Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More Demons in Church than Outside

There are more demons in many so called “born-again Christians” than there are in people that are “unsaved.” Many of these “born-again Christians” were delivered form their sin, their bondage and their addictions when they first came to Jesus but then they opened the door for the devil and they are worse off than they were before they first met Jesus. That is why churches are more full of demons than the rest of the world. Most preachers say nowadays:”We are all sinners.” And that is what they are, they are demon possessed and they are in bondage of sin, of lust and of all kind of wickedness because they have turned away from God and they have opened the door for the devil to come in and possess them.
Jesus warned in Matthew 12:43-45 He said:“Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places, seeking rest, and does not find it. 44“ Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. 45“ Then it goes, and TAKES ALONG WITH IT SEVEN OTHER SPIRITS MORE WICKED THAN ITSELF, AND THEY GO IN AND LIVE THERE; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.” And that is the way that it is with modern day churches.
They say:”We cannot stop sinning. We are all sinners.” Because they have invited the devil in. They are not men of God, they are men of satan and the devil lives in the church. They believe in the Bible but they DO NOT WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS! They know what is right and they don't do it because they have got demons inside of them and they need deliverance.
They don't have the Holy Spirit because they are not holy, they are sinners. If a man sins he is a slave of sin. If Jesus has made you free you will be free and free indeed. You will have victory over sin and the devil. You will not sin, you will have self-control. Most professing Christians have less self-control than atheists because those atheists are not possessed by the same demons that are inside those Christians. Those Christians were once delivered and then they got some extra demons in them, that is why they are absolutely demon possessed. The modern day church is demon possessed, it is a haunt of satan. Are you part of the modern day church? Are you a “sinning Christian?” because there is no such thing! If you belong to Jesus Christ then you have victory over sin and over the devil. A child of God does not sin. A person who sins belongs to satan.
Do you belong to Jesus? Have you overcome sin and the devil?
May Jesus bless you.

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