Monday, January 23, 2012

False Peace

There is a PEACE that only Jesus Christ can give you, if you are in right relationship with Him. But there are many people in churches who have a false peace, peace that does not come from Jesus, they have been deceived, by people. They have been told that if they go through certain steps and do certain things, that they have salvation and they are on their way to heaven. They have maybe been told that if they “say the sinners prayer,” are baptized, belong to the church, pay their tithes, submit themselves to the leadership of the church, then they are saved and sealed and on their way to heaven! But these people do not have a relationship with Jesus. Their peace comes from what people have told them. Quite often they base their peace and their faith on some Bible verses, on some scripture and they will quote you chapter and verse why they are saved.
If you have not heard from Jesus and if you have not received confirmation from Jesus Himself, that He is pleased with you, then you have false peace. Only Jesus can give you confirmation whether He is satisfied with you. If your peace is not based on confirmation from Jesus Christ Himself, then you are in trouble! The only one who can confirm to you that you are worthy to go into heaven is Jesus Himself.
You can make sure. Go on your knees now and cry out to Jesus and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to show you if there is anything in your life that He is not pleased with. Cry out to Him UNTIL He answers you and then when He speaks to you, fix up what He shows you. He will speak to you in your heart, in your spirit, but, dear friend, you must get to know Jesus. Cry out to Him UNTIL He answers you. Cry out to Jesus until He gives you that peace that passes all understanding and then make sure that you stay in that peace. You can only have that peace if you obey Jesus and you stay close to Him ALL THE TIME, or else, you have FALSE PEACE.
Do you have real peace, peace that comes from Jesus Christ, Himself?
May Jesus bless you.

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