Monday, August 13, 2012

Living IN THE SPIRIT In Communion With God

Jesus came to reconcile us, who were separated from God, to reconcile us with God the Father, to bring us into His presence so that we can live in constant communion with God the Father. When Jesus walked the earth He was physically here and His disciples followed Him but Jesus explained to His disciples that He would be killed, He would resurrect and then He would go away to the Father but He would not leave them alone. He would ask the Father for the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God to be with them and IN them so that they can be reconciled with God, they can constantly be in the presence of God, in communion with God, hearing from God and doing the will of God just as Jesus Himself was constantly connected to the Father and doing the will of the Father. Thus, He connects those who OBEY Him, to the Father. He reconciles them so that they can LIVE in the presence of the Father. They become part of the Kingdom of God. His Spirit comes and dwells in them and they obey Him. They serve God the Father, they LISTEN to His Spirit and they OBEY Him. That is why Jesus came.
He promised the Holy Spirit to His disciples and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost and THAT PROMISE IS FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO WOULD BELIEVE IN JESUS, who would OBEY Him, REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED IN WATER, they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and a NEW TONGUE, a heavenly tongue, a unique tongue with which they communicate DIRECTLY with God the Father. That is the baptism in the Holy Spirit that He promised to everyone who OBEYS Him. He brings them into the presence of the Father and the presence of the Father comes and lives IN YOU, the Holy Spirit of God IN YOU and you can speak to God any time with that tongue, that NEW TONGUE, that unique tongue that belongs to YOU only. There is no imitation of it, no copy of it, it is absolutely unique. You speak mysteries to God and your spirit together with the Spirit of God are united and the Holy Spirit prays through you according to the will of God, mysteries that nobody knows, you don't even know it yourself. God is Spirit and those who worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth and WHILE YOU ARE WORSHIPING GOD IN THE SPIRIT, HE REVEALS HIMSELF TO YOU IN THE NATURAL, IN THE PHYSICAL. He puts revelation in you, He tells you the hidden things. He guides you, He instructs you, That is GOD WITH US, united with God.
God promised YOU that connection, that constant presence of God in you. And you need to practice that new heavenly tongue that He put in you. You have got to speak to Him all the time day and night. The Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit 40 years ago and I have been praying in that heavenly tongue ever since. I speak in that tongue any time because I am constantly connected to God. That tongue belongs to me, it is my private connection with God. Nobody can understand it, even if they overhear what I say, they don't understand it. I am speaking mysteries to God and the Spirit of God is feeding my spirit. You need the Holy Spirit to be connected to God, YOU NEED THE INDWELLING PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. At any time I speak that tongue because it is my connection with God. I can do so open eyes as I do my daily work or I close my eyes and I pray [Praying in tongues...]
My spirit is praying to God and His Spirit is filling my spirit. He puts revelation in my mind, in the natural and I can write it down. He gives you prophecy, He gives you visions while you are in that communion with God. You can pray all the time.[Praying in tongues...] You do it any time, all the time, day and night, when you wake up, you are connected to God, you are praying in that tongue.
You need that connection with God, you need to come into the presence of God – that is why Jesus came. If you do not have the Holy Spirit of God in you, you are not connected to Him. You need that connection. You need that heavenly tongue, that NEW TONGUE that He will give uniquely to YOU. Only AFTER that does He give the other spiritual gifts. HE FIRST EDIFIES THE INDIVIDUAL, YOU have got to be connected to God and your spirit has got to be in communion with God and only then can you edify the church, the body of Christ. THE GIFTS OF GOD CAN NOT OPERATE THROUGH YOU IF YOU ARE NOT CONNECTED TO GOD, IF THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES NOT DWELL IN YOU. Once the Spirit of God dwells in you then it gives you prophecy, a word of wisdom, healing; what ever the Spirit wants to give at that time. He has made me speak in tongues that I don't understand. People have said to me:”Do you know that language?” People have asked me:”Can you speak that language?” It was a natural/ known language. I said:”No.” I never learned that language (Spanish). They said:”Well, you were praising God in that language:” I said:”Well I don't know about it” because God gave me utterance. You first need that connectivity with the Holy Spirit of God inside of you. THAT IS WHY JESUS CAME, TO RECONCILE US WITH GOD, TO BRING US INTO THE PRESENCE OF GOD SO THAT WE CAN BE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Many have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit but they are not practicing it. They are not LISTENING to the Holy Spirit. They need to learn to wait on the Lord, to pray to listen in their spirit and He will reveal things to them in the natural. He will give them prophecy, things that nobody knows, hidden things, He will reveal it to them, He will guide them and He will send them to do His will. Without Jesus we can do nothing. Without the Holy Spirit indwelling us we cannot please God. If you are not LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT and if you are not following His guidance and doing what Her is telling you to do, you are operating on your own, you cannot please God! You need to have the Holy Spirit of God indwelling you. You need to LISTEN and follow and OBEY. And if you go wrong He will correct you. He will discipline you, He will reprimand you. Many people are not listening. We need to follow Jesus. We need to listen to the Holy Spirit.
We need to stay in the presence of God. If you sin, you grieve the Spirit. He warns you and then He stops speaking to you and then He will JUDGE you. THE JUDGMENT OF GOD IS COMING ON MANY BELIEVERS, MANY, BECAUSE THEY DESPISE THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, THEY DESPISE GOD, THEY DESPISE JESUS. They think they themselves are the important person and they have forgotten it is about Jesus, it is about the Kingdom of God.
Have you received the Holy Spirit? Are you praying in the Spirit, LISTENING to the Holy Spirit, obeying God and doing His will?  If you are not LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT and DOING  His will you cannot be pleasing to God.  You need the Holy Spirit in you. You need to be listening, obeying, following, doing the will of God to be pleasing to Him. Repent, turn away form sin, be baptized in water and God will give you that indwelling Holy Spirit. He will give you a NEW TONGUE by which you can communicate mysteries to Him and He can communicate to your spirit. You can be reconciled with God and then you live in holiness, in communion with God and you DO HIS WILL.
May Jesus bless you.

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