Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wisdom for the moment

If we get our guidance from the Holy Spirit of God, then we will never be without hope or direction. Jesus Christ Himself is the Wisdom of God and He gives His Spirit inside of those who follow Him. Jesus Christ knows the answer to all your problems. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ knows the answer to every question in life. To every obstacle that you face in life, He knows how to get you across that obstacle, He knows how to get you through but you need to focus on Him. You need to ask your wisdom from Him. The apostle James wrote in James 1:5 “If any man needs wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all men freely.” Jesus Christ puts His Spirit, the Holy Spirit inside of those who love Him and who follow Him. Who seek the Kingdom of God, those who seek to please Jesus. Therefore dear friend, it does not matter what your problem is, it does not matter what your circumstance is. The Spirit of God is right there with you to give you the right answer, to give you guidance, but you need to ask, you need to ask of Him right in that very moment. That which our flesh thinks and the guidance that we find from our own mind, that is of the flesh. But that which comes from God, that is pure wisdom. We need to ask our wisdom from Him and He will give you the words to say right in every situation, He will guide you which way to take. The key is dear friends we must be seeking to please Jesus. We must be in the right relationship with Him. If our mind is set on Jesus and pleasing Him, then we will do those things that are pleasing to Him. We will seek those things that please Him. We will not disobey Him, we will not be living in sin and willful sin but we will be seeking the Kingdom of God and then we have confidence to ASK for wisdom and we have access to the Wisdom of God, right in that moment and He will give us wisdom, right for the moment. It does not matter what your problem is, what your predicament is, right there you say: “Lord, what must I do?” and He will give you wisdom. If you trust in your own mind and your own understanding, you will come up with the wrong solution. But if you trust in Jesus and ask Him, right there where you are, He will give you wisdom for the moment. Ask from Jesus friends, He gives freely to those who love Him and seek His Kingdom. May Jesus bless you.

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