Thursday, October 13, 2011

Grieve not the Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of lords, Everlasting Father, He is Mighty God and He Reigns. Dear friends, Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, to Comfort us, to be with us every second, every moment, to Teach us His ways, to guide us into fruitful living as a child of God. Without His Spirit, without the Holy Spirit we cannot please Him, we cannot do His will. We need His Holy Spirit. If we do not have the Holy Spirit of Christ, we do not belong to Him. He gives His Spirit in everyone who accepts Him as Lord. He puts His Spirit in you to guide you, to speak to you. We need to be constantly TUNED IN and LISTENING, day and night. If we GREVE the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, He will leave us, He will not speak to us any more. He will not guide us, if we reject Him there is no way that we will go into the Kingdom of God. There is no road map, you cannot get into Heaven by reading your Bible and doing things your way. There is only ONE WAY that we will find the Narrow Door and that is if we LISTEN to the HOLY SPIRIT. If we sin against the Holy Spirit, then we are DOOMED, then we will not be forgiven because He is the only One who can guide us into the Kingdom of God. Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? Are you embracing Him? Are you constantly tuned in to Him or do you think that you can find your own way by reading the Bible and listening to other people. None of them have made it yet my friend, none of them. Only the Holy Spirit can guide us into all truth only the Holy Spirit can tell us the Mind of Christ. Only the Holy Spirit can tell us what is yet to come and what Jesus wants us to do. That is why He sent Him. Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? Are you following the Spirit of Christ? Have you RECEIVED the Holy Spirit because if we do not have the Spirit of Christ we do not belong to Him. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit my friend. Seek Him, submit to Him, be sensitive and listen, obey all the time and He will guide you in such a way that you will be pleasing to Jesus all the time. May Jesus bless you.

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