Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It is not too late yet

Last night I woke up and the Holy Spirit said to me that many were called but few have answered the call. It is not too late yet if you have been called because the calling and the gifts of God are irrevocable, He does not take them back. When Jesus has called you, he called you with a purpose. He knew all along what you are and what you do and what you would be. He also knew your weaknesses. Maybe you have gone astray, maybe you were side tracked. Maybe you were deceived by church and then later became disillusioned and realized that you never fulfilled your calling.
It is not too late yet to harken to the call because maybe now, after you have realized your own failures and shortcomings you are ready to be used by Him. He will not shun you, He will not chase you away. He is waiting for you. He will not reject you as we read in Matthew 12:20 “A BATTERED REED HE WILL NOT BREAK OFF, AND A SMOLDERING WICK HE WILL NOT PUT OUT, UNTIL HE LEADS JUSTICE TO VICTORY. 21“ AND IN HIS NAME THE GENTILES WILL HOPE.”
Jesus came to save, to restore and it is not dependent on our abilities, how good we are, but it is His mercy and grace and often we need to be broken first, broken vessels that realize our own weaknesses before we will totally yield to Jesus.
It does not matter how you start the race, what really matters is how you finish it. Many have started and they have fallen out. What really matters is: How will you end this race? Jesus called you. How are you going to end this race? He is waiting for you. He will not reject you. He knows what you are, but He will use what you are for His glory IF YOU HARKEN TO THE CALL. It is not too late yet friend! Go back to Jesus and make sure that you run the last stretch of the race with utter endurance and you will win the prize! It's not too late!
May Jesus bless you.

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