Him. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added to you..
By His love and mercy He often deprives us of the things we crave so that we can first seek Him. Then He gives us those things but no joy or pleasure with those things. We have to learn to find our peace and contentment in Him, in being pleasing to Him and close to Him.
His ways are loving kindness and mercy. His intentions with us are only good. Let us draw close to Him with a pure heart and stick to Jesus, adhere to Him. There is no other way to life – Jesus Himself is the Way, He is LIFE
May Jesus bless you
People stick to the Bible, they don't know Jesus. The Bible is placed above and beside Jesus. Believers don't know the voice of the Holy Spirit , neither do they listen to Him. What comes from them is Bible verses, not the words of Jesus.
They think it is a matter of cause and effect – if they apply the formula they will get a certain result. It is a relationship of son to the Father, an obedient son as Jesus was. Jesus brings us into the Father house but then we must obey the Holy Spirit like He obeyed the Father. He is our advocate and we must be in constant obedience to Him. It is Him in us, who does the works. Without Him we can do nothing. We need extra oil in our lamps, extra revelation, that closeness with Jesus, the assurance that we are close to Him and in His will, pleasing to Him.
You cannot just abide by the rules and win the prize – you must be LISTENING, FOLLOWING, be with Him, doing His will, bearing fruit of righteousness, holiness and obedience. You will not find your way on your own – you need the closeness and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You must ADHERE, STICK to Jesus, nothing else – your soul must be stuck to Him. Jesus is the life the truth and the way.
Jesus alone must be your comfort, not people, the scriptures, church, fellowship, securities, earthly possessions, money, nothing, only Jesus, His Spirit in you. You must constantly seek Him and stick to Him.
Repent of all other things that make you happy and comfortable. Let Jesus be your only comfort. Find your peace in Him alone, in constantly being pleasing to Him. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things will be added to you..
By His love and mercy He often deprives us of the things we crave so that we can first seek Him. Then He gives us those things but no joy or pleasure with those things. We have to learn to find our peace and contentment in Him, in being pleasing to Him and close to Him.
His ways are loving kindness and mercy. His intentions with us are only good. Let us draw close to Him with a pure heart and stick to Jesus, adhere to Him. There is no other way to life – Jesus Himself is the Way, He is LIFE
May Jesus bless you
Saturday, October 15, 2011
There are millions of churches scattered all over the world aAnd there are millions of preachers that are preaching their own messages but there is only one message that can save and give us eternal life and that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Words of Jesus.
Jesus Himself alone is the Way and the Truth and the Life.
The only way to have eternal life is to obey Jesus Christ. Dear friends, if you do not obey Jesus and satisfy His Words you will not have life in you.
That is the Gospel that Jesus Christ talked about when He commanded His disciples as recorded in Mark 16:15 And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved;but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.
Dear friends, that is the Gospel of Jesus, the Words of Jesus.
We will all be judged by the WORDS OF JESUS and by nothing else.
If we do not comply to those Words we will go into damnation. The Words of Jesus are the Words that can save us and give us eternal life.
As Jesus said and John wrote it in John 12:46 "I have come as a Light into the world, that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness. If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the Word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment to what to say and what to speak. "And I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father told Me."
Dear friends, the Words of Jesus ALONE are the Words of Life nothing else, only those Words can give you eternal Life, If you OBEY them.
Merely believing in Jesus Christ and merely believing in what He said, cannot save you it is only if you OBEY those Words that you will be saved. The Words of Jesus are recorded in the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. OBEY those Words dear friends and do not listen to preachers who tell you anything else to preach you anything else.
Do not listen to preachers who discard or minimize the Words of Jesus Christ because they are servants of satan.
A servant of God OBEYS the WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST while he preaches those Words.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Himself alone is the Way and the Truth and the Life.
The only way to have eternal life is to obey Jesus Christ. Dear friends, if you do not obey Jesus and satisfy His Words you will not have life in you.
That is the Gospel that Jesus Christ talked about when He commanded His disciples as recorded in Mark 16:15 And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved;but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.
Dear friends, that is the Gospel of Jesus, the Words of Jesus.
We will all be judged by the WORDS OF JESUS and by nothing else.
If we do not comply to those Words we will go into damnation. The Words of Jesus are the Words that can save us and give us eternal life.
As Jesus said and John wrote it in John 12:46 "I have come as a Light into the world, that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness. If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the Word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment to what to say and what to speak. "And I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father told Me."
Dear friends, the Words of Jesus ALONE are the Words of Life nothing else, only those Words can give you eternal Life, If you OBEY them.
Merely believing in Jesus Christ and merely believing in what He said, cannot save you it is only if you OBEY those Words that you will be saved. The Words of Jesus are recorded in the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. OBEY those Words dear friends and do not listen to preachers who tell you anything else to preach you anything else.
Do not listen to preachers who discard or minimize the Words of Jesus Christ because they are servants of satan.
A servant of God OBEYS the WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST while he preaches those Words.
May Jesus bless you.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Do not judge
I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed that I was in town with another woman and I was cheating on my wife. I committed adultery with this woman and after I had relations with this woman I came out side of a building and I was holding the hand of this woman. Then I kissed her, but the moment that I kissed her, I knew that I don't love this woman and that I had betrayed my wife. I felt such a failure and I knew, in my dream, that I had to go and tell my wife and this would devastate her. Dear friends, I woke up and I said: “Lord, why did I have this dream?” In the first place I was so relieved that it was not for real, it was only a dream, I had not betrayed my wife, but I said:”Lord, why did I dream this?” The Holy Spirit said to me:”Do not judge.”
Dear friends, it is so easy to judge other people and we all do it, I have done it. The Lord says: Don't judge. Paul writes, He says:”You who think that you stand, be careful that you do not fall.” Jesus warned His disciples, He said to them: “Watch and pray that you fall not into temptation, because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” We can all fall into temptation, friends, but we must watch out. As God also warned Cain before he killed his brother Abel. I read from Genesis 4:7 He said to him:“sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” and just in the very next verse we read that “Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” And he said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground. “Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.” Genesis 4:9-11. And the curse of God is on this world because this world has turned its back on God and because people are committing sin and they are not repenting of their sin. God hates sin, friends, and He loves us but if we continue in sin we are cursed. It is the will of God that we repent, all of us, as the apostle John wrote. I read from 1 John 1:8 He says:” If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.” We all have the disposition of sin in us, sinful nature. I did not want to dream that, because I want to be holy. I did not want to dream about adultery, I don't keep myself busy with thoughts like that, but the dream came about. If we fall into temptation and if we sin, we must REPENT, friends. I read verse 9, He says:”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Dear friends, Jesus Christ wants to cleanse us. He wants to make us suitable for His Kingdom, but we have to judge ourselves. We have to come to the Light and say:”Lord, I repent of my sin. I repent of whatever evil thoughts that are in me, whatever judgment, whatever immoral thoughts. I repent of it! I turn away from it. I expose it. I bring it to your light. I judge myself.” And then we will not come into judgment. We must plead forgiveness of those things and cleanse ourselves because the world is cursed, families are cursed. People are cursed because of their sin. We have got to repent, friends. God's judgment is coming over this world, in a terrible way. People are concerned about the antichrist, about the New World Order, about comet ELENIN, about famine, which is imminent, wars, unrest, rebellion. People are worried about all those things, but those things are from God because this world is cursed, because of the sin. We cannot fix those things, we cannot run away from it. JUDGMENT IS COMING, dear friends. We cannot run away because the land is cursed, because of sin, BUT WE CAN REPENT. What God wants is holiness. God hates sin. The judgment of God is coming, but if people do not repent, then God will not relent, He will judge the world – many will die! We have got to repent, friends. Whatever sin there is in you, REPENT OF IT, turn away from it, live holy, Because it is because of sin that you are cursed. We need to go on our knees and ask Jesus to SHOW US, what is inside of us, to expose in us the wickedness in our hearts and REPENT OF IT and then God will send us a blessing and take away the curse. It is not the will of God that any man perish dear friends but that we all repent and have eternal life. We must judge ourselves, then we will not come into judgment. If you have sinned, go on your knees and plead forgiveness, STOP SINNING. You cannot just say:”Lord I am sorry” and then go on sinning tomorrow, then you did not repent. It is because of sin, that you are cursed, my friend. GET RID OF THE SIN and be holy, OBEY Jesus Christ or you will perish. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH! Judge yourself and then you will not come into the judgment of God. Come clean now and stay clean – repent of sin, STOP SINNING and walk with Jesus every day, OBEY Him and do His will.
May Jesus bless you.
Dear friends, it is so easy to judge other people and we all do it, I have done it. The Lord says: Don't judge. Paul writes, He says:”You who think that you stand, be careful that you do not fall.” Jesus warned His disciples, He said to them: “Watch and pray that you fall not into temptation, because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” We can all fall into temptation, friends, but we must watch out. As God also warned Cain before he killed his brother Abel. I read from Genesis 4:7 He said to him:“sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” and just in the very next verse we read that “Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” And he said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground. “Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.” Genesis 4:9-11. And the curse of God is on this world because this world has turned its back on God and because people are committing sin and they are not repenting of their sin. God hates sin, friends, and He loves us but if we continue in sin we are cursed. It is the will of God that we repent, all of us, as the apostle John wrote. I read from 1 John 1:8 He says:” If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.” We all have the disposition of sin in us, sinful nature. I did not want to dream that, because I want to be holy. I did not want to dream about adultery, I don't keep myself busy with thoughts like that, but the dream came about. If we fall into temptation and if we sin, we must REPENT, friends. I read verse 9, He says:”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Dear friends, Jesus Christ wants to cleanse us. He wants to make us suitable for His Kingdom, but we have to judge ourselves. We have to come to the Light and say:”Lord, I repent of my sin. I repent of whatever evil thoughts that are in me, whatever judgment, whatever immoral thoughts. I repent of it! I turn away from it. I expose it. I bring it to your light. I judge myself.” And then we will not come into judgment. We must plead forgiveness of those things and cleanse ourselves because the world is cursed, families are cursed. People are cursed because of their sin. We have got to repent, friends. God's judgment is coming over this world, in a terrible way. People are concerned about the antichrist, about the New World Order, about comet ELENIN, about famine, which is imminent, wars, unrest, rebellion. People are worried about all those things, but those things are from God because this world is cursed, because of the sin. We cannot fix those things, we cannot run away from it. JUDGMENT IS COMING, dear friends. We cannot run away because the land is cursed, because of sin, BUT WE CAN REPENT. What God wants is holiness. God hates sin. The judgment of God is coming, but if people do not repent, then God will not relent, He will judge the world – many will die! We have got to repent, friends. Whatever sin there is in you, REPENT OF IT, turn away from it, live holy, Because it is because of sin that you are cursed. We need to go on our knees and ask Jesus to SHOW US, what is inside of us, to expose in us the wickedness in our hearts and REPENT OF IT and then God will send us a blessing and take away the curse. It is not the will of God that any man perish dear friends but that we all repent and have eternal life. We must judge ourselves, then we will not come into judgment. If you have sinned, go on your knees and plead forgiveness, STOP SINNING. You cannot just say:”Lord I am sorry” and then go on sinning tomorrow, then you did not repent. It is because of sin, that you are cursed, my friend. GET RID OF THE SIN and be holy, OBEY Jesus Christ or you will perish. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH! Judge yourself and then you will not come into the judgment of God. Come clean now and stay clean – repent of sin, STOP SINNING and walk with Jesus every day, OBEY Him and do His will.
May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Show your love
The love of God was demonstrated in Jesus Christ who came and died on a Cross and took the punishment for our sins and our transgressions on Him, so that we can have eternal life, if we obey Him, if we turn away from sin and accept Him as our Lord. Jesus said:” If you love Me, do what I say.” “ Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord and do not what I say.” We demonstrate our love for Him, through our obedience to Him. He gave us a new commandment. He said:” A new commandment I give unto you that you LOVE one another as I have also loved you.” Jesus loved this world so much that He gave Himself, He died, He sacrificed Himself for us, so that we can live. If we have the Love of Christ in us, we will sacrifice ourselves for our brothers and our sisters. We will be more concerned about other people than about ourselves. God loves us friends and if Jesus lives in us, we will also demonstrate that very same love for our neighbors, for our brothers, for our sisters. God makes His sun shine on everybody everyday. If Jesus is in us, we will love everybody, even those who are enemies, even those who hate us, even those who persecute us because if the love of Christ is poured out in our hearts we will also have love to give. Do we have the Love of Christ in us? Is it demonstrated in our deeds and our actions towards our neighbors. May Jesus bless you.
Grieve not the Holy Spirit
Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of lords, Everlasting Father, He is Mighty God and He Reigns. Dear friends, Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, to Comfort us, to be with us every second, every moment, to Teach us His ways, to guide us into fruitful living as a child of God. Without His Spirit, without the Holy Spirit we cannot please Him, we cannot do His will. We need His Holy Spirit. If we do not have the Holy Spirit of Christ, we do not belong to Him. He gives His Spirit in everyone who accepts Him as Lord. He puts His Spirit in you to guide you, to speak to you. We need to be constantly TUNED IN and LISTENING, day and night. If we GREVE the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, He will leave us, He will not speak to us any more. He will not guide us, if we reject Him there is no way that we will go into the Kingdom of God. There is no road map, you cannot get into Heaven by reading your Bible and doing things your way. There is only ONE WAY that we will find the Narrow Door and that is if we LISTEN to the HOLY SPIRIT. If we sin against the Holy Spirit, then we are DOOMED, then we will not be forgiven because He is the only One who can guide us into the Kingdom of God. Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? Are you embracing Him? Are you constantly tuned in to Him or do you think that you can find your own way by reading the Bible and listening to other people. None of them have made it yet my friend, none of them. Only the Holy Spirit can guide us into all truth only the Holy Spirit can tell us the Mind of Christ. Only the Holy Spirit can tell us what is yet to come and what Jesus wants us to do. That is why He sent Him. Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? Are you following the Spirit of Christ? Have you RECEIVED the Holy Spirit because if we do not have the Spirit of Christ we do not belong to Him. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit my friend. Seek Him, submit to Him, be sensitive and listen, obey all the time and He will guide you in such a way that you will be pleasing to Jesus all the time. May Jesus bless you.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Who is speaking? Jesus or satan?
God is Spirit but satan is also spirit and his demons are also spirits, so when a voice speaks to you in your spirit, how do you know who is speaking to you? God speaks to people through dreams, we’ve read about that in the Bible. He spoke to Joseph and to many others through dreams, but satan also gives people dreams. So how would you know whether the dream is from God or from the devil? When the devil tempted Jesus in the desert, he used Scripture but the Holy Spirit will also give you Scripture, He will say: it is written. So how would you know who is speaking to you? Dear friends, Jesus said My sheep know My voice and they listen to Me. It depends on who you are listening to. If you are pure in heart and you seek to be pleasing to Jesus, you will be listening to Him, you will know His voice and you will know where the voice comes from, where the dream comes from and if you don’t know you will ask Him. God will not always give you pleasant dreams, He will not always tell you nice things, but when the Holy Spirit of God speaks to you, He reminds you of the Words of Jesus. He brings you into obedience to Jesus. He teaches you holiness and righteousness, not the desires of your flesh. He puts your focus on Jesus Christ and not on the things of this world. His sheep, the sheep of Jesus, know His voice because they seek to please Him. They are pure in heart, they don’t seek their own desires and they don’t seek to destroy other people for whom Jesus died. They’ve got the love of Christ in them and they care for righteousness above all else, they want to please Jesus. Dear friends, those who belong to Jesus, want to please Him, they know His voice, they listen to Him all the time. But those who love themselves and the work of the flesh, they listen to the devil and they will also find a Scripture to justify their sins. There are many of them in churches, they walk around with Bibles, they know the Bible very well and the devil gives them the right Scriptures, to justify their sins. If you listen to the Holy Spirit dear friend, you will produce fruit of the Spirit. You will be holy, you will be like Jesus, you will do the works of Jesus. You will not love the world, you will not be conformed to this world. If you are not sure who is speaking to you, PRAY and ask Jesus to show you and He will confirm to you. But cleanse your heart first friend and make sure that you truly want to please Jesus. Because then He will speak to you loud and clear all the time and you will know His voice because His sheep know His voice and they listen to Him because they only seek to please Him.
May Jesus bless you.
May Jesus bless you.
LISTEN to Jesus
The Lord Jesus came to this earth as a man, flesh and blood like we are and God the Father confirmed Him, speaking from Heaven saying: “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, LISTEN TO HIM.“ Dear friend, the only way that we can have eternal life is if we LISTEN TO JESUS and OBEY HIM. Because His Words are the Words of Life. We must LISTEN to Him and OBEY Him. Jesus has not stopped speaking. When He ascended to Heaven, He sent us His Holy Spirit and He is still SPEAKING. We must be LISTENING. His sheep LISTEN TO HIS VOICE and they FOLLOW HIM. Many professing Christians are not His sheep because they do not LISTEN to His voice and they do not FOLLOW Him. Anybody can read the Bible but only HIS SHEEP LISTEN TO HIS VOICE. Dear friend, are you one of HIS SHEEP? Do you LISTEN TO HIS VOICE and do you FOLLOW HIM? Is JESUS CHRIST REAL to you? Do you LISTEN TO HIM? May Jesus bless you.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Bible is the word of man
The devil has cleverly deceived people into thinking and saying that the Bible is the word of God. It's not the word of God, My Friends. The Bible was written by men. It is the word of men who have met with God. That is what the Holy Scriptures are. It is what people wrote who had a meeting with God, who heard from God. It is what people wrote regarding God, but it's not the word of God. Those people testified in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the Word of God. It is written in John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God." Jesus Christ is the Word of God, My Friend, nobody else. The Bible is not the word of God. You see, this is why the devil is so clever. Because now people believe that if they've got a Bible, they've got the word of God and they don't need Jesus. So they don't seek Jesus because they believe they've got the word of God - and they will categorically tell you that what God wanted to say, He has said in His word.
But God didn't say anything there. It was written by people. Each and every book of the Bible has an author. And none of them is God. The Holy Spirit inspired those people, oh, yes. Because they got to know God, and therefore they wrote about God. But none of that is the word of God. It is the word of people, it's not the word of God. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. And as John wrote in John 10:27 - "My sheep know My voice and they listen to Me." The sheep of Christ listen to Christ Himself. And as Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 - "Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." So My Friend, if you do no know Jesus Christ and hear His voice - you've never heard the Word of God. Don't think that you've got a book, which is called the word of God - which is a LIE - because God didn't write it, men wrote it. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. If you want to know the truth, and if you want to know the Word of God - you've got to get to know Jesus, My Friend. You've got to be led by His Holy Spirit, you cannot be led by a book. That book was written by people who knew God, who had seen the works of God. It is not the word of God, My Friend - you've been deceived. Get to KNOW the Word of God - Jesus Christ! Invite Him into you life, and He will reveal Himself to you and you will hear the Word of God. God never wrote, My Friend, people write. They wrote the truth, they wrote about Jesus and the Holy Spirit will confirm to you what they wrote, but it's not the Word of God.
Jesus Christ IS the Word of God, My Friend. May Jesus Bless You.
But God didn't say anything there. It was written by people. Each and every book of the Bible has an author. And none of them is God. The Holy Spirit inspired those people, oh, yes. Because they got to know God, and therefore they wrote about God. But none of that is the word of God. It is the word of people, it's not the word of God. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. And as John wrote in John 10:27 - "My sheep know My voice and they listen to Me." The sheep of Christ listen to Christ Himself. And as Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 - "Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." So My Friend, if you do no know Jesus Christ and hear His voice - you've never heard the Word of God. Don't think that you've got a book, which is called the word of God - which is a LIE - because God didn't write it, men wrote it. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. If you want to know the truth, and if you want to know the Word of God - you've got to get to know Jesus, My Friend. You've got to be led by His Holy Spirit, you cannot be led by a book. That book was written by people who knew God, who had seen the works of God. It is not the word of God, My Friend - you've been deceived. Get to KNOW the Word of God - Jesus Christ! Invite Him into you life, and He will reveal Himself to you and you will hear the Word of God. God never wrote, My Friend, people write. They wrote the truth, they wrote about Jesus and the Holy Spirit will confirm to you what they wrote, but it's not the Word of God.
Jesus Christ IS the Word of God, My Friend. May Jesus Bless You.
Why God allows good people to suffer
The question is often asked: Why do good people often suffer, cancer, tribulation, serious problems? Dear friends, God is good and He is good to everybody. It is not His will that anybody perish and God knows how to deal with us. He wants us to share in His glory, to be part of His Kingdom and the only way that God can often speak to us is through suffering, through a terminal illness, through economic suffering. It is because God cares. Many serious followers of Jesus Christ also suffer because He teaches us through suffering. Even Jesus Christ Himself our Lord was perfected through suffering. We need to be cleansed and purified. God cares for everybody, everybody, even those who don’t believe. God cares for them and He often lays problems, stumbling blocks in their way, problems that are too big for them to handle so that they can look up and start calling out to Him. It is all because He cares. He is drawing us closer to Him. When things go well, we forget God, we don’t need God. It is better for us to suffer and to draw nearer to Jesus to learn the truth to repent of our wickedness to become holy and pleasing to Him than for us to carry on and have a good time and end up in hell. Dear friends, severe times are coming over this world. Economic collapse is coming and many people will suffer severe hardship. It is because God cares. This world has turned its back on God. Even professing Christians have turned their back on God. They are denying Him, but He has not turned His back on us. He cares for us and that is why all these things will happen. There will be famine, there will be economic collapse, there will be hardship and these times that are coming, people will call out to God and many will find Him. Many will find Jesus, many will be saved, many will curse God and die. Dear friend, what will you do? Will you respond to the call of a Loving Father? Will you obey Him and follow Jesus Christ? Will you repent of your sin and seek eternal salvation or will you keep on turning your back on Him? God cares for you friend, He loves you, He has not forsaken you. Bow your knees before Jesus, before it is too late. Do not reject Him. Open your heart to Him and invite Him in. Come clean, repent of your sin and seek Jesus and He will accept you. He loves you my friend and He cares for you. The sufferings that you are going through is because God cares for you. Maybe it is a loved one who is sick and it is hurting you. Maybe that is the only way God can get through to you, is by making your loved one suffer, but God cares for you. He is drawing us closer to Him. Will you respond to the call? Will you seek Jesus and live or will you reject Him and perish for all eternity? God cares my friend. Come to Jesus and live. May Jesus bless you.
It is time to seek the Lord - Prophecy 10/11/2011
(Word from the Holy Spirit – 10/11/2011)
Repent! Turn from your idols.
It is time to seek the Lord.
People run after men.
It is time to get to know Jesus,
in righteousness and holiness.
Seek His Spirit.
Seek obedience,
prepare the way
for the coming of the King!
Seek Jesus, seek His voice,
be constantly aware of Him.
Seek what is pleasing to Him.
Clean out your life,
your house, everything.
Ask forgiveness.
Give forgiveness,
seek to be pleasing to Jesus
all the time.
Let go of all hatred,
bitterness, animosity
and division.
Get busy with Jesus.
Pray, get rid of all filth.
Clean your thoughts,
your conversation,
your closet.
Remove everything that
is not pleasing to Jesus.
Seek His approval
and seek His presence.
Spend time with Jesus praying.
Wait on Him.
Let His Spirit speak to you
in your heart, in your mind.
Listen, write it down,
take action.
Do what He tells you to do.
Be serious.
Get your priorities right.
Let Jesus be the center of your life.
Listen to Him
and your soul will live.
Be constantly aware of Him.
Let Him be in every thought
and in every conversation.
Thank Him for every meal that you eat.
Let go of all the things
that you are dragging along,
pains of the past.
Fix your eyes on Jesus.
Be holy, pleasing to Him.
Set yourself aside for Him
and He will give you peace
beyond all understanding.
Seek Him all the time
and your peace will increase.
You will see His hand moving
in your life to touch others.
Make way for the King!
It is time to seek the Lord!
Repent! Turn from your idols.
It is time to seek the Lord.
People run after men.
It is time to get to know Jesus,
in righteousness and holiness.
Seek His Spirit.
Seek obedience,
prepare the way
for the coming of the King!
Seek Jesus, seek His voice,
be constantly aware of Him.
Seek what is pleasing to Him.
Clean out your life,
your house, everything.
Ask forgiveness.
Give forgiveness,
seek to be pleasing to Jesus
all the time.
Let go of all hatred,
bitterness, animosity
and division.
Get busy with Jesus.
Pray, get rid of all filth.
Clean your thoughts,
your conversation,
your closet.
Remove everything that
is not pleasing to Jesus.
Seek His approval
and seek His presence.
Spend time with Jesus praying.
Wait on Him.
Let His Spirit speak to you
in your heart, in your mind.
Listen, write it down,
take action.
Do what He tells you to do.
Be serious.
Get your priorities right.
Let Jesus be the center of your life.
Listen to Him
and your soul will live.
Be constantly aware of Him.
Let Him be in every thought
and in every conversation.
Thank Him for every meal that you eat.
Let go of all the things
that you are dragging along,
pains of the past.
Fix your eyes on Jesus.
Be holy, pleasing to Him.
Set yourself aside for Him
and He will give you peace
beyond all understanding.
Seek Him all the time
and your peace will increase.
You will see His hand moving
in your life to touch others.
Make way for the King!
It is time to seek the Lord!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Another Jesus
People often say that I am talking about a different Jesus, a Jesus that they don’t know. People have an image of Jesus in their mind, an image that was formed from pictures that they saw, things that they heard from other people, images and movies and they read the Bible themselves maybe a little bit and all of this is colored and tainted and they form an image which is NOT REALITY. Dear friend, when you truly meet Jesus, then you know Him for real and then you fear Him and you respect Him and you know He is a terrible God. I have met Jesus and I know Jesus. I fear Him, I respect Him. He is God Almighty, He is my Lord. People who truly met Jesus, they fear Him. When Paul was on the Damascus road, he met Jesus, the risen Jesus and He fell flat on His face and He said:”Who are You Lord?” and he was instantly changed because he had met Jesus , he feared Him. He knew Him from revelation. The Apostle John on the Isle of Pathmos, he had a REVELATION of the risen Jesus, the Book of Revelations, he fell on his face like a dead man. He saw the risen Jesus. He saw Him as He really is, Lord of lords and King of kings, He is a terrible God and His Words are the Words that will JUDGE us. He is the final Judge, there is no other. Every knee will bow before Him and every tongue will confess that He is King and Lord and Master. Everything, everything is under His power, He is Almighty. The only way that you can really know Jesus dear friend, is through REVELATION. These people in churches tell you about Jesus and they are so easy, so relaxed about Jesus, they don’t know Him, they just don’t know Him and that is why they preach a different Jesus. I know the real Jesus. Dear friend, have you met the real Jesus? Have you had revelation of Him? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and you will know Jesus for real. You will fear Him, respect Him and obey Him because He is the King of kings, He is the Alpha and the Omega, He is the coming King who will judge every man. Get to know the real Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
Make Believe Christians
Word from the Lord - 10/10/2011.
Few of those who profess to know Me, really do. By their deeds they deny Me. They are snake oil salesmen, sorcerers, they use numbers to impress and deceive people. Most people have salvation deception - they are not following Me- they serve Me their way. They do not seek Me for guidance, neither do they follow and obey My guidance. They do not trust in Me, they trust in people and themselves. They do not seek to please Me, they do not love Me. They love themselves and seek their own desires. They do not seek holiness. Their Bible knowledge empowers them to manipulate and deceive but they refuse to obey Me. They do not seek Me but are busy with a self gratifying religion in which they are the main players and the heroes. It is all about them. Their religion is like their video games – they are always the heroes. The more they play the game the better they become until they become the masters in their little make believe world. It gratifies them but they do not know Me nor do they serve Me. They select scriptures that they apply to build and validate their little world. They are always the winners because they make the game.
They will not seek Me and hear from Me. Neither do they listen when I speak to them. Tell them they are Make Believe Christians. They live in a self generated delusion. They must wake up and seek Me and My Kingdom or they will not enter. I am Lord – they see the signs but yet they do not repent and obey Me. They love lies and false security. They have become rich and they need nothing but they are poor, naked and blind. They believe Jesus came to serve them but they refuse to serve Jesus. They choose for themselves teachers with book knowledge and people who are rich. They follow them and think they will also become rich like them. They seek earthly wisdom, how to do well on earth not how to be pleasing to Me and do My will. They are Make Believe Christians.
Few of those who profess to know Me, really do. By their deeds they deny Me. They are snake oil salesmen, sorcerers, they use numbers to impress and deceive people. Most people have salvation deception - they are not following Me- they serve Me their way. They do not seek Me for guidance, neither do they follow and obey My guidance. They do not trust in Me, they trust in people and themselves. They do not seek to please Me, they do not love Me. They love themselves and seek their own desires. They do not seek holiness. Their Bible knowledge empowers them to manipulate and deceive but they refuse to obey Me. They do not seek Me but are busy with a self gratifying religion in which they are the main players and the heroes. It is all about them. Their religion is like their video games – they are always the heroes. The more they play the game the better they become until they become the masters in their little make believe world. It gratifies them but they do not know Me nor do they serve Me. They select scriptures that they apply to build and validate their little world. They are always the winners because they make the game.
They will not seek Me and hear from Me. Neither do they listen when I speak to them. Tell them they are Make Believe Christians. They live in a self generated delusion. They must wake up and seek Me and My Kingdom or they will not enter. I am Lord – they see the signs but yet they do not repent and obey Me. They love lies and false security. They have become rich and they need nothing but they are poor, naked and blind. They believe Jesus came to serve them but they refuse to serve Jesus. They choose for themselves teachers with book knowledge and people who are rich. They follow them and think they will also become rich like them. They seek earthly wisdom, how to do well on earth not how to be pleasing to Me and do My will. They are Make Believe Christians.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Church Mindset - Deception from satan
Most believers are not Christians, they are churchians and you need to be delivered from the church mindset before you can follow Jesus and be a disciple. You need a discipleship mindset. The church mindset is based on the Bible and doctrine. It is a deception from satan. Jesus called us to be disciples, to follow Him. The discipleship mindset is a relationship with Jesus where you want to please Jesus, you are following Jesus. Your mind is set on Christ, not on doctrines, not on the bible, not on the church. You are fixed on Jesus Christ and on pleasing Him. Dear friend, if you are a churchian and you have a church mindset you must be delivered of that and you must have the mindset of a disciple of Jesus Christ, you must follow Jesus. You must be led by the Holy Spirit. You must be seeking to be pleasing to Jesus all the time. It is not about bible study and teachings and readings, it is about PRAYER AND LISTENING to the Holy Spirit of God, about being in constant contact with Jesus Christ, LISTENING TO HIS SPIRIT, living holiness, righteousness – listening to His Spirit and doing His will. You have got to get delivered of the church mindset before you can follow Jesus or else you will always want to go back to church, back to bondage and you won't follow Jesus. Many people leave church but they never start following Jesus. They never become disciples and they are also lost. You must get the discipleship mindset and start following Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
PROPHECY - November 2010
I have a message from the Lord Jesus. It is His indictment against church, because church has not been building the Kingdom of God. Church has been building it's own kingdom at the expense of the Kingdom of God. It has not been the watchmen on the wall.
It has not been the salt of the earth.
It has not cried out against iniquity
It has not brought people to repentance.
It has only sought after it's own benefit, to build there own churches.
To conduct a business.
It has become a robbers den, it is not a house of prayer.
It has become a house of entertainment,a whore house,
to fornicate with the world. All matter of sin and
iniquity, everything is acceptable in church, as long as there is money and as long as the doors are open.
My friends the doors are going to close, because our Lord is bringing
He is taking away there protected status.
They are going to be broken down.
The judgment of God is coming on the
wickedness of the church and in the church
God Himself is going to destroy it, and if He finds you in there my friend, you will SUFFER in the judgment of God.
the MOCKERS the SCOFFERS and those who profess to be Christians but they are workers of evil and of satan
COME OUT FROM AMONGST THEM becaue the JUDGMENT OF GOD is coming ON them and if He finds you there you will ALSO SUFFER in His judgment.
The WALLS ARE GOING TO BROKEN DOWN because they have frosaken God they have not built ther kingdom of God
I have a message from the Lord Jesus. It is His indictment against church, because church has not been building the Kingdom of God. Church has been building it's own kingdom at the expense of the Kingdom of God. It has not been the watchmen on the wall.
It has not been the salt of the earth.
It has not cried out against iniquity
It has not brought people to repentance.
It has only sought after it's own benefit, to build there own churches.
To conduct a business.
It has become a robbers den, it is not a house of prayer.
It has become a house of entertainment,a whore house,
to fornicate with the world. All matter of sin and
iniquity, everything is acceptable in church, as long as there is money and as long as the doors are open.
My friends the doors are going to close, because our Lord is bringing
He is taking away there protected status.
They are going to be broken down.
The judgment of God is coming on the
wickedness of the church and in the church
God Himself is going to destroy it, and if He finds you in there my friend, you will SUFFER in the judgment of God.
the MOCKERS the SCOFFERS and those who profess to be Christians but they are workers of evil and of satan
COME OUT FROM AMONGST THEM becaue the JUDGMENT OF GOD is coming ON them and if He finds you there you will ALSO SUFFER in His judgment.
The WALLS ARE GOING TO BROKEN DOWN because they have frosaken God they have not built ther kingdom of God
Friday, October 7, 2011
Church is a Soul Trap - Preachers are Trappers
Churches are soul traps and the preachers are the trappers. They catch weary souls and they make them believe that if they belong to that church and subscribe to the doctrine of that church, follow the leadership of the church, that they have salvation. Dear friends, that is a lie from hell. The only salvation is in JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ came to reconcile man with God. The only way that you can have eternal life is if you get rid of your SIN. And only Jesus can set you free from sin. Going to church and being part of a church does not deliver you from sin, it does not bring you closer to God either. You need JESUS. You need to turn away from sin, repent of sin, STOP SINNING and ask Jesus to forgive you. Ask Him to put His Spirit in you and He will guide you into all truth. You will KNOW THE TRUTH and the truth will set you free. The truth is dear friend, that the wages of sin is DEATH. And God writes His laws in your heart, you know what is right, you know when you sin and if you sin you will end up in hell, because your sin separates you from God. So you must STOP SINNING. Pray and ask Jesus to show you the way, the way to righteousness. He has written the laws in your heart, obey them, obey them. Obey Jesus Christ, He will speak to you in your heart and He will guide you into RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS and He will bring you into the presence of the Living God. Going to church will not save you friend, they will take you to hell, because that church is a soul trap. And many souls are sitting trapped in churches today, they don’t have salvation because they don’t know Jesus. They are professed SINNERS because they don’t have DELIVERANCE, they don’t have CHRIST. They think that because they are sitting in a church, they have salvation. What really matters dear friend is KNOWING JESUS and living in UTTER OBEDIENCE to HIM every day, every moment of your life. He will speak to you, He will guide you into righteousness. He will show you when you do wrong but you’ve got to LISTEN and you must LIVE HOLY, you must LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY, you must OBEY HIM and He will guide you into all truth. He will reveal Himself to you, if you seek Him but you FIRST NEED to STOP SINNING. You NEED to OBEY HIM, you NEED to TURN AWAY from SIN and accept JESUS as your LORD. OBEY HIS WORDS. Be baptized in water for the forgiveness of your sin and then ask Him for His Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth and GET OUT of the CHURCH, GET OUT of the SOUL TRAP because they will take you to hell where they are going. They DON”T KNOW JESUS or else THEY would BRING you to JESUS. Then they would bring you into a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS where you live HOLIBESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS and where you HEAR the VOICE OF GOD. Dear friend, are you STUCK in the SOUL TRAP? Are you STUCK in a CHURCH? OR do you have a REAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS? Man will not live from Bread alone but from EVERY WORD that proceeds from the MOUTH OF GOD. IS GOD SPEAKING to you? Are you LISTENING, are you FOLLOWING JESUS every day or is He not a REALITY to you? Are you STUCK in the SOUL TRAP? Are you just part of a church? GET OUT my friend and FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST. Call on Him, repent of sin, seek Him with all your heart and He will reveal Himself to you. May Jesus bless you.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fair Judgment – 10/6/2011
I will execute fair judgment on My people. All the souls belong to Me. I will rule them with a rod of iron. My remnant will walk in holiness and I will execute judgment on their persecutors. They will shine as a light in this world, to set up a standard. Those who persecute them I will also persecute. I am jealous over My own – vengeance is Mine. I will repay. No one will escape unless they truly repent. Think not of the former things – look ahead. I will deal marvelously with mankind. All things are in My hand. I exalt those who humbly seek Me and My Kingdom. I will bring them in. They will walk in My Light ( I saw a vision, enormous light and figures, people, changing from dark to light, they became transparent like glass – the light was not white, it was like gold) They will be clothed in My glory. I am the one who justifies My servants, those who serve me with a pure heart.
I watch over them with great love and compassion. They are My chosen ones, those who chose to follow Me wherever I sent them. They chose to do My will – they trusted Me and followed Me to be where I am. My Light will shine through them and darkness will not overcome it. They love not their lives, they trust Me. My ears are open to their cry to repay injustice of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. I have given them time to repent but they refused. There is nothing hidden from Me.
I am against the arrogant and proud who exalt themselves, who are rebellious against Me. I will crush their hopes. In a moment they will disappear – they will be no more. I am Lord – every knee will bow before Me. I exalt those who humbly seek Me.
I crush proud nations. I bring them low. Those who exalt themselves against Me will be brought low. They think their own power has made them great. They think nothing can touch them. They became fat on their own sediment – so they defiled themselves with their idolatry. They are besotted with themselves, their own greatness, but they are empty, rotten, wasted. I remove their power from them – I strip them. Their joy and merriment will change into sadness and despair. Their greatness will leave them – they will be stripped bare. I take away what they thought they had.
I execute fair judgment.
I watch over them with great love and compassion. They are My chosen ones, those who chose to follow Me wherever I sent them. They chose to do My will – they trusted Me and followed Me to be where I am. My Light will shine through them and darkness will not overcome it. They love not their lives, they trust Me. My ears are open to their cry to repay injustice of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. I have given them time to repent but they refused. There is nothing hidden from Me.
I am against the arrogant and proud who exalt themselves, who are rebellious against Me. I will crush their hopes. In a moment they will disappear – they will be no more. I am Lord – every knee will bow before Me. I exalt those who humbly seek Me.
I crush proud nations. I bring them low. Those who exalt themselves against Me will be brought low. They think their own power has made them great. They think nothing can touch them. They became fat on their own sediment – so they defiled themselves with their idolatry. They are besotted with themselves, their own greatness, but they are empty, rotten, wasted. I remove their power from them – I strip them. Their joy and merriment will change into sadness and despair. Their greatness will leave them – they will be stripped bare. I take away what they thought they had.
I execute fair judgment.
Listen to Jesus. Wait on Him and He will speak to you, His mind, His thoughts, His wisdom. He will guide you into all truth. His Spirit will guide you constantly. Listen all the time.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
My Kingdom
Word from the Lord 10/5/2011
I will reign through those who serve Me. Where I am there my servants will be also, to do my will. They are those who have forsaken all and follow Me. My Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. There will be no end to the increase of My dominion. I paid the price – I did not hold back. Few are willing to pay the price – they will reign. They are the living dead – alive to Me but dead to the world. They do My will. They seek to please Me. Their enemies, are the religious hypocrites.
Those who do not listen to Me are in darkness. I have come as a Light in the world. Men love darkness more than Light because their deeds are evil. They refuse to repent of their wicked deeds. Their hearts are darkened – they have no hope, no future. They are spent and burned like firewood. Their own lusts consume them. They refuse to come to Me to have life. They refuse to follow after Me. They do not seek revelation of Me. They seek their own pleasures and the lust of their flesh to fulfill it. They will not submit to Me and obey Me.
They trust in people, in themselves and in their own abilities, their own insight. They are idolaters of man and themselves. They do not regard Me as Lord and Master. They will burn out and their powers will be consumed. They will be left with no hope and no future. Those who follow Me have an ever increasing hope and certainty. They do not trust in themselves – they are fully focused on Me. They will reign in My Kingdom because they serve Me as Lord. I give them life. All power and all authority belongs to Me – I give to whomever I wish. Those who endure will reign with Me. They walk in My power, not their own - they speak My wisdom, not their own because they seek My Kingdom, not their own. They seek no glory for themselves, they give glory to Me. Therefor, I will glorify them also.
I will reign through those who serve Me. Where I am there my servants will be also, to do my will. They are those who have forsaken all and follow Me. My Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. There will be no end to the increase of My dominion. I paid the price – I did not hold back. Few are willing to pay the price – they will reign. They are the living dead – alive to Me but dead to the world. They do My will. They seek to please Me. Their enemies, are the religious hypocrites.
Those who do not listen to Me are in darkness. I have come as a Light in the world. Men love darkness more than Light because their deeds are evil. They refuse to repent of their wicked deeds. Their hearts are darkened – they have no hope, no future. They are spent and burned like firewood. Their own lusts consume them. They refuse to come to Me to have life. They refuse to follow after Me. They do not seek revelation of Me. They seek their own pleasures and the lust of their flesh to fulfill it. They will not submit to Me and obey Me.
They trust in people, in themselves and in their own abilities, their own insight. They are idolaters of man and themselves. They do not regard Me as Lord and Master. They will burn out and their powers will be consumed. They will be left with no hope and no future. Those who follow Me have an ever increasing hope and certainty. They do not trust in themselves – they are fully focused on Me. They will reign in My Kingdom because they serve Me as Lord. I give them life. All power and all authority belongs to Me – I give to whomever I wish. Those who endure will reign with Me. They walk in My power, not their own - they speak My wisdom, not their own because they seek My Kingdom, not their own. They seek no glory for themselves, they give glory to Me. Therefor, I will glorify them also.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Prophetic Utterance – Counsel of the Holy Spirit
(A teaching of the Holy Spirit)
Focus on Jesus and praise Him. The Holy Spirit will put utterance in your mind – you must speak by faith what you receive. Do not be thinking, just receive. You can ask guidance from Him but you need to wait until He answers you. You cannot call up the Holy Spirit – you wait on Him and He speaks according to the will of God. You receive it by faith faith and you can speak it or write it down. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the mind of Christ. You must focus on Jesus, not on your own desires or own thoughts. Do not reason or argue – He will leave you. Wait and listen. Leave your requests with Him – He will answer in His time, trust Him. Very often you will realize, when you ask, that you have already been given the answer. With Jesus all things are possible. You must trust Him, ask Him, wait patiently, submit to Him. Whatever He tells you – OBEY! Do not trust in other people, even if they say they heard from God – ask Jesus to confirm if it comes from Him. Do not look for confirmation from any specific source, be it the scriptures or another person. Fix your expectation on Jesus alone and wait until He answers. He might send someone to you, He might give you a scripture. Don't go look for it. Wait!
Jesus will guide you through the Holy Spirit. He will teach you things that you have never heard about. Wait on Him patiently. Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Learn to tune in all the time and He will speak to you all the time and give you revelation throughout the day – at night also in visions and dreams. Be sensitive, expecting, seeking to do His will, follow His guidance, be pleasing to Him and He will constantly guide you.
May Jesus bless you
Focus on Jesus and praise Him. The Holy Spirit will put utterance in your mind – you must speak by faith what you receive. Do not be thinking, just receive. You can ask guidance from Him but you need to wait until He answers you. You cannot call up the Holy Spirit – you wait on Him and He speaks according to the will of God. You receive it by faith faith and you can speak it or write it down. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the mind of Christ. You must focus on Jesus, not on your own desires or own thoughts. Do not reason or argue – He will leave you. Wait and listen. Leave your requests with Him – He will answer in His time, trust Him. Very often you will realize, when you ask, that you have already been given the answer. With Jesus all things are possible. You must trust Him, ask Him, wait patiently, submit to Him. Whatever He tells you – OBEY! Do not trust in other people, even if they say they heard from God – ask Jesus to confirm if it comes from Him. Do not look for confirmation from any specific source, be it the scriptures or another person. Fix your expectation on Jesus alone and wait until He answers. He might send someone to you, He might give you a scripture. Don't go look for it. Wait!
Jesus will guide you through the Holy Spirit. He will teach you things that you have never heard about. Wait on Him patiently. Man shall not live from bread alone but from every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Learn to tune in all the time and He will speak to you all the time and give you revelation throughout the day – at night also in visions and dreams. Be sensitive, expecting, seeking to do His will, follow His guidance, be pleasing to Him and He will constantly guide you.
May Jesus bless you
Monday, October 3, 2011
A Bag of Rice - Judgment - Prophecy 10/3/2011
A friend of mine called me from South Africa. He had a vision of a man carrying a bag of rice, He heard a voice saying: "Twelve states in the USA cannot afford it" (a bag of rice). While praying this morning I heard: "My judgment is coming." I saw a vast lake with black liquid - I don't know what it was.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
JESUS is all you need
If Jesus Christ dwells in you then you ARE the CHURCH, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God and the WORD OF GOD, Jesus Christ Himself, living IN you, TEACHES you and GUIDES you into all righteousness. You don't need anything else. You don't need a Bible, you don't need a "church," you don't need the fellowship of other people because you are living in the presence of the living God. Dear friend, do you know Jesus? Have you opened the door of your heart for the King to come in? Is He the Master of your life? Jesus said: "The kingdom of God is within you." If Jesus is the King of your life, then the Kingdom of God is inside of you. Dear friend, is the kingdom of God inside of you? Is Jesus christ your King, your Lord and your Master, and are you serving Him, and nobody else? May Jesus Bless you
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Sins of the Mind
God is holy and He is pure, He does not tolerate any impurity or any sin and therefore a disciple of Jesus Christ will be pure in every aspect of His life, including His mind. Our minds must be pure, they must be set on Christ. Jesus said that if you look at a woman to desire her, you have already committed adultery in your mind, you are an adulterer. If you get mad at somebody and you wish you could kill him, or hit him you are an aggressor and a murderer in the sight of God. God says: Vengeance is mine, I will repay. We’ve got to be pure in every aspect of our lives. Many people are married and while they are with their partner being intimate, they are fantasizing about somebody else, or they are fantasizing about a celebrity that they saw on the television or in a movie because they defiled their mind with all those things that they gobbled up and therefore they are dirty inside. They are not suitable for the Kingdom of God. We as children of God are a Temple of the Holy Spirit and we’ve got to be pure and holy. God does not live in a filthy Temple and He does not share that Temple with demons. Many Christians have got demons in them, they’ve allowed those demons of lust into them and those demons drive them. They’ve got no control over themselves. Lust for immorality, some were born with immorality, they were born with those demons inside of them and they’ve got to get delivered. But we must become honest dear friends. If we want to follow Jesus, we must be pure and holy. It’s not a matter of putting the blame on somebody, it is a matter of: Am I pure, am I holy? Can I stand with clean Hands and a pure heart before my Lord? Can I live in His presence? Can His Holy Spirit function through me? Am I a clean and a holy vessel or am I defiled by the sins and the impurities of my mind? It is not acceptable for the Kingdom of God. This world allows all kinds of immorality and that is how they catch people. That is how the devil leads you into temptation. If you allow your eyes and your mind to go into those things and to fill you, and then it leads you into sin. But God looks at our hearts, the motive in our heart, He knows our mind. He knows the wickedness of man inside. We’ve got to purify ourselves dear friend, if we want Jesus to live in us, if we want to become one with God. Eternal Life is knowing Jesus Christ and God the Father. And if you want to know Jesus and you want to know God the Father and live with them forever. You’ve got to be pure and holy in every aspect of your life. Your marriage bed must be holy and pure. You must be pure dear friend, no impurity, no lust, no lust for the things of the world but only a pure heart a yearning for Jesus, for the Spirit of God to fill you so that you can be led by the Spirit of God and that He can work through you. We’ve got to be pure and holy friends. We must PURIFY ourselves of every evil of every bad thought and set our mind on Christ. That is what He requires of us. May Jesus bless you.
Self Serving Christianity and Denominationalism
On occasion they asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God is coming and He said that the Kingdom of God does not come with visible signs because the Kingdom of God is IN YOU. Dear friends, the law and the prophets was preached until John the Baptist. Let me read in Luke 16:16. He says: The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since then the Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.” The Kingdom of God is in us and the King has come, His Name is Jesus Christ and either you are the master of your own destiny or you have accepted Jesus Christ as King, Lord and Master of your life. And that is what is wrong with modern CHRISTIANITY they believe in denominations, they love their churches, they love their Bible but they don’t love Jesus Christ. They love themselves, because they have a self service Christianity, a self made Christianity which serves themselves. They will belong to the church they choose, they will use the Bible translation that they choose. They will believe the way that they see It, but they refuse to serve Jesus. They refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit that He has sent to guide them. They refuse to listen to the laws of God that He has written in their hearts as it is written in Hebrews 8:10 He says: “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord; I will put my laws into their minds, and I will write them upon their hearts: and I will be their God, and they shall be My people: And they shall not teach everyone his fellow citizen, and everyone his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for ALL SHALL KNOW ME, from the least to the greatest of them, for I will be merciful to their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more.” That is the new covenant dear friends, that is the Kingdom of God and all those who truly love Jesus are pressing into it, they are listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of them, the laws that He has written in their hearts. They are not concerned about church, about their version of the Bible, they are concerned about pleasing Jesus Christ and LISTENING to the HOLY SPIRIT. They are serving the KING because He is the KING of the KINGDOM inside of them. They have come to know the Lord and they are serving Jesus not themselves. Dear friend, do you understand the Kingdom of God? Have you accepted Jesus as your LORD and MASTER? Is He your KING and are you serving HIM? May Jesus bless you.
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