Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Power of Love

LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe. GOD IS LOVE. God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to come and die on a Cross to REDEEM us  so that we can become sons of God if we OBEY JESUS.  JESUS LOVED the FATHER so much that HE OBEYED the FATHER to the point of DEATH to redeem us.  PERFECT LOVE drives out FEAR, it is greater than fear.  When Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, HE did NOT FEAR at all, because He was there DOING THE WILL OF THE FATHER.  If we LOVE JESUS then we TRUST HIM and we KNOW that NOTHING can happen to us that He does not allow.  We TRUST HIM with all our heart because we DECIDE to TRUST HIM.  LOVE is NOT a FEELING.  LOVE is OBEDIENCE at ALL COST.
UNBELIEF is SIN if we DISBELIEF and we are ANXIOUS that is SIN in us and we need to REPENT of that so that we can LOVE and that the LOVE OF GOD can flow through us.  I read from John 16:7 “For if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you and He And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; concerning SIN, because they DID NOT BELIEVE IN ME.” Distrusting Jesus, NOT BELIEVING JESUS is SIN and we need to REPENT of it.  If we REPENT of FEAR and of DISTRUSTING JESUS then the POWER OF GOD works in us.  The LOVE OF GOD then works in us and we DESTROY the works of the devil.  The devil cannot stand against LOVE.  It is our LOVE FOR JESUS that will force us to OBEY HIM, to NOT SIN at all but to UTTERLY OBEY HIM. It is our LOVE FOR JESUS that will cause us to follow Him every step of the way until the very end without wavering at all.  Do you LOVE JESUS that much that you will follow Him right until the end without wavering?
May Jesus bless you.

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