Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are you Ready? - Revelation from Jesus 1/31/2012

Last night I woke up and got up to pray and the Holy Spirit spoke to me, He said to me:”Many are saved but not ready.” I prayed about this, I wondered and I was reminded of the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 “ 1Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2“And five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. 3For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. 5Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. 6But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ 7Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8The foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9But the prudent answered saying, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ 10And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. 11Later on the other virgins also came, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’ 12But he answered, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.”
There are many who have met Jesus Christ, who are saved BUT THEY ARE NOT READY! They don't have oil in their lamps, their relationship with Jesus is not right. They are not ready for the coming of the Lord and they are not ready to die ether.
Dear friend, you might be saved, but ARE YOU READY?
May Jesus bless you.

Spiritual Authority - The Real Deal

Spiritual authority and spiritual power comes from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, it does not come from knowledge. In the natural world knowledge is power but in the spiritual realm it is only the Spirit of God that defeats the forces of darkness, and if you do not have the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit in you and the power of the Holy Spirit then you are powerless against satan. You can fool yourself and you can fool other people, you can impress them with your Bible knowledge BUT YOU CANNOT IMPRESS OF FOOL SATAN dear friend, you will sorely lose out!
I read from Acts 19:11, “And God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out. But also some of the Jewish exorcists, who went from place to place, attempted to name over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.” And seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. And the evil spirit answered and said to them, “I recognize Jesus, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” And the man, in whom was the evil spirit, leaped on them and subdued all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. And this is became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, who lived in Ephesus; and fear fell upon them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was being magnified.”
It is only the Spirit of God that dwells in a true disciple of Jesus Christ that destroys the work of the devil and that demonstrates the power of God. It is not by power, earthly power, not by might, not by knowledge but it is by the Spirit of God that people are delivered from the powers of darkness. There are many fake exorcisms, there are people who act, who play around, both from the side of the exorcist and those who are being “delivered.” Dear friend, if you do not have the power of God in you it could happen to you what happened to these seven sons of Sceva, that they were overpowered by the person who had the demon in him. We cannot stand against the devil in our own power. We need to have the power of the Holy Spirit of God in us and we cannot fake. We cannot use Bible scriptures, quote a bunch of scriptures at the devil and now he will run. He will know straight out that you don't have the power of God you. The power of God is in those who truly have the Spirit of God dwelling in them, who are walking with Jesus Christ and who are doing His will.
You cannot fake spiritual authority or the power of God when you meet up with the real powers of darkness.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Spiritual Warfare - Why Most Christians are Powerless

Most Christians have no power against the devil.  They cannot even contain their own flesh, they don’t have self-control because they do not have the Holy Spirit.  They have not submitted themselves to JESUS and therefore they cannot stand against the devil.  Many of them think that they can stand in their own power.  Their weapon is their Bible, their Bible knowledge. Dear friends, you cannot fight the devil on the level of the intellect. Most Christians don’t even have the power to switch off the Television TV or to run their household affairs.  They don’t have the authority because they themselves are not SUBMITTED to the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.
Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 He says: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.”  Dear friends, we do not fight against flesh and blood. Our struggle is against the invisible forces in the air that are controlling this world and most Christians are controlled by these demons because they are not SUBMITTED to the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.  You cannot fight the devil on the level of your intellect.  Jesus said: Without Me you can do nothing. Some Scripture knowledge in your head and some verses that you quote cannot defeat the devil my friend. It is the SPIRIT of GOD that WORKS IN YOU that DESTROYS the forces of darkness. It is the discernment of the Holy Spirit that He imparts into you into your spirit.  According to the Spirit of God that works IN you that determines the power of God that flows through you.  As Paul also said that those who are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God, and few there are today that are truly sons of God. Majority of Christians are a push over, they run away from the devil.  They cannot even stop sinning.  Dear friend if you want to overcome, you need the Holy Spirit of God dwelling inside of you or else the devil will defeat you every time. You will not stand against sin, you will not stand against temptation, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  You need the POWER of GOD to destroy the works of the devil. Firstly in your own life and then to work for the Kingdom of God UNDER the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
REPENT of SIN, BE HOLY, SUBMIT yourself to GOD, RESIST the DEVIL and HE WILL FLEE from you and be LED by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD and you will OVERCOME.
May Jesus bless you.

Saved from sin

Many people claimed to be saved but from their actions it is obvious that they are not saved.  Jesus came to take away the sins of the world.  He came to take away the guilt of our sin and also to deliver us from the bondage of sin so that we can live in HOLINESS.  The wages of sin is DEATH and if we sin, we must die.  Only Jesus can forgive us our past sins IF we confess our sins to Him and we plead forgiveness and only JESUS can deliver us from the bondage of sin so that we sin no more but in obedience to Him we live in HOLINESS and we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Then we can say that we are saved.  But if we are still slaves of sin, then we are in bondage and we are not suitable for Heaven, we are not saved.  You are only saved when you have been set free from the bondage of sin and you walk in HOLINESS and OBEDIENCE to JESUS CHRIST.  So those who say that they are saved but they are still in sin, they are still LOST.  Go on your knees dear friend and ask Jesus to forgive your past sins and plead with Him to DELIVER you from the POWER of SIN so that you can live in HOLINESS and be suitable for the Kingdom of Heaven.  Only then can you say that you are saved.
May Jesus bless you.

Your testimony will save you or condemn you

Our testimony of Jesus Christ will determine whether we will have eternal life or not. I read the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:32 “Everyone therefore who shall confesses Me before men, I will confess him before My Father who is in heaven.But whoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.
As children of God we are ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven, of which Jesus Christ our Lord is the King and the Master and wherever we go we spread the aroma of Jesus Christ. We tell the whole world, we warn all people to repent and Jesus Christ is reflected in us and through us, through our actions, through every word that we speak. We tell the world that Jesus saves. We lift up Jesus and we draw all men unto Him. But, dear friends, if we do not testify for Jesus, if we do not let our light shine, then we are denying Him. Does the world know that Jesus is your Lord? Is Jesus reflected in everything that you do and say? Do everybody that know you, know that you are a child of God and that you obey Jesus, that you do not compromise? You are not of the world but you are of the Kingdom of God and you serve your King, your Lord and your Master. Do they know that you are loyal to your King and that you will not deny Him? Does your testimony, your life reflect Jesus Christ. Dear friends, Jesus will confess us to His Father in the same way that we confess Him, to the world!
If we deny Him, He will certainly also deny us!
May Jesus bless you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Christians Jokes and Idle Talk

As children of God we are called to be holy men and women, saints. We are not of this world. We are of the Kingdom of God and that must be reflected in everything that we do and also in what we say, our vocabulary. We cannot talk like the world talks, we must be holy in every respect, in every word that we speak, as Paul also wrote in Ephesians 4:29: “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear. “ Friends, as children of God we must be very careful what we say.
We are called to be saints, we are not of this world. We cannot be conformed to this world and carry on with joking and coarse jesting, doing what other people in this world are doing. With modern technology people have got these acronyms that they use in their messaging and much of that is unholiness, (OMG etc.) We cannot participate in the jokes of the world and as children of God our vocabulary must be sanctified.
I read Ephesians 5:3-6 Paul says: “But do not let immorality or any impurity or greed EVEN BE NAMED AMONG you, as is proper among saints; and THERE MUST BE NO FILTHINESS NO SILLY TALK, OR COARSE JESTING, WHICH ARE NOT FITTING, but rather give thanks. For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for BECAUSE OF THESE THINGS THE WRATH OF GOD COMES UPON THE SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE.” Dear friends, our words are extremely important because our words reflect what is inside of us. If we are a child of God, then we will speak what is inside as Jesus also said (Matthew 12:34) “For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. “The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure brings forth what is evil. “And I say to you THAT EVERY CARELESS WORD THAT MAN SHALL SPEAK, THEY SHALL RENDER ACCOUNT FOR IT IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. “FOR BY YOUR WORDS YOU SHALL BE JUSTIFIED, AND BY YOUR WORDS YOU SHALL BE CONDEMNED.”
Our words are important, dear friend, we will be judged by our words. As a child of God our words must reflect that Jesus Christ is inside and that we are of the Kingdom of God.
May Jesus bless you.

Confess AND Turn or you will Burn

There are many people who make a habit of confessing the same sin over and over. They confess tonight and tomorrow they go on doing the same sin.  Such a person does not receive forgiveness but he is rather piling the wrath of God onto him for willfully sinning.  We read in Proverbs 28:13 "He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.”  If you confess your sin, you must turn away from sin, you must REPENT from that sin and not go back to the same sin or else you just didn’t mean it, you didn’t repent.  You did not intend turning away from that sin.  God requires that we turn away from sin and obey Him and live holiness.  We read in Hebrews 10:26-27 He says: "For if we go on sinning WILLFULLY after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a CERTAIN terrifying expectation of judgment and  the FURY OF A FIRE which will CONSUME the ADVERSARIES.” That is how serious it is.  If we go on sinning we can know for sure that we will definitely end up in hell.  We must CONFESS our sins and turn or else we will burn.
May Jesus bless you.

Are you truly a child of God?

Not many people are children of God. There are many who pretend to be children of God and they hope to have eternal life, but they are fakes. They are not for real. A child of God is obvious in that he obeys God all the time, He seeks to be pleasing to his Father. He obeys the words of Jesus and he is led by the Holy Spirit all the time. He submits himself to the Holy Spirit that was given him when he was born again, and he cherishes the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He just wants to be pleasing to his Father all the time, He listens and he obeys. He doesn't care for the world or the things of the world. He keeps himself unto his Father, pure and holy.
There are some who pretend to be children of God, but they are just fakes. They are obvious by their works, they do what they please, they run after the lusts of the flesh and they disobey God. Dear friend, we cannot fool God. We can fool ourselves and we can fool other people but if we do not really love Jesus and obey His words from our heart, there is no way we will get into heaven! He even knows the intentions of our hearts. Who are we fooling?
Dear friend, if you want to have eternal life you must be truly born again, you must obey Jesus Christ. Turn away from sin and serving yourself, you must repent, obey Jesus, be baptized in water and ask Him for the Holy Spirit, who will guide you, who will tell you the will of God, so that you can be pleasing to the Father.
Do you want to please God the Father? Are you truly a child of God, or are you just deceiving yourself. Only those who truly love God and Jesus Christ, only they will have eternal life. Only those who do the works of the Father, who obey Him from the heart, who seek to be pleasing to Him, only they are truly sons of God and will enter His rest. The rest are children of the devil.
Are you truly a child of God?
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

God will not spare you or excuse one sin

God will not excuse one single disobedience on the judgment day and therefore He will not spare you for one single disobedience ether. He will punish you, and punish you severely because He is a good Father and He wants us to share in His holiness.
If we have become children of God then we must OBEY Him because He will punish us so that we can correct ourselves and that we do not perish in the judgment day. God only has one standard and that is perfect obedience. We read in Hebrews 12:5-8 “MY SON, DO NOT REGARD LIGHTLY THE DISCIPLINE OF THE LORD, NOR FAINT WHEN YOU ARE REPROVED BY HIM; FOR THOSE WHOM THE LORD LOVES HE DISCIPLINES, AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES.”
Verse 8 “But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.”
Verse 10 “He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness.”
If you have accepted Jesus and become a child of God, then you need to live according to God's standard and that standard is perfect obedience.
May Jesus bless you.

Should a Christian resist?

Should a Christian resist when they are treated unfairly? What should we do? Jesus Christ is our Lord and our Master and He is our King. And if we serve Him and we are part of His Kingdom then we do exactly as He told us to do because He is the King.

We read what Jesus said about resistance in Matthew 5:39-41 Jesus said: “But I say to you, DO NOT RESIST AN EVIL PERSON; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40 “If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. 41 “Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.” That is what Jesus said He said we must not resist an evil man and Jesus never resisted evil either. We belong to Christ we do not belong to ourselves anymore. What do we want to resist against? We are not part of this world this is not our Kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to Christ. I don’t belong to myself anymore, I belong to Jesus Christ. I am a bond slave to Christ and I am called to obedience to Him to do His very will. I am not to protect myself. He will revenge He will look after me if He wants to. If somebody takes something of me so what, I belong to Christ. What I must do is OBEY JESUS CHRIST if He is my LORD? If I take it on myself to defend myself then I am REBELLIOUS, I must OBEY CHRIST.  See what Jesus said about when people insult and persecute us. We read in Matthew 5:11-12 “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Hallelujah thank God that I can be persecuted for Jesus Christ. Many Christians are persecuted because they are LOOKING FOR TROUBLE and because they are DISOBEDIENT TO CHRIST. A REBELIOUS man will not go into heaven. It was because of rebellion that satan was cast out of heaven. And if we are disobedient to Christ we are rebellious to Him and we will not enter His Kingdom. If we as Christians feel that we have to vindicate ourselves we need to REPENT because then we are not doing the will of the Master. The commandments of Jesus the sermon on the mount are not an option they are not a nice to have they are a INSTRUCTION for a disciple of Christ. He said why do you call Me, Lord, Lord and you do not do what I say. It is easy to avenge your self to put the fist out it is easy to say we got a right I am not going to be pushed around we got rights. We got no rights people. If we are nailed to the cross and we pick up our cross every morning every day, deny ourselves and follow Christ we obey Him. We do not vindicate ourselves and that is how we show that we are disciples of Christ it is if we obey His commandments. He said that if you love Me, you will keep My commandments and that is tuff and that is how we demonstrate our love to Christ.

We as Christians do not resist we obey Jesus Christ. He never spoke back right until they hung Him on a cross, until He died He did the will of the Father. We as His children as His followers as disciples of Christ are called to obey Jesus Christ and do what He told us to do. Then we shall be children of the Most High God.


Many believers have been fooled and severely disappointed by rapture predictions that did not materialize. Jesus never promised to broadcast His intended date of return, He said that He would be coming like a thief in the night and we must be ready, all the time, waiting for Him. Ever since those rapture predictions that failed, many people have died without knowing Jesus. Even today many people will die unprepared. Eternal life is KNOWING JESUS for real and HIM KNOWING us FOR REAL.
You cannot work a relationship in 5 minutes in a quick preparation, like so many have done and then when the rapture prediction did not materialize they fell back into the world. They never knew Jesus anyway! They never had a real relationship with Him anyway.
Dear friend, if you want to have eternal life and spend eternity with Jesus, you have to be real with Him. You have to follow Him every day of your life, for real. You cannot fool Him. He knows your heart. If you want to spend eternity with Jesus then you had better love Him, you had better start that relationship NOW! Set yourself aside for Him and LIVE FOR HIM. You cannot prepare in five minutes, friend.
Do you have a real relationship with Jesus? Do you know Him? He will say to many people in that day:”Go away I never knew you.” Friend, what will Jesus say to you if you would die right now? Are you ready? You can be ready, if you make up your mind to be serious and get down on your knees and cry out to Jesus with true repentance. You turn away from sin, you confess every sin you have ever done in your life, with remorse! Cry out for mercy and you ask Him to accept you as a child of God , and then you keep on seeking Him, keep on serving Him, for real! Making a quick “rapture preparation” cannot save anybody, friend. Get real with Jesus, while you still have the opportunity.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God has a plan for you

God has a wonderful plan with your life.  He wants you to be a child of God in His household.  He wants to give you eternal life but the devil also has a plan with you.  He wants to destroy you and he wants you to end up in eternal damnation.  Where you end up, depends on who you listen to.  Jesus Christ suffered and died for you and for me.  So that if we repent, turn away from our own plans, turn away from sin, if we confess our sins, stop sinning, obey Jesus, then he will give us eternal life and He will give us the Holy Spirit to guide us into God’s plan for us.  But the decision whether we will obey Jesus or do things our way, that is entirely up to us.  If we go our way, then we stay on the highway to hell.  If we decide to follow Jesus Christ, then we get on the narrow way that leads to life and He will be with us, every step of the way.  It is not an easy way, but He is there to guide us.  We need to get to know Jesus. He is real, even though He is God Almighty, Lord of lords, the King of kings.  He reveals Himself to those who obey Him, who seek Him and He becomes real to them.  They follow Him every day of their lives and He guides them, He gives them life, eternal life.
Do you want life friend? Do you want to spend eternity in the presence of God or do you want to carry on the way that you used to and end up in hell.  It depends on who you will listen to.  If you want to have eternal life, then get on your knees and repent of sin.  Ask Jesus to forgive you for everything that you have done wrong.  Confess every sin that you can remember, ask Him to forgive you, ask Him to come into your life, to be your Lord and your Master, to guide you into eternal life.  He will come into your life friend and He will give you peace, He will give you life.  The decision is yours, whether you go your own way or whether you go God’s way.  His plans are good but our plans will end up where we do not want to be.  The invitation is open to you and me, we don’t know how long, we might die today.  If we don’t make that decision and start following Jesus we will certainly end up in hell.  Will you decide to follow God’s plan or your own plan?
May Jesus bless you.

God does not need you

God does not need you or me, and contrary to what you might have been told, or what you think, He will not run after us and come and beg us to follow Him. You don't need to do anything to end up in hell. Just carry on the way that you are doing right now. Going to hell is easy, friend. The whole world is on it's way to hell, because of sin, but the only way to escape eternal damnation is to obey Jesus Christ, and that is not easy.
God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to come and suffer and die in our place for our sins, so that if we REPENT and OBEY Jesus, we can have eternal life. But, if we do not care enough for ourselves to take the opportunity to save ourselves, by OBEYING Jesus as LORD and MASTER, then we have ourselves to blame.
Jesus doesn't need us, friends. We need Him. We need God! We need a Savior!And it is not going to be easy to get into heaven ether. On occasion they asked Jesus, whether those who are being saved are few, and He said: “Strive hard, to enter the narrow gate, because many, I tell you, will try and not be able.” Dear friend, what makes you think it will be easy to get into heaven if Jesus said that not many will make it?
It's time to get serious, friend. Its time to get to know Jesus, or else you will certainly end up in hell.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I had a heart attack, I died - JESUS GAVE ME A SECOND CHANCE

Jesus gave me a second chance. I died of a heart attack and I am alive today to tell the story. It happened July 28, 1998.

I woke up the morning at five o’clock with a severe pain in my chest and I knew I was in trouble. I went to the kitchen I had a drink of water but the pain just grew worse. I went back to the bedroom where my wife was sleeping and I woke her up. I explained to her, I said to her:“I have a severe pain in my chest you must PRAY for me.” We lived in South Africa out of town, there was no 911 to call.

I then collapsed unto the bed and she started PRAYING for me. I immediately sensed that I was physically going out of my body, I was drawn out of my body, I was not in my body anymore. I could see my wife, she was holding onto my body and PRAYING but I was being drawn away. And I sense that I was suddenly going down this deep black hole and I tried to grab onto the sides of this hole but there was nothing to grab onto I was just drawn down- down, down this black hole. I realized I was dying I knew that I was not coming back, this was final I was desperate.

Next thing I had this vision of my 11year old son standing next to a pile of red sand in a cemetery and I knew this was my grave that he was standing next to. I started PLEADING I pleaded with the Lord Jesus, I wanted to come back but I just realized how bankrupt I was there was nothing to offer Him in exchange what could I say, what could I offer because I just had nothing. Then I PLEADED, I said Lord please, please let me go back, don’t let my son grow up without a father. Then I asked: Lord please let me go tell other people how terrible death is, how final it is and about going down this black hole. It was then when I asked the Lord Jesus this; to come back and tell people about this, that suddenly I wasn’t going down anymore but I slowly started surfacing again. I came back to the top of this black hole then I started hearing my wife again, I heard her PRAYING and then I saw my body. I was like above my body and my wife, I went back into my body and then I regained consciousness.

She said that I had stopped responding, I told her about this experience I told her that I had been away, I died. My body was all wet and cold and the smell of death was in the room like a sweet nauseous smell. I lay there for an hour, I was totally, totally exhausted. Then I got dressed, I had a shower and I got dressed and I went to work. When I got to work my colleagues were still in their morning meeting. I told them about my experience and they were very concerned because they said I was very pale, yellowish. They called my boss and I told him the story and he insisted that I see a doctor.

So later that day I saw a cardiologist and he sent me for a sonar graph.  During the sonar graph they said that it was obvious that I had damaged to my heart and that I had been through some severe trauma in my heart. They decided that I should stay for an angiogram the next morning. So I stayed for the night in the hospital but I was terribly, terribly scared and the pain had come back, it was still there back in my heart in my chest faintly so I prayed all night, I pleaded with the Lord I said:” Lord please, please heal me. I am scared I don’t want to die now.” I prayed all night and I hardly slept, well I didn’t sleep.
The next morning they took me in for an angiogram. During this procedure they insert a probe in your groin, into your arteries up into your heart and then they release die and they can see the blood flow, they can see whether there are obstructions in the arteries. It’s done under local anesthesia so you can see what they are doing. You can follow what is happening on a video screen. During the procedure the doctor stopped and he said to me that he was amazed, there was no trace of any damage, the doctor couldn’t believe it so they stopped the procedure. I was sent back to the ward, I stayed until the afternoon at five o’clock. This cardiologist came to my bed, he came to release me from hospital, send me home. He just stood there for a long time and he looked at me, he looked at my wife and he said to her: ”This is amazing, this is a miracle I haven’t seen anything like this before.” He said: ”Your heart is like that of a 17 year old and yet yesterday the sonar gram showed severe damaged.” He said: “It was obvious that you have been through a lot, I can’t believe it.” So he sent me home without medication,  without a prescription without further treatment.

 I have not taken any medication and I am still not taking any medication, I am in good health. JESUS CHRIST HEALED ME and He can heal anyone. I thank God that I prayed, my wife prayed for me JESUS HEARD. This is a testimony to whoever read this that JESUS ANSWERS PRAYER, HE IS ALIVE. CALL ON THE LORD, HE IS REAL, JESUS WILL ANSWER  
God bless you.

Heed your calling - GET BACK TO THE JOB!

Jesus called many to follow Him and to be servants in His Kingdom.  Some did not answer to the call and others followed Him for some time and then they slid back.  The calling and the gifts of God are irrevocable.  God did not call you because of your talents and because of anything that you are.  He called you and me to bear fruit in His Kingdom and if we do not answer to the call and if we do not bear fruit, we will be cut off.  Remember the parable of the talents, the slave that received one talent  and he went and he buried it, he was cast out where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.  If Jesus has called you, you must answer to that call and you must follow Him and DO WHAT HE TELLS YOU TO DO.  You cannot follow Him that you LIKE to follow Him at your pace and do what you want to do.  You need to OBEY HIM, LISTEN to HIM.  You must PRAY, you must keep your RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM right friend, or else you will not be able to DO what He tells you to do and you will bear the consequences.  His calling is irrevocable, He does not take it back.
Some have back slidden  and now they want to come back to Jesus and they feel that their relationship is not the same any more.  Some feel that they have lost their anointing. YOU have turned away friend and YOU must get back to the plow, YOU must start plowing.  Jesus is waiting for you, He never left you, YOU run away from the job.  As soon as you get back on the job and you start devoting yourself to Jesus again, then you will feel the power of God.  But you need to REPENT, don’t wait for a feeling.
People want to receive something.  Many people want to FEEL AN ANOINTING, they want to FEEL that GOD LOVES them.  YOU don’t need to FEEL that God loves you.  Jesus showed His love on Calvary but He has CALLED YOU and YOU need to SHOW that YOU LOVE HIM through YOUR OBEDIENCE, through YOUR DEDICATION.  It is not an easy road friend, you need to ANSWER to the call or else you will answer to your DISOBEDIENCE.  The choice is yours.  Get back on the job.
I was also called and I also run away but I had a heart attack, I died and Jesus gave me a second chance to come back and repair and DO what He called me to do. I was fortunate, I could have been cut off.  Dear friend, if you do not answer to the call and if you do not bear fruit, you will get cut off.  Get back to the job, follow Jesus Christ and DO what HE TELLS YOU TO DO.  Be led by the Holy Spirit and WORK as a SERVANT in the KINGDOM OF GOD.  HEED YOUR CALLING before it is too late, before you are CUT OFF and thrown into the fire.
May Jesus bless you.


Jesus has ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SIN. If you think that you can be a child of God and go on sinning, you just don't know Jesus, friend. Then you haven't met Him. Jesus walked this earth as a MAN, flesh and blood, like you and me, flesh and blood and He proved that flesh and blood, what we are, CAN OBEY GOD, and CAN LIVE WITHOUT SIN. It is a matter of OBEDIENCE.
If YOU have repented of sin and decided to follow Jesus Christ, then YOU WILL NOT SIN. You will be so scared to sin, my friend, because you will know what Jesus' standard is. Jesus does not tolerate sin, He died for sin. HELL IS A PLACE FOR SINNERS, HELL IS A PLACE FOR THE DISOBEDIENT. If you keep on sinning you will end up in hell! If you keep on sinning you just don't know Jesus! You have NO relationship with Him, my friend. You have never met Him. If you feel that you can keep on sinning then it is time for you to get on your knees and cry out to Jesus and get a revelation from Him, and then you will know that He does not tolerate sin. Dear friend, get on your knees and get to know Jesus Christ and YOU WILL BE SO SCARED OF SIN, YOU WILL RUN AWAY FROM IT! YOU WILL RUN AWAY FROM THE DESIRES OF THE FLESH and you will OBEY Jesus Christ! You will seek to please Him, because we will stand before Him one day and HE WILL JUDGE us and He has ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SIN! Get to know Jesus before it is too late!
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Holy Spirit is not an Anti-demon package

Many Christians are wrongly under the impression that God will protect them against all the wiles of the devil.  That the Holy Spirit is a anti demon package, like you put on your computer, antivirus package.  My friend, there is no such thing.  YOU must stand against the wiles of the devil.  Jesus said:  WATCH and PRAY that you fall not into temptation.  We must submit ourselves to God and WE must stand against the devil.  We must not allow the devil a foothold.  We must close the door on the devil my friends.  God will not do it for us.  WE must follow Jesus Christ.  Jesus will protect us, He will keep us, He will hold us, nothing will pluck us out of His Hand but WE’ve got to stand my friend.  If you give in to the devil, if you open the door for the devil, he is going to come in.
There are many Christians who believe that they are saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit and NOTHING can touch them but they are living in SIN they are living in WICKEDNESS, they are watching pornography.  They are as much part of this world as anyone of the rest of the world.  They are stuck and glue to the television/TV, they are part of this world system, they are over their eye balls into DEBT into this world.  They are in competition with this world, they are living in LUST, yet they think that they are children of God.  They think they are protected against the devil, they are cohorts with the devil, they are with the devil.  They are not following Jesus Christ but they think they are protected.  They think that if they can quote Scripture that, that will save them.  My friend, you can quote as much Scripture as you like to the devil he is going to quote you ten verses back.  But the devil knows you my friend and he has destroyed many people who were under the same wrong impression they thought that satan can’t touch me.  My friend,  Jesus warned He said: WATCH and PRAY that you don’t FALL into temptation.  We  got to watch, we’ve got to pray, we’ve got to stay awake my friend or else satan will catch us like he has caught so many, many before us.  We must be awake, we must seek Jesus Christ my friend. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, He will keep our feet out of the snares.  But if we start playing with the devil and start playing clever Scripture games, "Quote me that Scripture! Quote me that Scripture!"  My friend, you are going to FALL, you are going to fall, the devil is much more clever than you.  He knows more Scriptures than you anyway and he has destroyed many, many more people that you could ever think of.  Don’t play with the devil my friend.  Don’t go and think that you can defend yourself against satan by your mind by your carnal mind.  The only defense that you have  is by staying focused on Jesus Christ by SUBMITTING TO GOD, by PRAYING and by PLEADING THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD to guide you into all truth, by not leaning on your own understanding but by trusting in Jesus Christ, by submitting yourself to Jesus Christ and resisting the devil.  That is the only way that he is going to flee from you.  He is not going to flee from you when you sit in front of the television/TV my friend.  He is not going to flee from you when you become conformed to this world and when you are wise in your own mind.  He will flee from you when you are on your knees and when you are in a relationship with Jesus Christ.  What is your defense my friend? What is your defense against the devil? SCRIPTURE or the POWER OF the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD inside of you because you have been praying and spending time in the presence of the Living God?  We need Jesus my friend.  We don’t need wisdom of this world.  We need the POWER OF THE LIVING GOD in and through us, then we will stand against the wiles of the devil. You’ve got to spend time in the presence of God.  You’ve got to be TUNED IN TO JESUS CHRIST, you’ve got to be connected my friend or you are going to FALL.  You are going to FALL before the devil.  The choice is yours my friend, there is only one defense and that is STAY WITH JESUS, be PLUGGED IN TO HIM and LISTEN TO HIS HOLY SPIRIT be TUNED IN ALL THE TIME and HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH and HE WILL KEEP YOU FROM the WILES of the devil.  There is only one way my friend and that is SUBMIT YOURSELF TO JESUS, STAND AGAINST the devil .  Be wide awake and you will survive.  
May Jesus bless you.

Prepare for the Antichrist

Ever so often, I get e-mails and videos sent to me of the Antichrist, the coming tribulation, how to prepare for it, where to run to, what to
accumulate, what to do about it.
These are sensationalists, My Friends. We should not be worried about these things, My Friends.
There's only one thing that we've got to be worried about, and that is our relationship with Jesus Christ and being holy and pure before God.
That's what we should be worried about, not about these other things.
Jesus said - "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto you."
My Friend, God is MIGHTY to protect each and every man, and let me tell you today that God loves every person in this world.
It is not the will of God that anyone -
that ANYONE should perish, nobody!
God loves us, My Friend.
But sin is the cause of all this peril in the world, sin is the cause of the judgment of God.
What you should be doing and I should be doing as Christians and followers of Christ is preaching Jesus Christ, preaching repentance.
Now Christians are running away, trying to protect themselves and preserve themselves.
My Friend, you're going to get caught with those you're running away with.
You cannot run away from the Antichrist, you cannot run away from New World Order or whatever conspiracy that you are scared of.
You've got to be scared of one thing, My Friend, and that is THE LIVING GOD!
Jesus Christ said to fear Him, who after He has killed, is able to put you into HELL!
That is Whom you've got to fear, My Friend.
You've got to FEAR JESUS CHRIST, but these same people sit in front of the television and they say that they are still sinners. They confess that they are sinners. They fight about the Scriptures, and anything and everything. They love their church, and they love their associations and their own opinions.
My Friend, you've got to belong to Jesus, not to some group or political party, or some action group - YOU'VE GOT TO BELONG TO CHRIST!
If you belong to Christ, My Friend, you belong to the Kingdom of God and you don't need to defend youself, you don't need to run.
You've just got to be with Jesus all the time - let the love and the beauty of Christ shine through you and be a witness of Jesus!
Not of division and hatred and panic and fear.
My Friend, where the love of God is, there is peace.
Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances are, you have peace.
Why? You are with the King, you're part of His Kingdom - nothing can touch you that God does not allow.
Jesus loves you, My Friend, but if you don't come closer to Him, He won't protect you.
If you start running around, you're not busy with Jesus - He's not guiding you into all of those things, into all the panic and the paraphernalia.
He says to come to Me, whoever is burdened and heavy laden, come to Me and I will give you rest for your soul.
That's where the rest and the peace is, My Friend, is with Jesus.
And then you follow Him and you obey Him and you witness for Him, and the love of Christ shines through you.
But if you start getting all worked up by all these prophecies and things that people are - they got these seminars and they're making these videos about it - and it's all this hype, but they don't have Jesus Christ, My Friend.
Do you have Jesus? Do you have the peace of Christ in you?
ARE YOU where you ought to be in your relationship with Christ, My Friend? Or have you got hidden sins, have you got vices that are holding you back?
Is that why you got fear in your heart, because you're not right with God? Because then YOU GOT REASON, My Friend, to FEAR!
There is only one place where there is peace, and that is go on your knees, go before Jesus Christ and say - "Lord, I need You, I come as I am, Father - please help me."
He's waiting for you, My Friend, and He loves you, He's close to you, He's not far away from you.
Jesus is close to you, but you're separating yourself from Him through your fears and your anxiety.
My Friend, God loves you, He loves you, He cares for you.
Jesus died on that cross on calvary for each and every one of us.
And He invites us - He say - "Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden," but get rid of your burdens, get rid of your sins, get rid of your fears,
get rid of your own opinions, your own ambitions.
Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus Christ, My Friend.
Get rid of your sin, REPENT! REPENT of sin, My Friend!
REPENT of your hatred, all of those things that are holding you back and
become pure before Christ. That is what we need, My Friend,
we need Jesus - He loves us. My Friend, just empty the bag out, just take the whole bag and trash it. All of your pain, your hurt, all of your sins, your love for self - EMPTY IT OUT!
Come before Jesus - CRY OUT before Him, repent of it!
And then, My Friend, pick up your cross daily, and follow Jesus Christ, and the peace and the love of Christ will be in you and the Light of Christ will shine through you to this dark world!
Are you darkness or light, My Friend?
If a light in a man is darkness, how great is that darkness not?
How much light shines through you, My Friend?
Let Jesus come into your heart and let His light shine through you.
Repent of sin and seek Him, and He will shine through you, My Friend.
May Jesus Bless You.

False Peace

There is a PEACE that only Jesus Christ can give you, if you are in right relationship with Him. But there are many people in churches who have a false peace, peace that does not come from Jesus, they have been deceived, by people. They have been told that if they go through certain steps and do certain things, that they have salvation and they are on their way to heaven. They have maybe been told that if they “say the sinners prayer,” are baptized, belong to the church, pay their tithes, submit themselves to the leadership of the church, then they are saved and sealed and on their way to heaven! But these people do not have a relationship with Jesus. Their peace comes from what people have told them. Quite often they base their peace and their faith on some Bible verses, on some scripture and they will quote you chapter and verse why they are saved.
If you have not heard from Jesus and if you have not received confirmation from Jesus Himself, that He is pleased with you, then you have false peace. Only Jesus can give you confirmation whether He is satisfied with you. If your peace is not based on confirmation from Jesus Christ Himself, then you are in trouble! The only one who can confirm to you that you are worthy to go into heaven is Jesus Himself.
You can make sure. Go on your knees now and cry out to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to show you if there is anything in your life that He is not pleased with. Cry out to Him UNTIL He answers you and then when He speaks to you, fix up what He shows you. He will speak to you in your heart, in your spirit, but, dear friend, you must get to know Jesus. Cry out to Him UNTIL He answers you. Cry out to Jesus until He gives you that peace that passes all understanding and then make sure that you stay in that peace. You can only have that peace if you obey Jesus and you stay close to Him ALL THE TIME, or else, you have FALSE PEACE.
Do you have real peace, peace that comes from Jesus Christ, Himself?
May Jesus bless you.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Don't feed the flesh - Overcome lust

Many believers cannot overcome lust.  They keep on falling back into the same sins.  We must consider ourselves DEAD to SIN and ALIVE to CHRIST.  As Paul also wrote in Colossians 3:5-6 "Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as DEAD to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry. For it is on account of these things that the wrath of God will come.” We must consider ourselves DEAD to those things, to immorality, to sin.  If we are dead we are not available.  We do not even respond to those things but we set our minds on Christ.  We avoid these other things, we ignore them because if we continue with those things then they will cause us to end up in hell.
We must set our mind on the Kingdom of God and apply ourselves to the Kingdom of God to being pleasing to Jesus.  If you keep on feeding the lust, then it will grow, then it will stay alive.  But if you stop feeding it, if you starve it to death, if you ignore it, then it will die.  You must feed your mind on Jesus Christ.  Get a new interest, get an interest in the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ.  Start praying and seeking Jesus.  Don’t pray to be delivered from your VICE, but pray to get closer to Jesus.  Put your mind on Christ and these other things will fall away.  If you keep on feeding your mind on the lust of the flesh, then it will grow.  Feed your mind on Christ, ignore the flesh and you will live.
May Jesus bless you.

A Child of God does NOT SIN

How can you know that a person is a child of God?  A child of God does not sin.  As we read in 1 John 3:10 “By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.” Now if a person would say that they have never sinned in their life then they are lying BUT if you have become a child of God THEN you’ve STOP SINNING.  As we read in 1 John 1:8-10 “He says: If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.” We have all sinned and we come short of the glory of God.  But if we repent and turn away from sin then Jesus forgives us and He sets us free from the bondage of sin because he who sins is a slave of sin.  And if you have met Jesus and you have become a child of God, you are free from the bondage of sin and you sin no more.  As Paul also wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:9- “He says or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”
We WERE all sinners BUT if we have REPENTED and become children of God we are NOT SINNERS ANYMORE.  We have become OBEDIENT from the heart.  We read in Romans 6:17-18 Paul says "but thanks be to God that though you WERE SLAVES OF SIN, you BECAME OBEDIENT FROM THE HEART to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been FREED FROM SIN, you BECAME SLAVES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.”   Dear friend, if you are a child of God and you are not a slave to sin anymore, you are free to serve God. You are free of your addictions and your sins and now you are PURE and you walk in RIGHTEOUSNESS.  You are a child of God. YOU SIN NO MORE.  The difference between a child of God and a child of the devil is A CHILD OF GOD DOES NOT SIN.
May Jesus bless you.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Secure Your Eternal Destiny

Life is uncertain, however, we know one thing and that is that we will definitely die. We don't know when that will happen and we don't know where we will end up after we died. It is destined for man to die once and thereafter comes judgment.
I thought that I was prepared for eternity but I had the shock of my life. On July 28th, 1998, I woke up at 5am and my time was up. I had a heart attack and I died. I went down a deep black hole and I was on my way to hell. I learned too late that I had not secured my eternal destiny. I pleaded with Jesus to let me come back and I was fortunate. He gave me an opportunity to come back and to warn people that hell is real, eternity is horrible if you are not ready to meet Jesus. Dear friend, I am here to warn you that you must prepare for eternity and we must work very hard at that preparation. On occasion they asked Jesus whether those who are being saved are few and He said:”Strive hard to enter the narrow door because many will try but will not find it.” Do not entrust your eternal destination into the hands of anybody else, take it into your own hands, dear friend.
There is only one person who will decide where you will spend eternity and that is Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can give you eternal life, nobody else. Jesus is the living God and if you cry out to Him and you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him. He is real. If you ask Him to accept you as a child of God and if you turn away from sin and from serving yourself, and you obey Jesus, He will give you eternal life. He will also give you His Spirit to live in you, to be with you, to guide you every step of the way and to confirm to you whether He is pleased with you or not. You can know where you will end up for eternity and you need to make sure that you do not end up where you don't want to end up.
There is only one who can help you dear friend. Go on your knees and cry out to Jesus. Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him for forgiveness of your sins. Ask Him to give you His Holy Spirit, to guide you into all truth, because without Him, you will not make it, dear friend. You cannot entrust your eternal destination to another person, not even to yourself. You need Jesus. He is real, He is alive, and He will answer you. If you seek Him, you will find Him.
Dear friend, I will die again, but I know Jesus. I met Jesus and Jesus guides me every day of my life. I trust in Him and He will guide me into eternal life. Get to now Jesus, seek Him with all your heart, and He will reveal Himself to you.
May Jesus bless you.  

Friday, January 20, 2012


The Kingdom of God operates under the sovereign power and authority of God Almighty and everything in that Kingdom happens exactly according to the will of God. Many of us, humans, have been called to become children of God and to become part of that Kingdom of God, where everything happens according to the will of God.  But very few are willing to heed the call and to submit themselves to the authority of God.  The only way to get into that Kingdom is through OBEDIENCE TO JESUS CHRIST.
Jesus is the Door, He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life and He has called many, He is calling many to follow Him, to obey Him and to submit themselves to the authority of the Kingdom of God. Jesus gives salvation, eternal life, to those who OBEY HIM, who SUBMIT TO HIS AUTHORITY.  His authority comes from God the Father. God the Father has given ALL AUTHORITY in Heaven and on earth to JESUS CHRIST and HE REIGNS.  Those whom He has called, very few of them are WILLING to SUBMIT themselves to JESUS, to LISTEN to HIM and to be RULED BY HIM.  Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, to guide us into His will.  We cannot serve God according to our own mind or our own liking.  The only way that  we can satisfy and pleased God is when we OBEY the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD and we DO EXACTLY what HE DIRECTS us to DO.  Very few are willing to submit to the Holy Spirit of God.  Churches are NOT under the SUBMISSION of the HOLY SPIRIT. They are NOT under the DIRECTION of the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. They are busy with their own little kingdoms on this earth and people follow after churches instead of following the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus has called many into His Kingdom and then they have placed themselves in the service of the church.  They never came to the point where they LISTEN to the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.
Paul wrote in Romans 8:14 He said: “Those who are LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, they are the SONS OF GOD.”   The only way that we can serve Jesus in His Kingdom is if we SUBMIT ourselves to the HOLY SPIRIT right now; If we abandon all else, we repent from serving ourselves and of loving the world and we place ourselves under SUBMISSION of JESUS CHRIST, we seek to follow Him and we listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  You cannot serve God where and how you want to.  His Kingdom operates under His Reign, you need to submit yourself to the Holy Spirit.  HE WILL NOT FORCE YOU TO OBEY HIM.
But dear friend, if you want to become part of the Kingdom of God, you must WILLFULLY SUBMIT YOURSELF TO JESUS and FOLLOW HIM.  If you do not have the Spirit of Christ, you do not belong to Him.  You might belong to a church, you might believe that you are saved, but if you do not listen to the Holy Spirit and if you do not seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you cannot be pleasing to God. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.  When you follow your own mind you cannot be doing the works that God has prepared for you to do.  He has called you for a precise and specific purpose.  The only way that you can fulfill that purpose is through becoming absolutely obedient, listening to the Holy Spirit and you do that through PRAYER.  Through seeking Him on your knees, through putting your focus on Him and seeking Him with all your heart, with all your mind.  Your mind must be on Christ.  Dear friend, will you hearken to the call?  Will you submit to Jesus?  Will you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit or will you follow your own mind, or will you follow people?  Are you willing to hearken to the call and become part of the Kingdom of God.  Will you submit to Jesus Christ as LORD or are you not interested in becoming part of the Kingdom of God.
Dear friend, if you are willing to hearken to the call, you must seek Jesus.  Get serious about Jesus.  PRAY and SEEK HIM until you KNOW HIS VOICE, and follow His voice.  Seek His Spirit always, every day of your life and follow Him.  SEEK HIS WILL and DO HIS WILL.  He says: DRAW CLOSER TO ME and I WILL DRAW CLOSER TO YOU.  He has called you for a purpose.  The only way that you will fulfill that purpose is if you SUBMIT TO JESUS CHRIST, DENY YOURSELF, PICK UP YOUR CROSS and FOLLOW HIM EVERYDAY.
May Jesus bless you.

Sinning less is NOT REPENTANCE

To repent does not mean to sin less or to sin during the day and ask forgiveness at night.  That is not repent. What repent means is to make a hundred and eighty degree turn, to turn around.  You were going north and now you are going south, you are going in the opposite direction. If you REPENT and follow Jesus, you do not follow your own mind and your own feelings and the desires and the lusts of your flesh anymore.  You have made up your mind to follow Jesus and to obey Him.  Now how can you follow Jesus because you cannot physically see Jesus?  When He walked this earth, He said to the disciples: "Come here and follow Me." The way that you follow Him now is if you call on Jesus and you accept Him as your Lord, He gives you His Spirit to guide you into all truth and then you must follow the Holy Spirit that He gives to guide you.  If we walk according to our own desires, our own flesh and we sin, then we must die but because we have repented, I seek to please Jesus and I do what His Spirit tells me to do.  I don’t seek my own lusts and my own interest any more, but I seek Jesus and through my relationship with Him continuously praying and focusing on Him, I hear what He says to me and He guides me by His Spirit so that I can be pleasing to Him.
Paul wrote in Romans 8:6-9“For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.” So if I set my mind on my flesh and the desires of my flesh that means I will die, but if I set my mind on Jesus and His Holy Spirit then He will guide me into life.
Verse 7-9 He says "because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.”  When you accept Jesus, He gives you the Spirit of Christ and you've got to follow that Spirit. And you must ask Him for more of His Spirit.  He promised His Holy Spirit baptism to those who obey Him, to those who have repented, who have been baptized in water.  He promised the Holy Spirit baptism and the Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth.  But we must LISTEN and OBEY, our mind must be set on the Spirit of God.  If you have not REPENTED you will not follow the Spirit of Christ.  Repentance means to TURN AWAY from yourself, to stop following the lust of the flesh and to follow after the Spirit of Christ that He sent to guide us into all truth.
The only way that we can please God is if we LISTEN to the HOLY SPIRIT.  If we don’t have the Holy Spirit we have not met Jesus yet. We’ve got no guidance.  We must ask Him for His Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth and then we will not sin anymore because we seek to please Him.
May Jesus bless you.

What if there is NO RAPTURE?

Many believers fix their hope on the rapture. They expect to be snatched out of here before the tribulation starts. They have been told that if they say the sinners prayer and they are baptized in water, then they are saved, saved and sealed and waiting for Jesus to come and PLUCK them out of here before the big trouble starts. Dear friend, what will happen to you, if there is no rapture?
Jesus did not promise to snatch us out, He said:”I will be with you in tribulation.” Jesus did not tell us to WAIT for a rapture, He said:”If any man wishes to come after Me, let Him deny Himself, pick up his cross and follow Me.” He also said that you will be hated by all men. He also said that “Where I am there My servant will also be.” Jesus called us to work for His Kingdom, not to WAIT. He said:”My sheep LISTEN to My voice and they follow Me.” Dear friend, things will not work out the way that we expect!
The moment you die, then reality kicks in and either Jesus knows you and He welcomes you in or He tells you:”I do not know you, go away.” The Lord Jesus gave me a dream of a friend of mine who passed away. Shortly after he passed away I dreamed that my friend got to the gates of heaven and he said:”Lord Jesus, I am here!” and a voice said to him:”Who are you?” He said his name and a voice said:”I do not know you, go away!” Friend, if Jesus does not know us, then He will not allow us entry into heaven. Do you know Jesus and does Jesus know you? Will He tell you to come in? Have you got a real relationship with Jesus? Or ARE YOU JUST HOPING FOR THE RAPTURE? You need to make sure, right now, friend! Go on your knees and ask Jesus whether He is satisfied with you, because the moment you die it will be too late to do anything about it. Make sure now! Call on Jesus, He is ALIVE! Make sure that the moment you die, He will welcome you in and not show you away!
May Jesus bless you.

Saved and Sealed Rapture Ready IS A LIE!

Many people believe that they are saved and sealed and rapture ready. They are waiting for Jesus to come and take them out of this world of trouble. That is a LIE FROM SATAN! Jesus did not give anybody a guarantee of salvation. Jesus said:”If anyone wishes to follow Me, let Him deny Himself, pick up his cross and follow Me.” We must endure until the very end. THERE IS NO SECUTRITY OF SALVATION. There is no 1 2 3 steps of salvation that you go through and now you are saved and sealed, that is a lie from the devil, friend. You must be in a daily relationship, a constant relationship with Jesus Christ, you must love Him, and follow Him every day of your life. You must be constantly praying and you must be led by the Holy Spirit. You must hear His voice and follow Him, and then you still don't have a guarantee. Jesus said:”Those who endure endure until the end, they will be saved.” We only have the HOPE of final salvation IF we endure until the end. You might be baptized in water, you might have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, you might speak in tongues, that is NO GUARANTEE, dear friend. Jesus said we must ENDURE UNTIL THE VERY, VERY END. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE. You must hear from Him every day, dear friend, you cannot work on last year's experience. You must follow Jesus every day of your life and you must receive confirmation from Him that He is satisfied with you. Jesus must be real to you. You must press on in and follow Him. If you love the world and the things of the world, you cannot be of Christ. You must be working and waiting on Him. You must follow Him until the very, very end. There is no guarantee of salvation.
Get to know Jesus now, seek Him with all your heart. Get down on your knees and cry out to Him UNTIL He answers you. Only Jesus can give you confirmation every day, whether He is satisfied with you. Get right with Jesus, dear friend, and stay right with Him until the very, very end!
May Jesus bless you.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bitterness will destroy you

Bitterness destroys many people.  Many people carry bad experiences with them and those experiences determine how they react later in life.  How they live their lives, how they interact with other people.  Many people feel rejected and therefore they reject other people.  They have been cheated, they have been abused and therefore they treat other people with suspicion even hatred.  Many people in relationships, in marriages, they are bitter against each other, they resent each other, they hate each other and it destroys that relationship.  Many people become depressed which leads to drug use and drug abuse and addiction and often to suicide.  Bitterness is a KILLER and we must get rid of it dear friends.  Jesus taught us to pray. I read the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:12 “And forgive us our debts, as we also HAVE FORGIVEN our debtors.” If we do not forgive those who have wronged us, who have sinned against us, then we cannot get forgiveness from God.  We must let go.
We also read in Mark 11:25 “Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in Heaven may forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in Heaven forgive your transgressions.” Dear friend, we must let go of bitterness, it destroys us, the root of bitterness will kill us if we allow it to grow in us.  We must pull it out.  Invite Jesus into your life and let the peace of Jesus come into you. He says vengeance is Mine, I will repay.  Let go of your bitterness.  Repent of it, give it up, give it to Jesus and He will give you peace in your heart.  If you forgive others you can also get forgiveness and you can have peace with God.  Many people hate God for things that happened in their life, they feel that God should have prevented it.  Dear friends, we must let go of it.  Let go of the hatred, let go of the bitterness, the animosity and then you will get free.  If we set others free, then we ourselves are also set free.  Trust in Jesus friend and He will give you peace in your heart and your whole life will change.  He will make you new.  He will forgive your sins as you forgive others theirs also.  And that root of bitterness will be taken out and you will be healed.
May Jesus bless you.

Treated like children

Being a child of God means that we come into the household of God and we are disciplined and brought up as sons. And He will treat us harshly in order that we can be perfected, that we can learn holiness and righteousness, so that we can fit into the household of God. If we do not subject ourselves to the discipline of God then we will be given over to the law, the punishers and then we are out of the hands of God. Then we are in the hands of those who will destroy us. Therefor we must submit ourselves to the discipline of God as we read in Hebrews 12:4
“You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin; and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,
 AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES.” It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 9Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live? 10For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness.”
God wants to work perfection in us, as children of God. God the Father did not spare His own Son, Jesus Christ, but He treated Him harshly. We read in Hebrews 5:8 “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. 9And having been made perfect, He became to all those who OBEY HIM the source of eternal salvation,”
As followers of Jesus Christ, we must OBEY Him, we must stay IN CHRIST. Jesus said that:”the branch in Me that does not bear fruit WILL BE CUT OFF.” He said:”if you stay in Me,(if you remain in My words) you will bear much fruit. And hereby is the Father glorified, that you bear much fruit.” Dear friends, an obedient child brings glory and honor to his father but a disobedient child brings shame to the father and that is the branch that will be cut off. If we disregard the discipline of God and not submit ourselves to the discipline of the Holy Spirit, we will be rejected. Like any son who does not listen to his father and he goes out and commits crime, then the law takes over!  And then his father has no part any more in where he ends up. 
We must submit ourselves to the discipline of God, we must obey Jesus Christ because He is working PERFECTION in us. Jesus said: “be ye perfect, like your Father in heaven is perfect.” God wants perfection. What Jesus said, were the words of God, and those are the words by which we will live if we obey them and those are the words that will judge us if we disregard them. He wants perfection in us.
Let us OBEY the words of Jesus and we will live!
Dear friend, if you do not know Jesus yet, then you can get to know Him now, you can accept Him now as your Lord. All you need to do, is go on your knees and cry out to Him. Cry out to Him for mercy. Ask Him to forgive your sins, your previous sins and to come into your life, to accept you into  the household of God, and He will accept you, dear friend. And Jesus will give His Spirit to guide you into all truth. He loves you and He cares for you. It is not the will of God that any man perish. If you are back slidden, if you have gone away from God, dear friend, COME BACK! Come back immediately. The Father will not reject a prodigal son who has remorse and who truly repents. Do not wait any longer. Go on your knees now, humble yourself before God. Call out to Jesus for mercy, my friend. There is mercy now. You don't know how long you will live. Maybe this is your last opportunity, make use of it! Bow down before Jesus, cry out to Him for mercy. Cry out until He answers you, until He gives you peace in your heart, and then stay with Him. Subject yourself to His discipline and you will live.
May Jesus bless you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Servants of God have no titles or status

There are many who have become famous and who wear fancy titles and clothes in the name of Jesus, in the Name of God.  Dear friends, a true man of God has no title nor any status.  A true man of God is hated by all men and he is persecuted by the world because Jesus lives in him.  He is not loved and admired by people.  He is rejected and persecuted as Jesus said in Matthew 5:10-12 “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely on account of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”  A true man of God, a servant of God is not a celebrity, he is hated and persecuted, he is rejected and reviled by men.  He is also not interested in a title and being honored. Jesus said, I read from Matthew 23:6-11, He talks about the Pharisees, He talks about the hypocrites, He says: and “They love the place of honor at banquets and the chief seats in the synagogues, and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called by men Rabbi. But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in Heaven. Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant.”  Men of God are not worried about a title, being called pastor, prophet, pope, priest, those are titles of men, given by men to honor men and those who treasure them are not of God, they are of SATAN himself who exalted himself.  Dear friend, if you want to follow Jesus Christ you will become like Him.  You will be hated by men. He had no title, He had no status, He was rejected and reviled.  Jesus said:  "You will be HATED by all men on account of Me."  It is an honor to be persecuted for righteousness and the Name of Jesus Christ.  That is how you know whether a person is truly of Christ.
May Jesus bless you.

Jesus is calling you

Jesus is calling you from a senseless existence to a life with expectation, eternal life with Him for eternity.  If you live long enough you will learn that everything that you have been working for, striving for, running after in life all turns to naught, to nothing, and in the end you have chasing after wind.  Jesus wants to give you purpose, an eternal purpose, that you do not just disappear, end up in the end of your life and have no expectation, just wasted, just regrets for the things that you have been done wrong and the things that you could have done better.  Dear friend, Jesus loved us so much that He paid the price that we can have eternal life.  And He loves you so much that He is calling you to a life of purpose but you must turn away from your senseless existence and become obedient to Him.  If you respond to the call and go on your knees and cry out to Jesus, He will reveal Himself to you.  If you repent, turn away from sin, wickedness, He will forgive your past sins and He will give you a clean slate, He will make you new inside, give you an expectation and He will give you His Spirit to be with you, to guide you every step of the way. to show you what is pleasing to Him, to reveal HIM to you, HIS WILL, HIS KINGDOM, your future, if you stay with Him.
Dear friend, many are called but few respond to the call. Do you want eternal life, do you want to have purpose in life?  Then go on your knees and cry out to Jesus , ask Him to come into your life, to reveal Himself to you and you will find out that Jesus is real. He will give you a peace and a joy and an expectation that you cannot explain but that you have never had. Jesus will give you LIFE, if you just call on Him.  Do you want life my friend?  You want real joy and peace then call out to Jesus.  He is the only One who can give you LIFE and life in abundance.
May Jesus bless you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Who is following Jesus?

Jesus Christ, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Creator of everything who was before all things and in Whom all things hold together, He walked next to the sea of Galilee and called two men, fishermen, Simon Peter and Andrew. He said to them:”Come here, follow Me, an I will make you fishers of men!” They left everything and they followed Him.
Jesus called many but very few accepted that invitation. Very few would leave everything and follow Him. Who are the ones who did follow Him and who still do follow Him today? Jesus said:”MY SHEEP listen to My voice and they follow Me,” and He gives them eternal life! That invitation comes to you and to me, to follow Jesus, to have eternal life, to become fishers of men.
Dear friend, have you become a disciple of Jesus Christ and are you making disciples of Christ? Are you FOLLOWING Jesus Christ?
May Jesus bless you.

Little GODS

This whole world is filled with little gods.  Men made in the image of God.  God made us in His image and He gave us a free will.  God will not violate our will, He will not force us to obey Him and therefore He calls us gods.  We are slightly lesser than angels but we are the crown of His creation.  And God has given us the ability to either submit to Him, the Father of Spirits, and live or to serve ourselves and die, eternal damnation.  But the decision is ours whether we will serve God or whether we will serve other people, or serve ourselves.  Most people serve themselves. They do everything their way.  They will decide about everything, why is that?  Because they are GOD, they are on the throne of their hearts.
Dear friend, Jesus Christ invites us into the Kingdom of God in one condition and that is that we serve Him as God.  He gives eternal life to those who OBEY Him, who accept Him as GOD, as LORD, as MASTER and SERVE HIM as MASTER, those who OBEY Him.  But those who disobey Him will go into eternal damnation.  The choice is ours, we can serve ourselves, nothing is stopping us, but JESUS has the key of eternal life and He gives eternal life to those who obey Him.  He is the only Way and Truth and Life.  If we don’t follow and obey Him and serve Him as LORD we will not have life.  Many Christians do not serve Him as LORD.  They follow their own mind, they follow their interpretation of the Bible. They set up for themselves,  who they will follow, preachers, churches, people who stand in pulpits, they glorify men, they run after men.  They don’t take their counsel, their advice and their guidance from JESUS, they run after men because they themselves are little gods and they follow some other idols whom they choose.
Dear friend, if we want eternal life there is only ONE GOD who we must serve and that is Jesus Christ.  He is the Way and the Truth and the Life.  If you decide NOT TO OBEY HIM you will DIE, like mortal men you will die, you will perish as it is written in Psalm 82:6- “I said, "You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you will die like men and fall like any one of the princes."  Dear friend, if you do not SUBMIT to JESUS CHRIST, follow Him and obey Him, you will not have eternal life, you will perish, you will die like a mere man, but if you OBEY HIM, HE PROMISES you the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. He makes you a child of God. Will you submit your will to Him and will you put Him on the throne of your heart and serve Him as LORD or are you your own little god?  That is our decision, nobody will force you but if Jesus is not your Lord, your God, you will die, you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

You must be born again

You must be born again to be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Now, what does that mean to be born again?
My Friends, there was a man from the Jews, a ruler and he came to Jesus in the night - we read about that in John 3:1.
"Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews - this man came to Him by night and said to Him, 'Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher, for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with Him.'
Jesus answered and said to him, 'Truly, truly I say unto you,unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.'
Nicodemus said to Him, 'How can a man be born when he's old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born, can he?'
And Jesus said, 'Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.'"
This "Spirit" is a capital "S" which denotes the Holy Spirit.
My Friends, to be born again happens when we invite Jesus into our life as our King and as our Lord. Because then the Spirit of God comes - God is Spirit, and if you invite Him into your heart, into your life, He comes in, and His Spirit comes and lives in your spirit.
He forgives you of all past sin, He cleanses you, He makes you new inside, and you are instantaneously reborn inside.
If you accept Jesus with your heart, if you say: "Lord, I need You," and you repent of sin, My Friend, He comes in immediately, and He cleanses you, He adopts you, a sinner.
Whatever you are, wherever you've come from, He adopts you into the family of God, and He puts the new birth inside of you.
The Spirit of God comes and enters you, comes into you because you have invited Him in.
A new birth has taken place, and immeditately you experience the joy of having met up with the Living God.
Something happens inside of you, and you just know that Jesus is real.
My Friend, that is the new birth.
You get a glimpse of heaven, you get a glimpse of Jesus Christ, of the peace that He gives.
But that is only the start, because you need to be born of the Spirit and of water, because His Spirit comes and enters your spirit to stay. He will not leave you, because He says: "I'm with you always, until the end." But then you need to obey Him. Then you need to get into that
relationship with Him.
He started the relationship - you said,"Lord, I want you, I need you,"
ane He accepts you. He adopts you as a child of God.
His Spirit enters you, but now you've got to start obeying Him.
If you love Him, My Friend, you will obey Him.
Many people say they believe in Jesus, but they don't obey Him.
Jesus said - "If you love Me, do what I tell you."
My Friend, if you truly love Jesus, then from that moment onwards that you've met Him, you start obeying Him.
You obey His Spirit in you, because immediately His Spirit will show you what is wrong around you or what is wrong in you.
Because Jesus said: "Go sin no more."
The moment you meet with God, you realize what a vile sinner you are, what you've been, and you want to be clean and holy like He's holy.
You can only be in His presence if you are clean and holy!
But if you sin, then that sin comes in between you and God.
Many people are born again, but the life just stops there because they refuse to go on with God. They refuse to keep on following Jesus Christ.
The majority of them walk away. They say, no, this is tough, it's not for me, or they become religious.
Now, being religious is not following Jesus Christ.
What you need is a relationship with Jesus.
In the first place, you obey Him - He says to repent of your sin and be baptized for the washing off of your sin.
Go read Matthew 28:19.
He sent His disciples with the great commission, He said - "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations, baptizing them, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, teaching them to obey all the I commanded you."
A disciple is a follower, My Friend. A disciple is not just a believer.
A believer is a person who believes in Jesus and he obeys Him.
If you belive in Jesus, then you obey Him.
Otherwise, you're not interested in Him, you just know about Him, you believe, but it's not for you so you go away.
Very few Christians grow into maturity - They are maybe born again, and the Spirit of God comes into them, cleanses them of all iniquity, but then they go back to their former sins and they are lost.
Now, the Spirit of God inside of you will light a fire in you, My Friend.
Because suddenly your conscience will become very much alive, and you will immediately know when you're doing wrong. But if you keep on ignoring the Holy Spirit of God inside of you, then He will no longer
speak to you, My Friend.
Because He loves you, He will carry on and carry on to nudge you, to convict you, but many people just don't want to listen to that.
My Friend, if you're serious with Jesus, then He will guide you all the way.
But very few people are serious with Jesus.
Now, there are Christian who say: "Why is everything going wrong in my life? Since I met up with Jesus, everything is going wrong."
My Friend, it is because Jesus wants to change you into His likeness, He wants to make you fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.
He has adopted you as a wild person, as a sinner, as a vile sinner, and He wants you to become obedient to Him so that you can be suitable for the Household of God, the Kingdom of God. And these Christian babies, these people who have just accepted Jesus, they go away, they become
religious, they become educated.
They've had an experience with the Living God, He's accepted them and they've had the joy of salvation, and then they turn away and they
become Scribed and Pharisees and hypocrites. They start reading the Scriptures and become Scripture wise.
But they got no relationship with Jesus, neither do they pray.
They don't listen to His voice - He says, "My sheep know My voice and they listen to Me, they follow Me." My Friend, unless you've got a relationship with Jesus where you truly love Jesus and you're in that close relationship with Him every moment, then you're not
follow Him and you're not growing spiritually. Spiritually you grow NOT by education, but by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and your spiritual
relationship with Jesus, and it shows in your deeds. A person who follows Jesus stops sinning immediately!
People immediately say, man, what happened to you? You changed! - You don't drink no more, you don't cuss no more, you're a different person.
That is when you've truly met up with Jesus and when you have taken the new birth further and are growing as a Christian.
A Christian is a holy man, he's a saint, a holy woman, a Christian is a Child of God, and a Child of God does not sin, he's got nothing to do with sin! He runs away from it!
He's not interested in the things of the world, he's interested in God!
Jesus takes first priority in everything, that's all that is on his mind.
If you're really born again, My Friend, and growing in Christ to become a mature Christain, a mature follower of Jesus, then you are seeking Jesus all the time in prayer, your mind is on Him.
Your spirit is connected with Him, you're focused on Him, and He reveals Himself to you, because you've become obedient from the heart.
That is what it means to be born again. It's not this thing of I've accepted Jesus, now I can go back to my former lifestyle -
NO, My Friend!
If you've accepted Jesus and you're born again, and you want to carry that through until eternity, go into the Kingdom of God, then you've got
to follow Jesus. You've got to build that relationship, and it's got
to become stronger and stronger every day. You become a saint, a holy man in everything that you do, what you say, all your reactions, everything you submit to God and Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life!
Not yourself anymore - you serve Christ, you serve Him, you love Jesus, and because of that, you become like Him, you love everybody
around you. You become an ambassador for Jesus Christ because His Spirit lives in you and through you, then the new birth has truly flourished and grown into a full-grown disciple and follower of Jesus Christ with the family likeness of Jesus. Unfortunately, very few Christians grow into
maturity - the majority of them die as babes. They are still born - it is very sad.
My Friend, have you grown in Christ?
Have you grown in knowledge of Jesus?
I'm not talking about Bible knowledge, I'm talking about do you know Jesus, do you know His voice, do you follow Him, do you love Him?
Is He the most important person in your life? Are you truly - are you truly growing in Christ?
May Jesus Bless You.