Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little GODS

This whole world is filled with little gods.  Men made in the image of God.  God made us in His image and He gave us a free will.  God will not violate our will, He will not force us to obey Him and therefore He calls us gods.  We are slightly lesser than angels but we are the crown of His creation.  And God has given us the ability to either submit to Him, the Father of Spirits, and live or to serve ourselves and die, eternal damnation.  But the decision is ours whether we will serve God or whether we will serve other people, or serve ourselves.  Most people serve themselves. They do everything their way.  They will decide about everything, why is that?  Because they are GOD, they are on the throne of their hearts.
Dear friend, Jesus Christ invites us into the Kingdom of God in one condition and that is that we serve Him as God.  He gives eternal life to those who OBEY Him, who accept Him as GOD, as LORD, as MASTER and SERVE HIM as MASTER, those who OBEY Him.  But those who disobey Him will go into eternal damnation.  The choice is ours, we can serve ourselves, nothing is stopping us, but JESUS has the key of eternal life and He gives eternal life to those who obey Him.  He is the only Way and Truth and Life.  If we don’t follow and obey Him and serve Him as LORD we will not have life.  Many Christians do not serve Him as LORD.  They follow their own mind, they follow their interpretation of the Bible. They set up for themselves,  who they will follow, preachers, churches, people who stand in pulpits, they glorify men, they run after men.  They don’t take their counsel, their advice and their guidance from JESUS, they run after men because they themselves are little gods and they follow some other idols whom they choose.
Dear friend, if we want eternal life there is only ONE GOD who we must serve and that is Jesus Christ.  He is the Way and the Truth and the Life.  If you decide NOT TO OBEY HIM you will DIE, like mortal men you will die, you will perish as it is written in Psalm 82:6- “I said, "You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you will die like men and fall like any one of the princes."  Dear friend, if you do not SUBMIT to JESUS CHRIST, follow Him and obey Him, you will not have eternal life, you will perish, you will die like a mere man, but if you OBEY HIM, HE PROMISES you the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. He makes you a child of God. Will you submit your will to Him and will you put Him on the throne of your heart and serve Him as LORD or are you your own little god?  That is our decision, nobody will force you but if Jesus is not your Lord, your God, you will die, you will perish.
May Jesus bless you.

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