Monday, October 31, 2011


There is a false teaching going around that once the Lord Jesus has come, once the rapture has taken place, that there will be a second chance for some. This is a lie that was devised by the devil and it is being propagated by churches.
Dear friends, God gives us ONE CHANCE. It is destined for man to die once and thereafter comes judgment. The devil uses the truth and then he twists it to deceive people to get them to become complacent and not be ready for the coming of Jesus. Dear friend, there is not second chance. Once the door has closed then those who are left behind WILL PERISH! As in the days of Noah, there is NO SECOND CHANCE. Maybe the Lord has given you a few second chances to repent. Dear friend the day you die, your chances are depleted, they are UP, they are FINISHED. The day that Jesus Christ comes the door closes AND THERE IS NO MORE CHANCE! THEN IT IS FINISHED!
Don't be deceived, don't be deceived by these doctrines and teachings of people. They are lies from satan. Go and pray and ask Jesus to confirm this truth to you. Jesus warned us to be prepared all the time because we do not know WHEN OUR MASTER IS COMING!
ARE YOU READY? There will be NO second chance, dear friend! Make sure RIGHT NOW that you are ready and stay ready or else you will be severely disappointed.
May Jesus bless you.

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree! God says "I change not". God does not play different games with different rules. Satan would be shouting "foul" if this were so. Before the flood, the people were given ONE CHANCE to get into the ark. Lot and his wife were given ONE CHANCE to exit Sodom. God is patient, but He doesn't play games of cat and mouse. You get your fair chance, and then that's it! The second chance theology attached to the rapture is a LIE. Get ready, stay ready through the blood of CHRIST.
