Monday, October 10, 2011

Make Believe Christians

Word from the Lord - 10/10/2011.
Few of those who profess to know Me, really do. By their deeds they deny Me. They are snake oil salesmen, sorcerers, they use numbers to impress and deceive people. Most people have salvation deception - they are not following Me- they serve Me their way. They do not seek Me for guidance, neither do they follow and obey My guidance. They do not trust in Me, they trust in people and themselves. They do not seek to please Me, they do not love Me. They love themselves and seek their own desires. They do not seek holiness. Their Bible knowledge empowers them to manipulate and deceive but they refuse to obey Me. They do not seek Me but are busy with a self gratifying religion in which they are the main players and the heroes. It is all about them. Their religion is like their video games – they are always the heroes. The more they play the game the better they become until they become the masters in their little make believe world. It gratifies them but they do not know Me nor do they serve Me. They select scriptures that they apply to build and validate their little world. They are always the winners because they make the game.
They will not seek Me and hear from Me. Neither do they listen when I speak to them. Tell them they are Make Believe Christians. They live in a self generated delusion. They must wake up and seek Me and My Kingdom or they will not enter. I am Lord – they see the signs but yet they do not repent and obey Me. They love lies and false security. They have become rich and they need nothing but they are poor, naked and blind. They believe Jesus came to serve them but they refuse to serve Jesus. They choose for themselves teachers with book knowledge and people who are rich. They follow them and think they will also become rich like them. They seek earthly wisdom, how to do well on earth not how to be pleasing to Me and do My will. They are Make Believe Christians.

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