Monday, December 12, 2011

Evangelism or Americanism?

I come from Africa. For many years I saw American Evangelists come in and out of Africa and I saw the fruit of their labors, their evangelism. It did not produce disciples of Jesus Christ. It did not produce repentance. It did not produce people who fear God and who want to follow Jesus. It produced people who want to be Americans. They acquired an admiration for the Americans, they did not acquire and admiration for Jesus Christ, neither a love for Jesus Christ, they just wanted to come to America and be like the Americans.
Jesus Christ sent me to America and in America I did not find many disciples. I did not find men who know the voice of God, who love Jesus above everything. I found people who love their country, there are patriots, they love the things of the world, the technology. They are proud of their country and all that their country has achieved, the grandeur of the people, but not of Jesus Christ. Dear friend, Jesus sent me here to come and warn you that He is coming soon and His reward is with Him but He is looking for men and women who love Him, more than their country, men and women who are not nationalists and patriots but men and women who love Jesus above everything. Jesus is looking for men and women who listen to His Holy Spirit and who obey Him. Do you know Jesus Christ, my friend? His sheep listen to His voice and they obey Him. Have you come to know the man of Galilee, have you come to know the King of kings and the Lord of lords? Do you love Him above everything? Have you become a disciple of Jesus Christ? Or are you still an American? Dear friend, even now after eight years, I have not found many disciples. I have not found many men of God. There are many people who claim to be men of God but they have enriched themselves from the gospel of Jesus Christ, they have become the center piece! They have become famous and Jesus Christ is a second thought! There are many great names in America: “God's man of power for this hour!” But dear friends, where are the men who love Jesus Christ, who walk like Him, who talk like Him, who have given everything up for Him? Where are the disciples?
May Jesus bless you.  

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