Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Self-Centered Self-Made Christianity

Christianity has fallen into the trap of self-centered believerism. Believers think they can do everything themselves and one of the biggest assets became their downfall and that is, their BIBLE. Using their own Bible, they create their own beliefs, their own little religion of which Jesus Christ is just a byproduct. They educate themselves. They think they have the Word of God, but they don't know the God of the Word! They don't know Jesus Christ – they think they are God! They know more than God, they don't need to be taught, they teach themselves!
Jesus taught His disciples, Himself, and Paul, who did not walk with Jesus, He was also taught by Jesus. He was called by Jesus and He was taught through revelation. Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to guide and to teach each and every one who follows Him. But modern Christianity will not listen to the Holy Spirit, they have got what they call, THE WORD OF GOD (the Bible) – they don't have Jesus! They don't have the Holy Spirit. Dear friend, if you do not have the Holy Spirit, you HAVE NOTHING! If you do not have the Spirit of Christ, you do not belong to Christ, you don't have salvation! You have only got your self-centered Christianity that you have made for yourself. Jesus doesn't know you. Jesus teaches each and every disciple. His Holy Spirit was sent to guide us into all truth and to tell us things to come! What makes you think that you know more than the Holy Spirit of God?
The majority of believers believe in themselves, not in Jesus Christ. Dear friend, if we do not humble ourselves before Jesus Christ and go on our knees and cry out to Him and BE TAUGTH BY HIM, we will end up where He will say to us:”Go away I never knew you, you who do wickedness!” Are you taught by Jesus? Or do you teach yourself? Do you have your own teachers (of choice) or do you LISTEN to the Teacher and Guide and Helper (Holy Spirit) that Jesus Christ sent us to help us to get into His Kingdom?
May Jesus bless you.

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