Thursday, December 1, 2011

Without love NO SALVATION

If you do not love Jesus then you will not enter heaven. Many people think they have salvation because they believed in Jesus. Dear friend, only those who love Him will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said: If you love Me, obey My words. You cannot enter heaven by being holy, by being religious, by knowing the Bible, quoting scriptures, by doing charities, by going to church, by going to worship. If you do not LOVE JESUS, TRULY LOVE HIM, He knows it and you cannot fool Him. Many believers love their TV, they love their holidays, they love their comfort, they love themselves and they think they are saved but THEY DON'T LOVE JESUS.
Dear friends, we cannot fool Jesus, He knows us, He knows the motive of my heart. He knows why I do what I do! We cannot fool Him, and if you don't love Jesus there is no way that you will enter heaven. There is no way that you will stop sinning. There is no way that you will overcome the evil. You first need to love Jesus. You need to fall in love with Him, above all things.
Dear friend, without love all your religion is fake, it is useless! If you don't love Jesus and not DO what He commanded us to do, if you are not seeking to please Him all the time, YOU DON'T LOVE HIM AND YOU DON'T HAVE SALVATION, YOU DON'T HAVE JESUS! You cannot fool Him!
Do you love Jesus, my friend?
May Jesus bless you.

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