Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The rich will not enter heaven

Jesus came for the poor, the rich have no use for Jesus.  Jesus said to the rich ruler: "Sell everything that you have, give it away to the poor and come here and follow Me" and the man turned away GRIEVED because he had many possessions.  Jesus said it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Jesus also said:"Blessed are those who are POOR IN SPIRIT because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." If we want to enter Heaven, we must become POOR because if we have our own means we are not interested in the Kingdom of Heaven.  We are not interested in following Jesus.  If we are wise in our own eyes and we have our own knowledge, our own insight we have no need for the wisdom that comes from Jesus.
If we want to follow Jesus, we need to DENY OURSELVES, deny ourselves the riches of this world and also deny ourselves the comfort of our own knowledge, our own intellect.  We must trust in Jesus with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding.  If we do not trust Him, we will not follow Him.  If we have means and wisdom of our own, we will not trust in Him neither will we listen to Him and we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to become POOR in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
May Jesus bless you.

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