Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Build the Walls - Don't just sit!

The church, the Body of Christ is ALIVE, it is VIBRANT, it is not a building. We are the church, we are the Body of Christ, built up of LIVING stones through which the light of Christ shines and we must BUILD THE WALLS of the Kingdom of God, with LIVING STONES, others whom we have brought to Jesus, who have become alive, so that they also become Living Stones in that mighty temple of God in which He dwells.
We are not called to build churches with graveyards. We are not called to build buildings, we are called to build the Walls of the Kingdom of God. Jesus said:”You will be My WITNESSES.” If we belong to Christ and we are part of the Body of Christ then we are witnesses. The light of Jesus shines through us, we are LIVING STONES. We do not sit in pews, we go out into this world and we testify, we lay the hands on the sick and they will recover. We preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and we baptize those who believe and He fills them with His POWER, with the Holy Spirit Power and they themselves go out in the power of the Holy Spirit, they lay their hands on the sick and they recover. These signs will follow those who have believed, they will speak in new tongues, they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover. That is the gospel of Jesus Christ, THE GOSPEL OF POWER!
If that power does not live in us then Jesus is not in us. We need to go out and witness. Switch of the TV and rise up, go outside, put on a t-shirt that proclaims Jesus Christ. Go walk in the Mall, go walk in the street, go draw the line. Go show that Jesus is alive and that He lives in us. If we do not witness for Jesus then we are not of him. If we deny Him in front of this wicked generation then He will deny us in front of His heavenly Father. If we are not building we are breaking down. If we are not gathering we are scattering. Are you building the walls of the Kingdom of God? Or are you sitting in front of a TV? Are you sitting in a church and listening to a dead message? Or are you a living stone, going out into this world and proclaiming Jesus Christ, just being a witness, showing the world that Jesus is alive and that He lives in you?
If you don't have a t-shirt that you can put on and go out and show the world that you belong to Jesus and that Jesus is alive, then contact me
My details are in the description box below this video. I will send you a t-shirt FREE OF CHARGE so that you can go out and go and witness for Jesus Christ. Don't just sit around, build the walls of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is coming! What will He find us doing. Will He find us sitting around doing nothing or will He find us building the walls of the Kingdom of God?
May Jesus bless you.

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