The moment you die, you know that hell is real, that Jesus is real and you know where you are going to spend eternity. I speak from experience. On July 28th, 1998 I died of a heart attack. I was a Christian, I thought I was saved. I thought I was safe, but I found myself on my way to hell. I was drawn down a deep black hole and I knew that I was going down and I am not going to come back. Friend, I called for mercy, I pleaded with Jesus and He allowed me to come back. I pleaded with Him, I asked Him, I want to come back to come and warn other people so that they can prepare.
Dear friend, are you prepared for eternity? Do you know Jesus? He is the only one who can give you eternal life. He is the only one who can allow you into heaven. The only alternative is hell. Get on your knees now and cry out to Jesus for mercy. Plead with Him to forgive your past sins. Confess each and every sin to Him with tears. Cry out to Him! Seek Him UNTIL YOU FIND FORGIVENESS and forgive every one who has sinned against you, because if you do not forgive others, you will not find forgiveness. Seek Jesus with all your heart, until you find Him for real. Cry out to Him. Do not get up from your knees until you know that you found Jesus and that He has given you mercy. He is real, friend. You must get to know Him now, before it is too late! And then you must stay right. You must live holy, STOP SINNING, and Jesus will guide you. He will put His Spirit in your heart and you can know all the time whether He is pleased with you or not. BUT I AM WARNING YOU TODAY, IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED YOU ARE GOING TO SPEND ETERNITY IN HELL! There is nothing more horrific! Dear friend, prepare, and stay prepared! Don't wait until it is too late, because once you die it's too late, for ever, too late! PREPARE TO MEET YOUR GOD!
May Jesus bless you.
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