Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who can you trust? All men are liars

We are often warned in the scriptures, not to trust in men, in flesh and blood, and yet people do trust in men. They trust in the writings of men. Jesus Christ our Lord and Master, Himself, when He walked this earth, did not entrust Himself to man because He knew what was inside of man. Jeremiah warns us in Jeremiah 17:5, he says cursed is the man who puts his trust in mankind and his heart turns away from the Lord His God.
There are many liars and many deceivers. Every man is a liar and God is the truth, that is what Paul wrote. Therefor dear friend, we cannot trust any men. There are many testimonies of men. Many of those testimonies contain lies. Some of them are outright lies! Should we not listen to them? Yes we can listen but, who do we trust? Here is only One in whom we can trust and that is Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. That is why Paul also wrote in Romans 8:14 “those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” You cannot trust any man, dear friend. There are many gospel road shows that put up miracles that people run after. Many of those have been orchestrated, it is a road show to deceive people. You can only trust in Jesus, dear friend. You cannot trust in the writings of men, you cannot trust in the Bible. Is it not the truth? You need to have confirmation from the Holy Spirit. It is written in the Bible, that if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived. You cannot trust your own eyes, you cannot trust your own understanding, you cannot trust your own insight. You can only trust in Jesus, dear friend. Jesus will never let you down, but you need to know His voice.
Dear friend, if you want to know the truth, if you want wisdom, pray and ask it from God and He will give you wisdom – do not trust in men. Do not trust in yourself. Do not trust what you see, because you will be deceived. Get your eyes on Jesus, dear friend, and trust in Him alone and He will never let you down, He will never let your foot slip.
May Jesus bless you.

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