Sunday, August 19, 2012

WHY NO SIGNS? No signs, No Jesus!

The power of God works mightily through those in whom Jesus dwells. That is the sign that Jesus is living in you, if the power of God is manifested through us. Jesus promised that certain signs would follow those who believed in Him. I read from Mark 16:15-18 “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16“ He who has believed and HAS BEEN BAPTIZED shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. 17“ And THESE SIGNS WILL ACCOMPANY THOSE WHO HAVE BELIEVED: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it shall not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
We see that these signs did follow the apostles and those who believed in Jesus when the apostles proclaimed the gospel to them, these signs did follow. Now the question is: ARE THESE SIGNS FOLLOWING US? Is the power of God manifested through us? The question I need to ask myself is: IS THE POWER OF GOD MANIFESTED THROUGH ME? IS JESUS DWELLING IN ME?
Paul was gathering firewood after he had survived a ship wreck (Acts 28:1-10). A snake bit onto his hand and these people on the island of Malta expected him to keel over and die. He just shook the snake off in the fire and nothing happened to him, and as result of that they believed in Jesus. Wherever the apostles went, signs and wonders followed. Those who accepted Jesus who were baptized in water, they started speaking in new tongues because He gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit as He had promised. They laid their hands on the sick and they were healed. The question is: ARE THESE SIGNS FOLLOWING US, or are we just religious? IS THE POWER OF GOD MANIFESTED THROUGH US? Have we got a testimony? Can the world SEE Jesus is in you? And do they believe on the grounds of the testimony of Christ that is VISIBLE IN YOU that Jesus is alive? IS THE POWER OF GOD MANIFESTED IN US? If there is no power there is something wrong because the kingdom of God is not words, it is POWER, the power of God that is manifested through those in whom the Spirit of God lives!
Does the Spirit of God live in YOU and in Me? Because then He will be seen in us. We will bear the fruit and the signs will follow!
May Jesus bless you.

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