Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Heed your calling - GET BACK TO THE JOB!

Jesus called many to follow Him and to be servants in His Kingdom.  Some did not answer to the call and others followed Him for some time and then they slid back.  The calling and the gifts of God are irrevocable.  God did not call you because of your talents and because of anything that you are.  He called you and me to bear fruit in His Kingdom and if we do not answer to the call and if we do not bear fruit, we will be cut off.  Remember the parable of the talents, the slave that received one talent  and he went and he buried it, he was cast out where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.  If Jesus has called you, you must answer to that call and you must follow Him and DO WHAT HE TELLS YOU TO DO.  You cannot follow Him that you LIKE to follow Him at your pace and do what you want to do.  You need to OBEY HIM, LISTEN to HIM.  You must PRAY, you must keep your RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM right friend, or else you will not be able to DO what He tells you to do and you will bear the consequences.  His calling is irrevocable, He does not take it back.
Some have back slidden  and now they want to come back to Jesus and they feel that their relationship is not the same any more.  Some feel that they have lost their anointing. YOU have turned away friend and YOU must get back to the plow, YOU must start plowing.  Jesus is waiting for you, He never left you, YOU run away from the job.  As soon as you get back on the job and you start devoting yourself to Jesus again, then you will feel the power of God.  But you need to REPENT, don’t wait for a feeling.
People want to receive something.  Many people want to FEEL AN ANOINTING, they want to FEEL that GOD LOVES them.  YOU don’t need to FEEL that God loves you.  Jesus showed His love on Calvary but He has CALLED YOU and YOU need to SHOW that YOU LOVE HIM through YOUR OBEDIENCE, through YOUR DEDICATION.  It is not an easy road friend, you need to ANSWER to the call or else you will answer to your DISOBEDIENCE.  The choice is yours.  Get back on the job.
I was also called and I also run away but I had a heart attack, I died and Jesus gave me a second chance to come back and repair and DO what He called me to do. I was fortunate, I could have been cut off.  Dear friend, if you do not answer to the call and if you do not bear fruit, you will get cut off.  Get back to the job, follow Jesus Christ and DO what HE TELLS YOU TO DO.  Be led by the Holy Spirit and WORK as a SERVANT in the KINGDOM OF GOD.  HEED YOUR CALLING before it is too late, before you are CUT OFF and thrown into the fire.
May Jesus bless you.

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