Friday, January 20, 2012

Saved and Sealed Rapture Ready IS A LIE!

Many people believe that they are saved and sealed and rapture ready. They are waiting for Jesus to come and take them out of this world of trouble. That is a LIE FROM SATAN! Jesus did not give anybody a guarantee of salvation. Jesus said:”If anyone wishes to follow Me, let Him deny Himself, pick up his cross and follow Me.” We must endure until the very end. THERE IS NO SECUTRITY OF SALVATION. There is no 1 2 3 steps of salvation that you go through and now you are saved and sealed, that is a lie from the devil, friend. You must be in a daily relationship, a constant relationship with Jesus Christ, you must love Him, and follow Him every day of your life. You must be constantly praying and you must be led by the Holy Spirit. You must hear His voice and follow Him, and then you still don't have a guarantee. Jesus said:”Those who endure endure until the end, they will be saved.” We only have the HOPE of final salvation IF we endure until the end. You might be baptized in water, you might have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, you might speak in tongues, that is NO GUARANTEE, dear friend. Jesus said we must ENDURE UNTIL THE VERY, VERY END. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE. You must hear from Him every day, dear friend, you cannot work on last year's experience. You must follow Jesus every day of your life and you must receive confirmation from Him that He is satisfied with you. Jesus must be real to you. You must press on in and follow Him. If you love the world and the things of the world, you cannot be of Christ. You must be working and waiting on Him. You must follow Him until the very, very end. There is no guarantee of salvation.
Get to know Jesus now, seek Him with all your heart. Get down on your knees and cry out to Him UNTIL He answers you. Only Jesus can give you confirmation every day, whether He is satisfied with you. Get right with Jesus, dear friend, and stay right with Him until the very, very end!
May Jesus bless you.

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