Wednesday, August 15, 2012

God's Gift To YOU

God's Gift to the world, to you and to me is Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us, the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us IF we want to accept Him to live in us, for us to be His holy temple. But most people don't want Him, MOST BELIEVERS DON'T WANT JESUS. They don't want the Holy Spirit to live inside of them.
Jesus came and physically walked this earth. His disciples followed Him. He is the good Shepherd and He cares for His sheep. His sheep LISTEN to His voice and they FOLLOW Him. When Jesus was crucified and died and resurrected He ascended to heaven but He did not leave us as orphans. He did not leave us on our own, He sent us His own Spirit, the Holy Spirit to come an live in us to guide us every step of the way, but people don't want the Holy Spirit. They reject Him.
Have you received the greatest Gift that God has sent, Jesus Christ IN YOU? Have you received the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ? If you have not, REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED, open your heart to Jesus and HE WILL BAPTIZE YOU WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. He will come and live in you and He Himself will give you a tongue, a NEW TONGUE by which you can speak to God the Father. Have you received your tongue? Have you received the Holy Spirit of Christ in you, that gift that He promised to EVERYONE? That gift is Jesus Christ Himself. Does Jesus live IN you and shine through you? Have you accepted God's greatest Gift?
May Jesus bless you.

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