Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Kingdom

Word from the Lord 10/5/2011

I will reign through those who serve Me. Where I am there my servants will be also, to do my will. They are those who have forsaken all and follow Me. My Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. There will be no end to the increase of My dominion. I paid the price – I did not hold back. Few are willing to pay the price – they will reign. They are the living dead – alive to Me but dead to the world. They do My will. They seek to please Me. Their enemies, are the religious hypocrites.
Those who do not listen to Me are in darkness. I have come as a Light in the world. Men love darkness more than Light because their deeds are evil. They refuse to repent of their wicked deeds. Their hearts are darkened – they have no hope, no future. They are spent and burned like firewood. Their own lusts consume them. They refuse to come to Me to have life. They refuse to follow after Me. They do not seek revelation of Me. They seek their own pleasures and the lust of their flesh to fulfill it. They will not submit to Me and obey Me.
They trust in people, in themselves and in their own abilities, their own insight. They are idolaters of man and themselves. They do not regard Me as Lord and Master. They will burn out and their powers will be consumed. They will be left with no hope and no future. Those who follow Me have an ever increasing hope and certainty. They do not trust in themselves – they are fully focused on Me. They will reign in My Kingdom because they serve Me as Lord. I give them life. All power and all authority belongs to Me – I give to whomever I wish. Those who endure will reign with Me. They walk in My power, not their own - they speak My wisdom, not their own because they seek My Kingdom, not their own. They seek no glory for themselves, they give glory to Me. Therefor, I will glorify them also.

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