Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Slave Mentality

The whole world is in the powers of darkness and in bondage. We are born into bondage. When we are born we come into this world where there are limitations, where we are slaves of the system, we are slaves to sin, we are slaves to fear, uncertainty, insecurity, anxieties. You need to fight for survival. You are born into this bondage. Jesus came to make us free, to elevate us, to pull us out of this bondage, to make us children of God so that we can share in the freedom of the children of God. He makes us free from these bondages, the bondage of the fear of death, because He gives us eternal life; the bondage of sin, He makes us absolutely free from all these ties, these shackles that hold us down.
But, we need to submit ourselves to Jesus, NOT AS SLAVES, that we used to be. We were slaves to bondage. We are all born into this slavery but Jesus comes and He makes us free. He delivers us from the bondage, the slavery of sin and fear and He brings us into the freedom of the sons of God, but when He brings us into freedom HE MAKES US SERVANTS of the Kingdom of God.
The difference between a slave and a servant is, a slave is in bondage but a servant is free. A servant freely serves, he gives himself and he looks after the Kingdom of God and we are called to serve the Kingdom of God, to serve our brothers and sisters who are also being set free from this bondage. We are servants of God.
Many people do not want to serve. They've still got that SLAVE MENTALITY. They think like a slave, they act like a slave, they go back to the ways of a slave. They've got to be beaten up all the time to make them do anything good. They long to go back to sin, they whine and they complain and they moan all the time. They are never content. A child of God, a servant, is content, because he knows:”I belong to God! And everything belongs to my Father, and whatever He puts me through is for a good cause because He knows what He is doing! And He controls my life, and I willfully submit to Him! I love to serve My Father.” A slave hates to serve, he doesn't want to serve, you have got to force him. Many believers have not been born again, they have STILL GOT THAT SLAVE MENTALITY. Some of them are born again but they've still got that mentality, they want to break out, they don't want to submit themselves to authority, they hate God. They want to do what they want to do. They want all the benefits to themselves but they won't serve. They want to inherit the Kingdom of God, they won't serve in the Kingdom of God. They don't want to earn anything, they just want it for free. That is the SLAVE MENTALITY. He just wants to TAKE. He says:”I want, I want, I want!” The servant says:”I give. I give myself freely as God has given me freedom, and I serve the One who loved me first!” That is the servant. A servant willfully and gladly serves under all circumstances and he is grateful to his Father for adopting him to be a child of God who has got a hope of the inheritance of eternal life and therefor he gladly endures rejection, tribulation for the sake of the Kingdom of God and he does not mind working for his Father because he knows:”I am also an heir to the Kingdom of God!”
Have you got a SLAVE MENTALITY or have you been changed? Have you become a servant of the Kingdom of God. Is your mind set on your Father's kingdom all the time, and you want to serve your Father? Do you want to follow the example of your Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, obey His words and be pleasing to the Father?
Or are you looking for justification for sin? You just want to go back? You love the world so much. Even though you were in bondage there were so many benefits in this world and you just want to jump out? You just want to go back and enjoy the pleasures of sin? THEN YOU HAVE STILL GOT THE SLAVE MENTALITY!
You need to become a servant of the Kingdom of God who gladly SERVES HIS MASTER because he KNOW his destiny.
May Jesus bless you.

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