Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Church Organizations - SPONSORSHIP of SATAN

A man of God is called by God, to stand in His service and to say what He tells Him to say, but a man of the church is paid by the church, his employer, and therefor the man who serves the church speaks whatever the church wants him to say. So a preacher that is supported by a church is the servant of the church, he is not the servant of God. He doesn't speak the words of God, he speaks what his employer expects him to speak, their brand of religion, and that is not the truth.
Church organizations are a very clever snare of satan that he has used to distract and catch men and women of God with a promise of security, but they have sold their souls to the devil because they can no longer speak the truth. They must serve the organization, they cannot serve God. A man of God does not go after security, he goes because he has a calling. He goes without anything, that is why Jesus said:”If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow Me.” He did not offer him a sponsorship. He said:”I will be with you, until the end.” You cannot serve church and serve Jesus Christ. Preachers that work for churches are not the servants of God, they are the servants of that church organization. They are building the church, they are ensuring an income for themselves. They are not building the Kingdom of God. Dear friend, a man of God, builds the Kingdom of God, he brings you into a relationship with Jesus Christ, where you hear His voice, you listen to Him and you follow Him. Churches accept all kinds of sin and immorality because they are there to serve people and if they tell them the truth they will run away and they will not make money and that is why churches are making no difference in this world today, they are as wicked and immoral as the rest of the world, they are robbers dens and they are the headquarters of satan. Outwardly they have got the appearance of godliness but they have denied the power of it. Their preachers are parrots that are paid by the organization to build the organization, not the Kingdom of God.
Dear friend, are you part of an organization, or are you part of the Kingdom of God? Have you met Jesus Christ and are you seeking to please Him or have you fallen prey of an organization? Come out from amongst them, my friend, because God is not there! That is not the Kingdom of God, that is the Kingdom of church, it is an abomination to God because it is against the kingdom of God. It does not bring you into a relationship with Jesus, it does not bring you into obedience to Jesus Christ, it serves the organization and it gives you false security because you think that you are going into heaven but, dear friend, you don't know Jesus, because He will say to you one day:” I never knew you, go away from Me! You were serving church, you were not serving Me.”
Dear friend, do you know Jesus? Are you following Jesus? Are you living holiness and obedience to Him? Are you part of the Kingdom of God or are you part of the kingdom of church, which is the kingdom of satan, the sponsorship of the devil that he has used to ensnare those who are called by God? Has the devil got a hold of you, and is he using you for his propaganda to take people into hell?
You decide, friend.
May Jesus bless you.

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